Uno4Kemper version 1.2 for Behringer FCB1010

  • I ordered the chip and labels separately as there were no labels in stock and I didn't want to wait too long for the chip. Now that a new batch of labels had arrived I received an email saying they would send a free chip-upgrade with the labels. Praise to Xavier at for excellent CC.

    Here are the details about the new firmware. I assume the information on the site will get an update soon:

    "What's new in this firmware ? A number of changes were done in order to improve the expression pedal behavior of the FCB1010. After a lot of finetuning and testing, the "hysteresis" is now reduced to a minimum, which means that the slightest movement of the pedal will now cause the volume or wah to respond, while earlier versions required some more pedal movement before the adjustment kicked in. Along with that change, also the adjustment resolution has been improved. But the most important add-on of firmware v.1.2 is the possibility to choose the "sweep curve" for each of the 2 pedals independently. Up till now the FCB1010 expression pedals showed a more or less linear behavior, which is far from optimal for volume or wah adjustment. A volume pedal normally uses a logarithmic "audio taper", and a wah pedal typically has something between audio taper and linear taper. WIth the new firmware, you have 5 different sweep curves to choose from , going gradually from linear to audio taper. You will notice that this results in a far more natural volume and wah adjustment.

    I didn't have the time yet to extend the user manual, but by the time you receive your chip, please check our website for a new manual, which mentions how to configure the 2 expression pedal sweep curves. "

  • I ordered the chip and labels separately as there were no labels in stock and I didn't want to wait too long for the chip. Now that a new batch of labels had arrived I received an email saying they would send a free chip-upgrade with the labels. Praise to Xavier at for excellent CC.

    Here are the details about the new firmware. I assume the information on the site will get an update soon:

    "What's new in this firmware ? A number of changes were done in order to improve the expression pedal behavior of the FCB1010. After a lot of finetuning and testing, the "hysteresis" is now reduced to a minimum, which means that the slightest movement of the pedal will now cause the volume or wah to respond, while earlier versions required some more pedal movement before the adjustment kicked in. Along with that change, also the adjustment resolution has been improved. But the most important add-on of firmware v.1.2 is the possibility to choose the "sweep curve" for each of the 2 pedals independently. Up till now the FCB1010 expression pedals showed a more or less linear behavior, which is far from optimal for volume or wah adjustment. A volume pedal normally uses a logarithmic "audio taper", and a wah pedal typically has something between audio taper and linear taper. WIth the new firmware, you have 5 different sweep curves to choose from , going gradually from linear to audio taper. You will notice that this results in a far more natural volume and wah adjustment.

    I didn't have the time yet to extend the user manual, but by the time you receive your chip, please check our website for a new manual, which mentions how to configure the 2 expression pedal sweep curves. "

    I had one of the very first uno4kemper chips, does this mean he will send everyone a new chip or is there a way to flash the orginal allowing the firmware to be upgraded ?(


    Quote from uno4kemper

    Q: Do I get free updates of the firmware?

    A: No. Unfortunately the FCB1010 doesn't support firmware downloads over USB or alike. The only way to update the firmware is by replacing the old PROM with a new one. Therefore you will need to buy a new PROM when you want to update an older version.

    Q: OK, but I just bought your firmware and now I notice that an update is available?!

    A: Frustrating. Therefore we will give a 50% reduction (8 Euro instead of 16 Euro) when you order a firmware update within 1 month after purchasing an older version. Just proceed with the order and contact us through email. We will do a 50% PayPal refund.

  • I had one of the very first uno4kemper chips, does this mean he will send everyone a new chip or is there a way to flash the orginal allowing the firmware to be upgraded ?(

    He said he did this as an extra service for recent orders which had to wait for some time because the label-pack was out of stock. I assume most people will have to pay 16€ (or 8€ if you got it recently) for a new chip. That is the downside of non-upgradeable components. You'd have to move up a step to get the modified BCF-circuitboard that is upgradeable via USB. I'm waiting to see how Kemper's foot-controller turns out before I decide on further upgrades.

  • Hell yeah. Just got my chip three weeks ago and was myself wondering how badly the wah pedal works. I thought it was my failure with the setting. Re-order recently done :)

    Edited once, last by cgnmike (December 16, 2013 at 7:09 PM).

  • Got this Message from Xavier today:

    We initially forgot to update the identification string which the UnO4Kemper firmware sends to the KPA.
    As a result, the first batch of v.1.2 EPROMS will show as "UnO for Kemper v.1.1" in the system menu of the KPA.
    This has been corrected on 20/12/2013. When in doubt, check the label on the chip, which mentions the correct version.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  • If you are in the US it can apparently take some time. Mine was shipped Dec19th 2013, the day after I ordered it, and as of this AM I am still waiting. I am kicking myself for not asking for expedited shipping. I don't know who is so slow, Deutsche Post or USPS. My son ordered some parts for from his RC car from somewhere I never heard of in China on 12/26 and they arrived yesterday, he said it was standard shipping. My FCB1010 is due to arrive this coming weekend and I may need to program it manually. Grrrr...

  • I don't know who is so slow, Deutsche Post or USPS. ...

    As Uno4K is located in Belgium i doubt that German post (which is in fact DHL) is involved at all.
    And besides, DHL normally is very fast delivering.
    USPS is said to be much slower.
    You have some tracking information?