Pitch pedal uno4kemper issue.

  • Hey guys, just wanted to check if this is a bug or an issue with my setup only.

    I'm playing lonely boy by the black Keyes in a new band and I was using the pedal pitch effect to do the whammy thing at the beginning.

    I'm having two issues. Firstly I selected the wah option to control the pitch and sometimes it just doesn't work. The pitch effect is on but the pedal doesn't work. Then inexplicably it starts working again, can't see why.

    The other issue is that even when it's working when I change to this performance or profile and the pitch effect is on it defaults to the pedal being in its low state, an octave down, even when the pedal is in the toe position so you have to work the pedal to get it to reset as it were.. Is there any way to have it start in the toe position, or is this an inherent issue with the fcb?

    Hope this makes sense.. Anybody with the fcb u4k setup that wants to test this for me? Would be appreciated.


  • Welcome! Which bypass mode do you use with the wah? I recommend bypass @ stop.
    As for pitch not working only sometimes I have no idea at the moment.

  • Thanks for the reply Ingolf..

    I've got the PPTC in the X or Mod slot (doesn't matter if its before the stack either, tried that) and have selected the "WahPedal to Pitch" option that i assume makes the Wah Pedal on the FCB do the whammy effect, which it does, sometimes.. trouble is that it is sporadic. Also when changing patch's and coming back to the profile the pitch effect is in the "heel" position which makes it useless really, especially if the pedal only works sporadically.

    Can anybody with the FCB and UNO4KEMPER try this for me? Just put a PPTC in a slot, make the Heel pitch -12 and the toe 0. select "WahPedal to Pitch" and play around.. does it always latch? do you find when switching back to the profile from another that the Pedal is in the heel position regardless of where the physical pedal is? (i have this problem in a Performance too, try and save it in a performance and see what that does...

    Thanks y'all... ;)

  • In order to avoid unpredictable results while you are sharing one pedal for several functions, you need to pick up control for the pitch effect in heel position (value 0) and for volume in toe position (value 127). In other words, the Wah pedal won't control pitch - even if there is an active Pitch and no Wah effect in your current rig - until you move it physically through heel position. This is described on pPage 26 of Reference Manual 2.2. ;)

    If you don't like this behaviour you could directly connect a dedicated expression pedal to the profiler and assign it Pitch on page 4 of the System Menu instead of sharing the Wah pedal for both functions.