This is incredibly nitpick, but I just wanted to point it out….

  • So the other day, I brought my Kemper rack over to a friend's house that has the black toaster version. I liked the toaster so much, I may actually exchange my rack for one. However, I noticed that the FEEL of the Type & Browse knobs differed quite a bit between the two units. The knobs on the rack feel very solid, and respond with a confident "CLICK" when you turn them, almost like turning the dial on a big safe. The toaster's knobs on the other hand, felt sort of cheap and toy-like in comparison. Again, I know this is incredibly nit-picky, just something I noticed between the two units. Has anyone else noticed this?

  • I didn't know the knobs on the rack version were so 'solid' feeling (I'd assumed they'd be like the toaster version).

    The knobs on the toaster version do feel very cheap. Each one wiggles slightly when turning it and does not have a satisfying feel to them. Really lets the unit down seeing as everything else is perfect.

  • Tested it on my white toaster and found that the only knobs that make a click, besides of the chickenhead of course, are the type and browse knobs.

    The type knob also give a click sound when you turn it, the browse knob doesn't.

  • The most important thing in terms of feeling when it comes to knobs:

    • they have to resist a bit to the twisting
    • they have to be accurate (at equal turning angle, corresponds equal changing in the value)

    Under this respect, the Profiler completely satisfies me. Of course it could be "better". Very few things in the world couldn't. But when yu design a tool, and place its price towards the market, you need to draw a set of lines. Would I have paid 200 € more for spaceship-grade potentiometers or knobs? Don't know.

  • Recently received a brand new toaster unit under warranty and the knobs now have the clicking feature you noticed on the rack.
    My old KPA had non-clicking knobs. Funny though how you can get comfortable with what you know after a while since it kind of puzzled me at the beginning to feel that clickiness...

    The only exceptions are the two big knobs on the right side (Master & Volume if I remember the names correctly)

  • Let's not create legends. Type and Browse knobs are encoders and click, while the rest are bi-directional 360° potis, which don't click. This has been the case since the first prototype and is the same for Head, Rack, PowerHead, PowerRack, black, white....

  • Let's not create legends. Type and Browse knobs are encoders and click, while the rest are bi-directional 360° potis, which don't click. This has been the case since the first prototype and is the same for Head, Rack, PowerHead, PowerRack, black, white....

    Sorry Burkhard, was not my intention.

    Maybe I thought I noticed a change because my unit is brand new and my old one had more "mileage" since I played a lot more with the encoders to get the sounds I was looking for at the time.

  • [EDIT] I take it back ... they click - albeit very softly ... almost to the point where they're smooth. I had to try them out when the unit was OFF to notice the click (go figure). Just realized that I never turned the knobs when the unit was off. You learn something new, every day I guess ;). Sorry for the confusion - BURKHARD is right!
    Hey guys, Im sorry - but my browse and type knobs dont click. They're smooth. They do help me cycle through stuff ... but they DONT click.

    You do mean an intrinsic, tactile CLICK sound, and not a 'generated sound', right?

    I have used them many times, but never felt a click ;).

    Thanks ...

    Edited once, last by gorillabendz (November 20, 2013 at 6:44 PM).

  • lmao - i thought for like a week that the type knob clicked but the browse didn't; then i realized i was always turning type when playing via monitors but browse when playing through isolating headphones. mine both click pretty noticeably, but i have no rack to compare against.