Quick way to delete rigs?

  • Hey,

    is there a quick way to delete rigs without going to the rig browser? It really sucks when you want to "tidy up" your KPA and always have to go to the rig browser jsut to delete a rig :(


    MJT Strats / PRS Guitars / Many DIY Guitars -- Kemper Profiler Rack / Kemper Remote / InEar

  • is there a quick way to delete rigs without going to the rig browser? It really sucks when you want to "tidy up" your KPA and always have to go to the rig browser jsut to delete a rig

    Given you want to keep your "Favourites", [SYSTEM] -> page "Rig Management" -> "Erase Non-Favourites".


  • Nope, just a quicker way to delete rigs, I have around 300 rigs on my KPA of which 12 are in the favorite folder, when I import a new rig pack there are many rigs in it, deleting the "crappy ones" is a little bit pita when you always have to go in the rig browser. Would be cool if you could assign the "quick" button to delete rigs.

    MJT Strats / PRS Guitars / Many DIY Guitars -- Kemper Profiler Rack / Kemper Remote / InEar

  • Here's a quick workflow. As you browse through new rigs, for all the non-crappy ones, hit Store > Replace. This instantly adds that rig to your favorites. Then you do the "erase non-favorites" action.

    Another thing I found is that if you have a bunch of rigs in a row that you want to delete, you can press Delete, which brings up the confirmation dialog box - Yes or No. When you hit Yes, it displays a message that consumes the screen. But you don't have to wait for it to disappear. You can press delete again, and instantly get a new dialog, which displays the rig name. So if I have 20 rigs in a row to delete, I turn the browse knob, select the rig to delete, press button 3 for delete, then press button 2 to confirm and then just keep pressing button 3, then button 2. After I've done a bunch and know I'm getting close to the end of that batch of rigs, I slow down to more carefully watch the confirmation dialog and make sure the rig name is not one I want to keep.

    Seeing as how you can order the rigs by import date, you should find this method much quicker than trying to randomly browse and delete one-offs.

  • If you already know which one you want to keep (and don't need to audition everything), make a backup, open it with total commander, open the Rig folder, cancel everything but what you want, save, restore the backup. I did it some month ago and I went from 800+ to 78 rigs (back at 250-ish at the moment 8| ;( ) and it took me 20 min.

    "Music is enough for a lifetime, but a lifetime is not enough for music" Serghei Rachmaninoff

  • But I want to use Favorites for my favorite sounds and not for my "all rigs i want to keep" sounds :-/
    It would be nice to be able to assign it to the quick button.

    I know all the workarounds and the faster "deleta rigs in a row" procedure. I just think it could be easier when rehearsing many rigs.

    MJT Strats / PRS Guitars / Many DIY Guitars -- Kemper Profiler Rack / Kemper Remote / InEar

  • Another option when you want to quickly delete all the rigs, useful for example to audit bunches of profiles.
    From the wiKPA:

  • Guys, I dont want to delete all the rigs, or all the rigs except favorites or using my computer - I just asked for a quicker way to delete single rigs while rehearsing many profiles :D

    MJT Strats / PRS Guitars / Many DIY Guitars -- Kemper Profiler Rack / Kemper Remote / InEar

  • You can stay in the browse-window when you turn the browse knob and then navigate by the rig keys (top/right/bottom/up)
    This will make you stay in the browse-window. When you delete a rig you don't have to go back to the browse-window.

    I use this method but I have not gotten rid of all my unused profiles yet :)