• I had posted about this issue several KPA's back (haha, and NO I'm not kidding!) but I'm still having the same issue (now using the KPA Rack). EVERY overdrive / fuzz option that I try is INCREDIBLY, RIDICULOUSLY LOUD when inserted in a clean/cleanish patch and basically unuseable. One person mentioned trying to tweak the clean sense / dirty sense but that doesn't help and here is why:
    My clean sense is usually -3 (forget what the exact dB measurement is) and that is because one of my guitars is dual humbucker, all of my guitars come close to matching that output so the all "work" with the same input and I can lock that setting.
    My distortion sense I believe is at 0 or just slightly below; I don't need to clean up any over driven amp patches and if I do I work the gain to my satisfaction.
    I have a great Deluxe Reverb clean and I think a TS or DS1 stomp in the rig and the volume of the stamp is -5 (as low as it will allow) and the drive is very moderate, ~3.5?
    I feel like the quality of the drives might actually be pretty good (jury still out) but they are essentially un-useable for me at this point which is a problem. I don't want to have to pay for and rely on anything outside of the box, my whole goal is a totally integrated solution.
    Any ideas? (the boosts - pure/confidence, etc... actually sound very transparent and nice, they do their job well!).

  • Something is not right...could you PM me that Rig? I have the green scream or a boost in front of every clean Rig and have no volume issues. LP here.

    "Music is enough for a lifetime, but a lifetime is not enough for music" Serghei Rachmaninoff

  • Hi guys, yes I will export the rig(s) in question and send. They are clean (as clean and loud as I can keep them from clipping for live usage). The thing is that I can't monkey with the basic sound because the cleans are dialed in (beautifully) for use with my guitars/rig and stage/recording ready. Normally I have a clean (and then use IA switches to enable FX) and then of course I have other patches/rigs to switch to for medium gain, crunch, etc... But there are some tunes where I don't even have time (or want) to switch a patch and want to use an IA to engage a drive to stay within the same patch.
    I might try to record an example as well.

  • Another quick question (which I believe I have asked before) -- I have backups of several KPA's that I have had and I know for sure some of these backups have some nice profiles that I want to bring back in -- is there a way to "crack" open these backups to see individual profiles to job my memory without performing a full restore (out of the question right now, I have gigs lined up to years end)?
    I normally EXPORT individual rigs (profiles) that I consider keepers for just this reason, but a lot of profiles have come and gone which I have not even checked out as of yet.
    Side note, just grabbed the Mesa Blue Angel and SLO 100 from TAF -- both worthy purchases as I always wanted to try the Blue Angel and Andy's clips of the SLO 100 are incredibly sick!

  • Another quick question (which I believe I have asked before) -- I have backups of several KPA's that I have had and I know for sure some of these backups have some nice profiles that I want to bring back in -- is there a way to "crack" open these backups to see individual profiles to job my memory without performing a full restore (out of the question right now, I have gigs lined up to years end)?

    Take the backup file, change the ext to RAR.
    Open it, go into the 'Rigs' folder....choose what you want, Extract to your USB 'Shared' folder and away you go.

  • I'd be interested in the answer to this question as well.

    I play mostly clean to slight breakup rigs. Mostly commercial rigs, and ever time I try to add a fuzz or distortion stomp, it boosts the volume way too much. Even with the stomp volume at it's lowest volume setting.

    It's really not a big deal for me since I prefer getting my gain from the rigs, but I'd like to be able to add a fuzz or distortion stomp on occasion.

    I've fiddled with the clean sense, but it only seems to help slightly. Tonight I'll try removing everything from the stomp and fx slots and see if that helps.

    Edited once, last by davec69 (October 26, 2013 at 12:57 AM).

  • Quote

    Take the backup file, change the ext to RAR.

    It works because WinRAR (for example) is a clever piece of software, but actually it's a TAR file, which is an (tape) archive format with no compression

  • Gasp, does the volume of your clean rig increase that dramatic, when you turn up the amp gain, instead of using a distortion pedal?


    Distortion pedals do the same thing on my KPA. In fact one clean profile I really like has a Green Scream in it an the volume is at -5.0 and it still boosts the volume. So Yes, this is a problem.

    The Kemper Profiling Amp is the best musical invention since the Electric Guitar and the Marshall Amp .

  • I did a little test using a dual humbucker guitar. If my clean sense is 0 and then I engage say a treble booster, the volume jump is big. If I push the clean sense to an exaggerated level, say 10, my clean tone is now louder than it is with the treble booster on. Maybe your -3 clean sense setting is not a good place to be. Try something in the +3-5 range. According to CK this only effects overall volume, not drive or anything so there is no need to tweak your profiles afterwards. Give it a shot.

    "Tone is in the fingers" is not a necessary response to anything that I might type on any internet forum threads. Thank you.

  • I reported this a long time ago - with audio samples and comparision with real stomp boxes - but it was never fixed.

    The drive stomps are ALL way to loud and the minium distortion is way to much in ALL models.

    (All trademarks are trademarks of their respective owners, which are in no way associated or affiliated with soundside.de)

    Great Profiles --> soundside.de

  • Not on my lunchbox (2.0.1), ODs and distortion stomps work as expected here. It has to depend on some weird variable.
    Generally speaking, if Kemper can't replicate the issue they can't fix it.
    I'd say open a ticket and send them some backup :)

  • I reported this a long time ago - with audio samples and comparision with real stomp boxes - but it was never fixed.

    The drive stomps are ALL way to loud and the minium distortion is way to much in ALL models.

    I have this issue too... only in certain rigs and can't say what parameter configuration leads to that.

  • My clean sense is usually -3 (forget what the exact dB measurement is) and that is because one of my guitars is dual humbucker, all of my guitars come close to matching that output so the all "work" with the same input and I can lock that setting.

    Does the input clip (solid red) if you go higher with the Clean Sense? Go as high as needed with CS to get a good balance between dist/clean.

  • i made the following observation:
    if you profile a distorted sound and then roll back the gain to clean while playing the profiled rig, the dynamics in playing are too big causing the sound to be very loud and causing the output to digitally overdrive.

    i can easily imagine:
    if you put a distortion stomp in front of this arrangement the sound will be far too loud, since the stomp drives the loud clean and unsaturated sound into distortion.

    haven't tried yet:
    if adjusting clean/distortion sense has a big impact to this behaviour since i use clean profiles for clean sounds and distorted profiles for distorted sounds.

  • Hi
    I think this happens only on the loud rigs:
    I have a clean Hiwatt profile which I love; it is quite loud compared to my other clean profiles; like you, I just can't add any OD or it gets way too loud.
    On my other (softer) clean profiles, no problem.
    So I tried lowering the volume of this hiwatt profile and now I can use it with ODs no problem; in fact when the OD's volume is set to 0, the volume is the same when I turn the stomp on or off
    Hope this helps

  • Is there a reason why the stomp volume cannot be programmed to go down to zero?

    On a lot of profiles I have them set perfect to my ears. I'd ideally like the option of adding a distortion stomp to these profiles without changing anything on the profile apart from the distortion settings.

  • I just wanted to throw one more thing out there, although I doubt this is the issue. In the amp profile parameters, what is Direct Mix set to? If this is not 0% the OD boost will (at least partially) go straight to output instead of going into the amp profile. So you'd be getting a clean boost on top of overdriving the amp model.

    I have not noticed this on my rigs. If I turn on a distortion stomp with 0 volume in front of a medium to high gain amp profile, I get only a slight change in gain and no volume boost.

    I'll have to test this with a clean profile.