Kieth Merrow let me borrow his Rhodes Gemini amp to do the new BKP Misha Juggernaut video so in my spare time I made a profile of the amp. Sounds pretty good.

Rhodes Gemini Profile Demo
Thats a pretty killer sound. Always thought the rhodes was more of a meshugga play-style amp but this really sounds great! Will you share the profile sometime in the future?
i love Rhodes
great profile Fluff! let us know if you share it
I really like that tone!
Now that's what I call a meaty guitar tone! Love it. Any chance of the profile?
Yep! Eventually I will get around to uploading it and when I do I will let you guys know!
Yep! Eventually I will get around to uploading it and when I do I will let you guys know!
Thanks man, killer sound!!!
That rig sounds great Fluff. Nice playing too!
When you profiled the Gemini, what mics did you use and did you use a mic preamp or go straight into the kemper with the mic?
That rig sounds great Fluff. Nice playing too!
When you profiled the Gemini, what mics did you use and did you use a mic preamp or go straight into the kemper with the mic?
That profile was actually done with a Two Notes Torpedo Live due to severe time constraints with the amp. I only had a few days with it.