News about Kemper footcontroller???

  • Please kemper officialls!!! give a word when it will be released??

    I don't want to do the whole programming with other gear and two weeks after finishing the
    kemper footboard falls from heaven .... please make an anouncement:

    aprox one month [ ]
    aprox three month [ ]
    aprox six month [ ]
    aprox nine month [ ]
    aprox twelve month [ ]

    please fil out form ;)

  • Please kemper officialls!!! give a word when it will be released??

    I don't want to do the whole programming with other gear and two weeks after finishing the
    kemper footboard falls from heaven .... please make an anouncement:

    aprox one month [ ]
    aprox three month [ ]
    aprox six month [ ]
    aprox nine month [ ]
    aprox twelve month [ ]

    please fil out form ;)


  • I don't believe in the fourth quarter release. The UnO4Kemper was released in July and was a joint operation with Xavier and Kemper. This has taken the heat out of the "waiting time". It might take some more time like minimum until Musikmesse 'til we see a prototype. If it is a joint venture with a foot controller manufacturer we might be there earlier. Just think about :rolleyes: it's not like making a record and do some recording and mastering. Even that takes sometimes more than 12 month from planning to finish. :D

  • I don't believe in the fourth quarter release. The UnO4Kemper was released in July and was a joint operation with Xavier and Kemper. This has taken the heat out of the "waiting time". It might take some more time like minimum until Musikmesse 'til we see a prototype. If it is a joint venture with a foot controller manufacturer we might be there earlier. Just think about :rolleyes: it's not like making a record and do some recording and mastering. Even that takes sometimes more than 12 month from planning to finish. :D

    If would be rather interesting if it was a joint venture...with Behringer...

  • Pure speculation but if it's a joint ventureI I reckon it may be made by FMAC.

    That would be a good thing IMO except maybe the price.

    New talent management advice to Laura Cox -

    “Laura want to break the internet? let’s shoot another video of you covering the Nightrain solo in the blue singlet, but this time we’ll crank up the air conditioning”.

  • its just the thing that im tired to do all these fu**** midi programing. its not difficult but its annoying!!!

    I'm fine by using the HD500 as midi floorboard for the kemper. I'm not using the performance mode -
    just the basic midi assignment in browsing mode.

    Following the instructions from HD500 manual it's no big deal :

    Load Set List:
    From your MIDI controller device, send a Bank Change CC0 (Bank
    MSB), CC32 (LSB) message with a value of 0 (for Setlist 1), 1 (for Setlist 2), etc.,
    followed by a Program Change message (Value 0-63 for Preset 01A - 16D) for the
    desired Preset within the Set List. The Set List and Preset are loaded on POD HD500.

    BUT of course you can't realise everything and im not willing to shoot an all acess or a GCP and two weeks later
    the kemper footswitch rises up.

    By the way why these crazy thing with midi numbers : Line6 0-127
    Kemper 1-128

    reminds me when i was a phd student and doing as well fortran as c programs .... its just crazy!

    So come on!! We want a floorboard!!!!

  • if there was an official pedal available i would but 2x additional powered kpa and have an all kpa rack goin for the whole band.
    but there is reluctance to spend the cash from the others with no dedicated controller available.
    SORT IT OUT!!!!!!! :cursing: its long overdue!!!

  • i have just had this reply from my enquiry, sent only a couple of hours ago regarding possible release date of the official foot controller :)

    message from <>
    Dear Winterfire666,

    worst case is always setting
    expectations and then not meeting those. Therefor we are very
    conservative commenting on future product's release dates. You shouldn't
    expect a release of our dedicated floorboard before beginning of 2014.

    Burkhard Dinnies
    Kemper Amps Info Team

  • OK, my estimation earlier is on target and I still say Musikmesse in Spring will be the official release. Everything before that venue is just sneak previews, raising the tension and all that schpiel - like Apple with their gear 8o .
    My perfekt setup would be the toaster with FCB 1010 + UnO at home and the Kemper FC stays in rehearsal room. Rig tweaks will be Transfered via USB when needed. Sigh - the Perfect world...
    But First I Need to sell off my Surplus gear :S

  • I don't believe in the fourth quarter release. The UnO4Kemper was released in July and was a joint operation with Xavier and Kemper. This has taken the heat out of the "waiting time".

    The FCB1010 firmware won't help much if there's no FCB1010s available. I placed an order last April, and don't yet know when or even if it will arrive. Behringers Norwegian distributor says they've had FCB's on order for more than a year. Some are expected in November, but it's unlikely to be enough units to cover the order backlog. Is the controller being discontinued? I know the controller is available from a few international sources, but private import with fees and shipping-costs would make the controller 3 or 4 times more expensive.