Closed: Stereo monitoring with guitar cabs

  • Hi, a buddy of mine became a new Kemper User. He uses a stereo setup on stage, abusing full stacks powered by a tubepoweramp on stage left and right. His sound is send to FOH in stereo too. IIRC direct output is always affected by cab sim. So it would be nice to optionally be able to have Direct Out Cab Off for those going stereo on stage. This also would make the use of the monitor out eq settings on direct out necessary.

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  • yeah...........I was one the guys asking for that. nevertheless there is a solution. I use a mesa 290 tube amp in stereo, in normal use (KPA, Mesa, two 2x12 cabs). if going into the pa with the main out, I have left a mono cable coming from monitor out which I have to plug to the mesa which has 2 input. all you can do is use a stereo pedal, possibly a true bypass which accept a mono jack and goes out with two. then you go with two cables to your amp.

    you will though the stereo fx, but at least you have the best of both worlds.

    "...why being satisfied with an amp, as great as it can be, while you can have them all?" michael mellner

    "Rock in Ecclesia" - new album on iTunes or Google music

  • i understand............anyway it goes the pa will feed a good stereo sound though..........and there are always the ear monitor for the best listening: heard the experience with the kemper and ear monitor is somewhat ecstatic.

    "...why being satisfied with an amp, as great as it can be, while you can have them all?" michael mellner

    "Rock in Ecclesia" - new album on iTunes or Google music

  • hehe! Great Tip!
    before KPA Era, I did the same with a TC2290.
    the input was chosen between 2 send of two different marshall heads, with A/B Box and, Exaclty in this Way
    "all you can do is use a stereo pedal, possibly a true bypass which accept a mono jack and goes out with two. then you go with two cables to your amp." they went to the Return of Both in my case.

  • Hi, a buddy of mine became a new Kemper User. He uses a stereo setup on stage, abusing full stacks powered by a tubepoweramp on stage left and right. His sound is send to FOH in stereo too. IIRC direct output is always affected by cab sim. So it would be nice to optionally be able to have Direct Out Cab Off for those going stereo on stage. This also would make the use of the monitor out eq settings on direct out necessary.

    I have requsted this alot, so +1000 from here

  • :( sorry to read this. the only way that remain is to double that Monitor out in to stereo Externally.
    humm.. really??
    as suggested, we would have to add a ''Stereo imager'' After the Monitor Out??

    an MXR10 band EQ like the KFK with 1 in and 2 out will not be good for this by itself, isn't it?
    it just double the 1 Mono in 2 Mono... so unless, it's coupled with a Stereo Delay..
    it still reamain Mono no?...just thinking at loud voice. on 2 differnt cabs but mono. unless we use a Stereo Power amp
    (and processing, if not, we just leave the stereo effect to the Cab's Differences due to thier own Freq Response)
    (damn! I sold the TC ND-1 (called 2290 before) that would works and kept the EQ.. this is not good)

    but.. no come on..wait I minute, 'cause I had to summerize also in my mind, lots of posts read in this days.

    sorry Ingolf, Didn't I read that it's possible to run 2 mono cables as L and R for Aux in??
    It wasn't You writeing something similar in a post few days ago?

    without Y cable.. (please I hope I read it for real??:-/)
    anyhow.. if i did'n get it wrong, Correct me Please if.

    so it wouldn't be possible ( better it'd hard to do/cost too much )
    to Switch our ''Guitar'' to Monitor Outs Signals before it phisically goes out of KPA , beacuse This would also requires/implies a Double Process Work by KPA
    - while managing the Stereo Aux in (let's say just a true bypass stero line w/separeted line levels to main and monitors out, but it's already Setero on Input, just different Leves to Differnt outputs )
    - AND Simultaneously our Giut switched in Stereo (let's see it as a Stereo 2290/ND1 post the FX BLOCK..just before it is Doubled to Main And Monitors outs monitors we got the W or W/out Cab sim switch option)

    this requires too muck Work for KPA..and Will never Happened ;(

    did I get it right? ;(
    (sorry Did I explained it ...with a meaning??)
    did I explained me ..? ;(;( I hope, jsut ask please if not

    so it cost less that KPA stays like it is (for..stablity? performances matters?)
    than the ones who Eventually Would like to use it in such a Complicated way..
    Would add a Stereo FX and Power amp Externally..
    Well it sounds Reasonable in the End.
    if this hepls the KPA to.. keep safe and do his job (as it Does to me) it's Ok.
    I don't think We're so many to actually use KPA in this way. :thumbup:
    ( and I just need to re-buy 1 pedal in the end) :thumbup:

  • If you're really after it there is an easier way: switch Cab off from the front panel, use the 1/4 main outs to the power amps, mic your cabs and send the signal to FOH. People did it for the past 40 sure easier (and cheaper) than splitting the monitor out mono signal with a 2290 or a dbx processor .... IMHO....

    "Music is enough for a lifetime, but a lifetime is not enough for music" Serghei Rachmaninoff