Satisfy my curiosity ;)

  • I think it's useful that your playing during the refining process is suited to the type of music you intend to use the profile for. I mean, if you strum folk style or play a solo or do some palm muting, would this have an implication for the final sound?

    I think it would. Perhaps mDan would be kind enough to do another test!

  • The lesson I learned from this test is:
    1. Profiles must be refined to get the best out of the profiling process.
    2. Refined profiles using different guitars are very close. Pretty sure nobody can tell the difference without direct comparison.

    In my opinion there's no need to suggest a specific guitar for refining and no need to provide separately refined profiles. If at all, a little EQ should do the trick because the small difference isn't related to guitar or PU 'character', imho.

    If I had amps to profile, I would refine using a Les Paul because the direct comparison (and my taste) made me prefer this slightly. But you certainly won't see me asking Andy or Armin which guitar they used for refining. :)

    Thanks again, mDan, for taking the time to create these profiles!


  • I believe he already stated that the guitar didn't matter but more what you play.
    This is backed up by this test procedure I think.
    Ever so slight differences in the profiles come from ever so slight different refining procedures.

  • There's so much folklore and speculation around refining. Any chance we could get a definitive explanation from CK?

    The CK side of things has already been mentioned in this thread. But I'll post it again for you:
    "The Refining process is actually independent of the type of your guitar. It is about adapting the distortion characteristics, as well as polishing the attack and dynamic response. The resulting profile will act and re- spond accurately no matter what guitar or pickup you use."

  • The CK side of things has already been mentioned in this thread. But I'll post it again for you:
    "The Refining process is actually independent of the type of your guitar. It is about adapting the distortion characteristics, as well as polishing the attack and dynamic response. The resulting profile will act and re- spond accurately no matter what guitar or pickup you use."

    Thanks. I'm aware of that.

    Still, we have users posting about all sorts of things: guitars make a difference; what you play makes a difference; whether or not you leave any space in your playing makes a difference; whether you exit profiling while the final note is still ringing out makes a difference... the list goes on.

    On the one hand, we have the advice that neither the guitar nor what you play make a difference. On the other hand, we have users making all sorts of claims about subtleties...

    Perhaps if CK told us a bit about what aspect of the input signal makes a difference as far as refining goes, it'd help to clear up a lot of confusion that still seems to surround the process...

  • Well.. I do not Complain.. Anything in the end.
    But As already noticed sometimes, when You've Just Prifiled Your chain, ..Refining and Comparing istantly the ''pre''-profile.. that moments.. if I add another session of Refining, and compare it again..
    well sometimes changes he sound..
    I remember asked to CK if Refining process Replace or Implement the profile and he answred it Implement..So..
    I belive, the ''more' You profile , more the Profiler Get Closer..Closer to what.. to how your chain, KPA's Matter of interest in that momets, the Base for Your Next Profile REACTS
    due to what/How/...(in the end Why You're Playing.
    it's Honest in This! and Real.
    if you play Your amp/pedals/rig with the same Setting But Different Guitar, IT Actually Change a bit!!
    ..gonin on, of You Do not Refine At All.. it's More or less If Your sound is Form:
    Just arrived, opend the Car, plugged the rare tube Amp, turn it on, tune Guitar, Switch Stand By, Play 1 short song , good by, thanks, I love You All, then go Home
    Well! .. Come on, it's just the Warm up lap... :):)

    That's in Other words What means for me this pleasent Test
    this is the stats of the samples if Anyone would like to bet Witch Guitar has Been Listed more than..
    feel free.. :) but that wasn't the point :love::thumbup:
    [Blocked Image:]

    Edited 4 times, last by Sollazzon: insert image and Correct few Errors (October 2, 2013 at 10:38 AM).