Performance Mode slots behavior with uno4kemper

  • I noticed that with the latest update (2.1) the behavior in performance mode is changed when used with the Behringer equipped with uno4kemper chip.

    Before, the changes in the slots (in the same performance) where memorized and the same is now if I change slot by hand with the arrow in the panel....
    i.e. if I turn on a stomp and I change slot, when i recall the previous slot I found the stomp already on like the last time I used it.
    Now, if I change slot using the Behringer-uno4Kemper the KPA forgets the changes and always restore the saved status of the stomp boxes.

    Is it a bug or a choice? I really prefer the previuos behavior...

  • Reading this Switching through Performance Mode Sounds
    now I know that I'm not the only one who noticed the different behavior :)

    I'm just curious if this WAS a bug and now is fixed or it is a NEW bug that will be fixed or maybe is a choice...
    I find weird that the behavior is different if I switch by hand or by foot... when I create a new performance and (i.e.) I try to balance the volume of different slot with different stomp on/off before saving I can't do it anymore by foot... I have to do it by hand stopping playing.

    With a little workaround (bank up-down) I was able to restore the saved status... now there's no workaround.
    I really find the previous behavior more useful...

  • After last few days of concerts I sadly downgraded to 2.0.1 :(

    Let me tell you something: a Performance can be intended as a song, right?
    So... what is the reason because if I TAP a tempo for a delay effect (i.e. in a verse) when I change sound for the chorus and I come back to the verse sound I find a different tempo? (the one stored and not the one of that specific live performance)

    But wait, if I walk to the KPA in the middle of the song, I stop play and I change the sound with my fingers it recall the right tempo of that song... what is the logic behind this behavior?!?

    I tried the "Lock Tempo" flag, but this way I can't recall any specific tempo during the entire concert and I always have to TAP every song...

    I see that (almost) nobody cares about this changes, but IMHO now Performance mode lost most of his appeal... now is just 5 preset as in browser mode. There is no difference.
    Before it was a really cool new way of thinking... for example I prepared some performances divided by amp and it was like a 5 channel amplifier that remembers the adjustment of every channel/slot (until of course I switch to a "new amplifier" without saving)

    I'll stay to 2.0.1 as long as I can... is it much more simple to use it live.


  • This behaviour is done in purpose.

    When you edit your performance and switch by hand, then the slots get stored all at once, after the performance.
    On a live performance (switched by midi) the sounds are reset, when you call them, so they start fresh, as in the browser mode.

    The clock setting is a different issue. We have yet to implement a tempo that is common to all slots of a performance.


  • This behaviour is done in purpose.

    When you edit your performance and switch by hand, then the slots get stored all at once, after the performance.
    On a live performance (switched by midi) the sounds are reset, when you call them, so they start fresh, as in the browser mode.

    The clock setting is a different issue. We have yet to implement a tempo that is common to all slots of a performance.


    I really like the fact that the rig settings go back to original when you hit that rig midi switch. It allows for some great flexibility.

    I would not want a tempo common to all slots of a performance. That is too stifling.

    Thanks Mr. Kemper!

    PRS Singlecuts
    Kemper PowerHead/Remote

    Quote from skoczy

    When you turn the knob on KPA, you wake up the captured souls of tube amps living inside.

  • A Performance should have an option page...
    In this option page, a 'shared tap tempo' checkbox.
    If checked,then any tempo tapped in any slot of the performance would be shared and applied to all the slots in the performance.
    If unchecked, then any tempo tapped in any slot will be remembered only in this slot..

  • A Performance should have an option page...
    In this option page, a 'shared tap tempo' checkbox.

    I'd like a checkbox to make me decide if I want a different behavior by hand and by MIDI, but with the Timo joke in the other thread I understand that they don't want to complicate the software with hundreds of options... and I agree (I'm an Apple user and I like simple things :-))

    I understand Desiato (and other users like him) and me too I have that necessity in some project.... a simple recall of a preset without sharing or remembering anything.

    That's the reason why I'm stuck with 2.0.1 ... it's so simple and smart without any checkbox to add.

    Thank you Christopher for asking opinions, but IMHO guitar players are hard to change their minds... and thinking at a performance as 5 sounds together it's a new thing (at least it was for me).
    BTW after a while I found that it was very useful in some situation and with the 2.1 update you complicated everything! And now, adding more checkbox to satisfy every customer, I'm scared that you will complicate even more... it was so simple before!

    You want that every preset recall the stored tempo and stomps status = use Browser mode

    You want to use more than one sound with the same tempo and remembering variations = use Performance Mode

    You want to mix this two behavior even in the same concert = use different performances for different songs or a simple workaround (bank up/down) to rapidly restore the saved status.

    Everything it's so flexible for every user/need...


  • A Performance should have an option page...
    In this option page, a 'shared tap tempo' checkbox.
    If checked,then any tempo tapped in any slot of the performance would be shared and applied to all the slots in the performance.
    If unchecked, then any tempo tapped in any slot will be remembered only in this slot..

    Actually, in performance go to [RIG] page and lock tempo. This way the tempo is always the same over slot changes. Still you can adjust or tap it.


  • The "lock tempo" is global and you MUST tap tempo of every song... Very uncomfortable especially in the silence before starting a soft song.

    The way it acts in 2.0.1 is perfect... Think about it...
    Very rarely the next song has the same tempo: you change performance and you have a new tempo recalled
    Very rarely the same song has two verses at different tempo: once tapped the right tempo it's remembered every time you recall the sound for that section... Until, of course, you change performance.

    I'm surprised that the behavior in 2.0.1 was a bug... For me it was a very smart and useful bug! :)

  • A Performance should have an option page...
    In this option page, a 'shared tap tempo' checkbox.
    If checked,then any tempo tapped in any slot of the performance would be shared and applied to all the slots in the performance.
    If unchecked, then any tempo tapped in any slot will be remembered only in this slot..

    Would be optimal if we could choose. A shared tempo for a performance = a song would be great.
    Lock tempo is global behaviour and is not practical for me.