BK Butler Tube Driver

  • The stomp box world has much more variety than what the KPA has in store when it comes to distortions and overdrives. To me, the BK Butler Tube Driver is one of the best around both for leads, taming a muff and for a clean volume boost that adds some bite. And I would definitely love to see it as a stomp model in the KPA. Just in case any of the KPA staff wants to simulate it (or whatever it is you do to add a new stomp box to the KPA), I am willing to offer mine. I seem to remember that somebody sent the Tube Screamer to have it correctly - so if you want a Butler Tube Driver, just let me know!
    For the time being, I have it in front of the KPA as an option and it's a really nice option, in deed. But it would be much more versatile to have it in the stomp section.

  • +111111111

    The stomp box world has much more variety than what the KPA has in store when it comes to distortions and overdrives. To me, the BK Butler Tube Driver is one of the best around both for leads, taming a muff and for a clean volume boost that adds some bite. And I would definitely love to see it as a stomp model in the KPA. Just in case any of the KPA staff wants to simulate it (or whatever it is you do to add a new stomp box to the KPA), I am willing to offer mine. I seem to remember that somebody sent the Tube Screamer to have it correctly - so if you want a Butler Tube Driver, just let me know!
    For the time being, I have it in front of the KPA as an option and it's a really nice option, in deed. But it would be much more versatile to have it in the stomp section.

  • Well, I currently use the Tube Driver to mildly boost the input of the Kemper and to "EQ" my guitar signal a bit, before it hits the distortion of the amp profile. I have the bias version - the bias knob is full up though. Gain at about 3 o'clock, treble at about 11 o'clock, bass at about 2 o'clock, drive at about 8 o'clock (pretty mild) - it's hard to describe in words what it does - maybe I'll record something to make you listen to the difference the Tube Driver makes. In words - it takes the edge of the treble peaks, and it gives the bass a bit more of a bottom thickness, without getting too dominant. The gain structure seems to soften a little.

  • I experience the same with clean amps, although I don't really understand why. I sometimes feel that a clean amp pushed into distortion doesn't really match up with a cab that is profiled with a clean amp. So maybe you should try and look for a cabinet that was profiled with a more distorted amp. But it works perfectly as a boost on mid gain amps.

  • I have an old Tube Driver from the early 80's and have found that very subtle changes make a big difference with it.I dont think I've ever used the Gain at over 30-35%.It isa great pedal to give an extra bit of something in front of an amp though. I have'nt tried it in front of the KPA though.

    I sure it would sit nicely in front of TAF Gilmour Hiwatt or similar

  • interesting! I can remember when these came out and just like the original Tube Screamer, we couldn't give them away IN MY STORE IN DETROIT. Now they are the Holy Grail . How ironic

    I bought one when they first came out, used it as a subtle "always on" boost for an old '70s Marshall for several years, and then sold it when prices skyrocketed. They were not as "modern" sounding as a DS-1 or a Heavy Metal pedal, but were produced in much smaller quantities.

    But, the main reason they became a "legendary" effect can be described in two words: Eric Johnson

  • I bought one when they first came out, used it as a subtle "always on" boost for an old '70s Marshall for several years, and then sold it when prices skyrocketed. They were not as "modern" sounding as a DS-1 or a Heavy Metal pedal, but were produced in much smaller quantities.

    But, the main reason they became a "legendary" effect can be described in two words: Eric Johnson

    Another reason comes to mind :D

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  • Well I'll add my chime in to this thread... I was just messing with the overdrives trying to get something similar to my Tube Driver and I hate to say it just isn't there.

    And, unfortunately, as others have noted my pedal into the KPA doesn't seem to work the same as it does into a real amp. FWIW I notice the same thing with some other dirt boxes as well which is why it would be so great to have it in the KPA.

    So +11111111111111111... (you get the idea.)

  • Saw Gilmour in Royal Albert Hall last week, and now I'm wanting it even more. Helix seems to have this and even a Klon-model, which is one of the more popular types of pedal these days. Would like to see that in the Kemper, even though I understand that the Kemper may not be meant as an all-in-one box in the same way as Helix and other products.

  • Saw Gilmour in Royal Albert Hall last week, and now I'm wanting it even more. Helix seems to have this and even a Klon-model, which is one of the more popular types of pedal these days. Would like to see that in the Kemper, even though I understand that the Kemper may not be meant as an all-in-one box in the same way as Helix and other products.

    Congrats ... was a hassle to get tickets ... Mr. Gilmour has 3 of these with him live and as a coinaisseur of tone he might do this because the pedal gives him something amps alone don't give him. Let me be a bit sarcastic here: with the right combination of the KPA's fuzz or distortion boxes, a proper pre stomp and post stomp eq and a well chosen shaper stomp you can simulate almost any pedal there is on the market ... this might, however take a couple of years to dial in (as long as it took for the KPA family to come up with half a decent vibe tone). Adding still more sarcasm: This in a company who haven't implemented more of the expression pedals functions, because they don't want to use a way that may look as if it is coming directly from the 80s. I have a very strong feeling that nothing is going to change about the fuzz/dist stomps in the future. Shame, though. Anybody here who likes KPA's take on the BigMuff or FuzzFace?