KPA Firmware 2.1

  • Great!
    My LesPauls is finaly 'clean sound compatible' :)

    Bootup time (955 rigs):
    old: 1:18
    new: 1:12

    The Kemper asked to format my USB stick after the update - so be careful and make a backup before.

    (All trademarks are trademarks of their respective owners, which are in no way associated or affiliated with

    Great Profiles -->

  • Clean sound compatible ??????? What do you mean

    When I used any clean sound with my LP - I got some kind of noise (light distortion) - I send a report to support - and now all is fine.

    (All trademarks are trademarks of their respective owners, which are in no way associated or affiliated with

    Great Profiles -->

  • Quote

    When I used any clean sound with my LP - I got some kind of noise (light distortion)

    I had that too with my LP but I thought it was because of the hot pickups (500T)...I should check that with this new firmware...

  • I noticed a slight abnormal grit, didn't sound like an amp distorting more like a cable starting to go bad, on some AC30 clean tones a while back which I thought was specific to that profile. This behavior has been changed? Interesting!

  • I've noticed that when I go from a profile with breakup to one that is totally clean and then I really dig into the strings I get a little bit of a crackle sometimes at first and then it seems to disappear as I continue playing. I have not done the update but I'll be curious to see if I notice any change. I too was starting to think I might have a bad cable or something.

    "Tone is in the fingers" is not a necessary response to anything that I might type on any internet forum threads. Thank you.

  • Same here. Took a while to show the browser mode after the reboot though.

    same here, but not about the Browser.. it seems it's the same time here.


    When I used any clean sound with my LP - I got some kind of noise (light distortion)

    I had that too with my LP but I thought it was because of the hot pickups (500T)...I should check that with this new firmware...

    haha funny to remember:
    the first time I changed my PU on my first Epiphone I choose (quite randomly) for the 496R/500T set
    back home I Plug it on my lil MarshallVS30R on Clean ch. and I discovered I didn't have a clean channel anymore.
    I start thinking ''ok, now I need to change the amp''.
    Did They Changed it actually??? Great!!!

    I didn't notice any kind of noises on cleans, but i'm currently using medium AlNiCo II PU
    I'll be curious to see if I notice any change.

  • I had that too with my LP but I thought it was because of the hot pickups (500T)...I should check that with this new firmware...

    They really changed quite a bit about this. With the Häussel Tozz XL in the bridge, i could never get a real clean tone before when picking hard, though the input LED indicated no clipping. With the new firmware, the sound really stays clean. Good job :thumbup:

  • Yeah the update changed a little bit in this feature lowering the dist, but still my higain pickups (i. e. Ibanez CCR, EMGs, PRS HFS) are causing a little dist on clean sounds without the led-indicator turning red.

  • I have some questions on this "new" clean sounds behaviour, like you are reporting, since I don't use so hot pickup (my hottest ones are Seymour Duncan JB and Gibson Burstbucker).

    1) What they formally write is " - fixed: noise affecting clean sounds "... that for me means no change to sound and dirtortion characteristic. Do we are really sure that they change this? If so, it would be that if we save a Rig for a certain wanted little dirty clean sound, it may changed...
    2) with such hot pickup, do you manage to compare the clean response for the real amp vs the profiled one? Is it the same? Just curious...
    3) the fact that the input led stay clean, as you know, don't necessary implies that you have no ditortion at all. Some amps, with such pickup should give a little dist even with gain at "0". Am I missing something?


  • I have some questions on this "new" clean sounds behaviour, like you are reporting, since I don't use so hot pickup (my hottest ones are Seymour Duncan JB and Gibson Burstbucker).

    1) What they formally write is " - fixed: noise affecting clean sounds "... that for me means no change to sound and dirtortion characteristic. Do we are really sure that they change this? If so, it would be that if we save a Rig for a certain wanted little dirty clean sound, it may changed...
    2) with such hot pickup, do you manage to compare the clean response for the real amp vs the profiled one? Is it the same? Just curious...
    3) the fact that the input led stay clean, as you know, don't necessary implies that you have no ditortion at all. Some amps, with such pickup should give a little dist even with gain at "0". Am I missing something?


    The sound I was getting did not sound like normal distortion but like the crackling you here when a cable or jack is starting to go bad, but it was subtle and only on a few specific profiles (always the same ones, not random) when letting notes/chords ring out. If they fixed this, great! I hope they didn't change the input characteristic of the clean amp model, unless the changes only apply to when the gain is at zero. However, I would suggest that the KPA profile technically should never have breakup with the gain at zero with an average output guitar. As the gain is relative to what we are hearing not what the original amp gain setting was, when set to clean it really should be 100% clean or the profiling process is slightly flawed. That said, there are some pickups that just don't do clean by their very design. And of course user error in gain staging which can cause distortion on clean amp settings. I don't think that can be "corrected" or accounted for in code. I didn't get to install the new FW last night, but I'll get to it this weekend and check one of the problematic clean profiles to see if things have changed.

  • This is a very welcome update. Also note that Constant Latency mode is no longer hidden (last page of Output options). The most important change for me is the faster rig switching...seriously helpful especially for live players like myself. Each time it's improved I have less doubt with timing for switching rigs. The improvement has also justified me getting the Uno4Kemper chip for my fcb1010. Hope more bug fixes and features continue to come, thanks CK team!

  • The sound I was getting did not sound like normal distortion but like the crackling you here when a cable or jack is starting to go bad, but it was subtle and only on a few specific profiles (always the same ones, not random) when letting notes/chords ring out. If they fixed this, great! I hope they didn't change the input characteristic of the clean amp model, unless the changes only apply to when the gain is at zero. However, I would suggest that the KPA profile technically should never have breakup with the gain at zero with an average output guitar. As the gain is relative to what we are hearing not what the original amp gain setting was, when set to clean it really should be 100% clean or the profiling process is slightly flawed. That said, there are some pickups that just don't do clean by their very design. And of course user error in gain staging which can cause distortion on clean amp settings. I don't think that can be "corrected" or accounted for in code. I didn't get to install the new FW last night, but I'll get to it this weekend and check one of the problematic clean profiles to see if things have changed.

    Very clear explanation, thanks :thumbup:

  • The pedal behaviour is much better in this update.
    Before randomly wah wouldn't switch off with bypass@stop.
    Now it switches consistently. Also pitch pedal is improved. It could be warbly before but this is also fixed.

    Thanks Kemper team.
    also the feature set is awesome. Independent volume for the Aux ins is great.

    Could we please please please have another parameter like 'Volume to Delay mix' in one of the next updates?
    I miss this a bit as the UnO4K doesn't support this natively.