NGP - ToneVision - MetalPack news + 2 new Packs!!!

  • Hi Tony

    I bought the two new packs yesterday and I'm very impressed indeed :thumbup:

    The Blend Pack in particular really has some incredible sounds.

    I hope you don't mind, but I have a couple of questions for you. I've posted them in here in case the information is useful to other members.

    Firstly, I also bought Metal Pack 1 a while back, and I notice in the recent email I received from you that you said you were releasing 24 bonus profiles for those of us who already owned that Pack. Can you let me know how to download them please, as I haven't received a subsequent email explaining how to access the profiles.

    Secondly, as part of my current Rig Management strategy, when I audition new profiles, I usually rename them all on my PC so they all appear consecutively in my KPA. I did this with the two packs I purchased from you yesterday, for example, I renamed all the Metal Pack 2 Profiles by adding the prefix "NGP MetPk2" (so "Fireball Ch2 E1 - 2013-07-21 16-31-27" was changed to "NGP MetPk2 - Fireball Ch2 E1 - 2013-07-21 16-31-27"). I added these to my memory stick and checked the names on there, but when they were imported onto my KPA, they all showed up under their original filenames. I can edit the names in the KPA, but as you can imagine, this is a much more laborious process than doing it on my computer.

    Can you let me know why the name change is lost when the profiles are imported to my Kemper? I'm guessing the files can't be read only, as I can change them on my PC without going through the extra procedure of 'saving as (a copy)'.

    Many thanks in advance of any help, and I'm already looking forward to the next pack!


  • VES, those are the old ones and the new ones all together. If you did not rename any of the old ones you should be able to add the whole folder and it will just add the new ones. This way you won't have to find them manually yourself.

  • i bought the blend pack today and had some great tones by using the cab from DAR Tuzza on rig exchange. I personally like that cab a lot, it works very well for a lot of profiles I downloaded, through my hs80m. thanks guys for the awesome work, i think it's money very well spent. i will play around with the sound more and come back for the other two packs :) :thumbup:

  • Hi guys,
    after not answering for a day, there is a lot to read:P


    The only special in this profile is the blending of two different mics. The settings could also be a bit adjusted, bit just a very few...

    It has clarity and punch and seems thicker ( dare I say "More amp like") than the others without the high end harshness that a bunch of the others seem to show when compared to it. It is almost like the others are mic'd up close and right on the come and this one is a bit off to the side and back a bit if I were to describe the tonal differences.

    I know what you mean with this, but it really depends on each guitar, picking, tuning, playingstyle, genre etc.
    When you like this miking the best, maybe it works for you to switch some of the other amps to this "cab".

    If the profiles are too bright for your own taste, just back off the treble /presence a bit. This should work in the most cases. I already did 2 albums with some of these tones and just had to use a low and highpass filter. Works really great for me.

    The name editing, is done by my colleague "AboutBlank", he is on vacation at the moment. I am sure he can help you, when he comes back!

    To all customers who did not get their update mail:
    I have the problem, that my NGP-Mail often goes into the spam on the receiver's side. I will send a new mail in some minutes, with another adress.
    If this is still not working, please send me a PM with your order code, and I will send it to you manually.

    Hope I did not forget anything.

  • Quote

    If the profiles are too bright for your own taste, just back off the treble /presence a bit. This should work in the most cases. I already did 2 albums with some of these tones and just had to use a low and highpass filter. Works really great for me.

    As told, I will try the high/lowpass filter, to keep the cab signature...Up to now, I did try to tweak profiles only by changing the cab (for a GuitarHack IR or a Tills one) while having some regrets to lose the original cab+mike signature :thumbup:

    Edited once, last by lohworm (July 25, 2013 at 12:45 PM).

  • That profile just has the blended mics. M for mesa and 4 for Audix I5/ AEA R84 blended. The blended amp profiles are stated in the title eg. 6505 EVH EM1. It's all in the text file. Some are blended mics, some are blended amps and some are both.

  • That profile just has the blended mics. M for mesa and 4 for Audix I5/ AEA R84 blended. The blended amp profiles are stated in the title eg. 6505 EVH EM1. It's all in the text file. Some are blended mics, some are blended amps and some are both.

    Ah, I missed the text file since I unpacked the rar directly to my thumb drive and just imported the rigs. Thanks!

  • "Никакой поддержки Временному
    правительству, разъяснение полной лживости всех его обещаний, особенно
    относительно отказа от аннексий. Разоблачение, вместо недопустимого,
    сеющего иллюзии, «требования», чтобы это
    правительство, правительство капиталистов, перестало быть империалистским." В.И. Ленин

  • Hey SteveStrummerUK,

    Hi there, thanks for replying to my previous question!

    do you just change the .kipr name?

    Yes, I only changed the .kipr name, I didn't realise there was any other way to do it.

    If so just use the PC editor that is floating around (AWESOME tool) and rename the second line(Rig Name), that's what the KPA shows.

    I'm not sure which PC Editor you mean though, I'm quite new around here!

    Has anyone got a link?

  • KIPR Tag Editor

    Sry, was to tired to implement the link yesterday...

    The .kipr title is not automatically the name that is shown in the display. If you just change the title it will not affect the shown tag in the KPA.

    There are other editors out there where you can change the name in real time for example, just search around a bit and decide which one you like, I haven't checked others, though.

    Cheers ;)

  • Hi Tony,
    I tried to PM you my order code so I could get the updated Metal Pack 1 files, but it says you do not want to receive PM's at this time. How can I receive the updated profiles?