What are the worst things or the things you hate about the Kemper?

  • I´m missing a library/editor software for PC/Mac were you can sort and editor your profiles on the fly.

    also i think the profile change should be performed faster, i feel there is somekind of lag, at least this would be nice to have in the performance mode, like if they could some sort of implement a preload of all existing 5 profiles in that particular performance and make the switch from one to another more instant

    what else is annoying, hmm, let me think, nothing really to add here.

  • If I were CK, I would be pretty sad to see the Profiler being called a "multieffects unit" because that's not what it was intended to be. Don't know if I'm to picky here but for me it's simply the best amp simulator, amp profiler that happens to have lots of effects as well. :)

    "Multieffects unit" struck me sort of strange also... I sure as hell didn't spend all that cash on a "multieffects unit".

    A looper might be kind of cool though...but not for setting my effects! :D


  • 1.the limit of 1000 rigs that wasnt there when the kemper was first introduced, I am constantly bouncing rigs around and having to delete everytime i want to add a few new ones and try them out ,

    2. no way to audition rigs without loading them into kemper which goes along with my first point having to delete rigs to try new ones.

    3. when using a simple footswitch to change rigs up/dn it doesnt work in performance mode it switches to the next rig stored in memory instead of the one in performace list . so I cant use performance mode .

  • [quote]3. when using a simple footswitch to change rigs up/dn it doesnt work in performance mode it switches to the next rig stored in memory instead of the one in performace list . so I cant use performance mode ./quote]

    Let's add that to a feature request.

    Edited once, last by troynova (July 19, 2013 at 4:21 PM).

  • If I were CK, I would be pretty sad to see the Profiler being called a "multieffects unit" because that's not what it was intended to be. Don't know if I'm to picky here but for me it's simply the best amp simulator, amp profiler that happens to have lots of effects as well. :)

    I have to agree with Lightbox 100% on this one

  • So today I've been trying out the Kemper and I have decided it isn't for me.

    I have been playing with the Kemper
    this morning, and if I am honest it sounds really good. But compared to running the poweramp output from my Satch JVM into Redwirez... it isn't THAT big of a leap in quality. So I'm sending it back. It's overkill for my needs, as I don't record other bands, and I don't have problems using my JVM in the daytime. So this was really for night time... and I think I can find a cheaper and almost as good solution for that. I did do a profile of my amp + cab and it sounded good. But then I took an impulse of the cab and ran my amp through Recabinet with the impulse loaded. I actually preferred the amp+recabinet and thought it sounded closer.

    To be honest it only took me half the day to find out that it was an impulse buy, that I didn't need it, and that I could get just as good and more accurate tones with what I've got. So my experiment is over. I do think the Kemper is really good still though, I just cannot justify owning it. Thanks to everyone for the help, and I think this thread could be useful to other people considering it!

    If I didn't have my Satriani JVM, and if I wasn't playing in a band and doing performances often, then I'd get the Kemper over anything else. But as it turns out, most of my needs are covered, and the few that are left the Kemper is overkill for.

  • I did do a profile of my amp + cab and it sounded good. But then I took an impulse of the cab and ran my amp through Recabinet with the impulse loaded.

    drew_fx/ drew_drummer, I read on another forum that you only used it for a very short time. Learning about a new box and setting correct levels etc often takes a while to get the hang of things.
    I get far better results with profiling than using IR's and it would be interesting to listen to your profiling results vs your amp in a comparison. You can share your profile on the private forum "free rigs and profiles" and also upload and post it on the rig exchange.

  • drew_fx/ drew_drummer, I read on another forum that you only used it for a very short time. Learning about a new box and setting correct levels etc often takes a while to get the hang of things.
    I get far better results with profiling than using IR's and it would be interesting to listen to your profiling results vs your amp in a comparison. You can share your profile on the private forum "free rigs and profiles" and also upload and post it on the rig exchange.

    Nah I've used one a couple of times, so I am fully familiar with the unit. It's very easy to use. I didn't have any issues with the "sound" of the unit, it's just massive overkill for my needs! I don't have the clips anymore I'm afraid, but I did upload my profiles:


    Feel free to have a play with those. Again, I'm really not knockin' the unit at all. It sounds great, is easy to use, and if I didn't have a phat tube amp here I would've kept it. But it became clear to me that it was just going to sit here next to my computer and rarely get used.

  • To be honest it only took me half the day to find out that it was an impulse buy, that I didn't need it, and that I could get just as good and more accurate tones with what I've got. So my experiment is over. I do think the Kemper is really good still though, I just cannot justify owning it. Thanks to everyone for the help, and I think this thread could be useful to other people considering it!

    I prefer my amp + Redwirez to the profile of my amp (The profile is uploaded to the Rig Exchange as "FUCHS ODS ...") but with the Kemper I've got some other amp profiles I need that cannot be covered by my amp. I'm using both.

  • I prefer my amp + Redwirez to the profile of my amp (The profile is uploaded to the Rig Exchange as "FUCHS ODS ...") but with the Kemper I've got some other amp profiles I need that cannot be covered by my amp. I'm using both.

    Aye that's cool man. I really do appreciate how awesome the Kemper is, and if I wanted a whole range of tones, I would definitely use it over the Axe FX II or any of the Pods. But I don't run a studio or anything, I'm just some bumlord in a band!! Consequently I only really need three maybe four core tones; hence my overkill statement.

  • If you're a die-hard tube amp user but you're not sure if you already have the perfect tube amp for your style of music and taste:
    How can you ever try hundreds of different tube amps at home to be sure you finally pick the right one? Buy a Kemper Profiler, get your hands on great amp profiles, try them as much as you like. This way you should be able to find the perfect tube amp for you ... then sell the Profiler and buy your choice of tube amp. I can imagine this to be the perfect way to tube amp happiness. :)

    I think this is a good and valid use of the Profiler as well ... with one exception:
    There are many tube amps that are so rare and/or expensive that you simply can't buy the originals. With the Profiler you're now able to "own" them and that's a huge advantage that I wouldn't want to miss. I don't play hundreds of different amp profiles all the time. Maybe just 10, but these 10 would cost me a lifetime and a fortune to buy the originals.


  • If you're a die-hard tube amp user but you're not sure if you already have the perfect tube amp for your style of music and taste:
    How can you ever try hundreds of different tube amps at home to be sure you finally pick the right one? Buy a Kemper Profiler, get your hands on great amp profiles, try them as much as you like. This way you should be able to find the perfect tube amp for you ... then sell the Profiler and buy your choice of tube amp. I can imagine this to be the perfect way to tube amp happiness. :)

    I think this is a good and valid use of the Profiler as well ... with one exception:
    There are many tube amps that are so rare and/or expensive that you simply can't buy the originals. With the Profiler you're now able to "own" them and that's a huge advantage that I wouldn't want to miss. I don't play hundreds of different amp profiles all the time. Maybe just 10, but these 10 would cost me a lifetime and a fortune to buy the originals.


    Indeed! To me that is one of the best things about the profiler; for other people at least! I've honestly never really lusted after that many amps, haven't given a toss about dumbles or old vintage Fenders or any of that. Just after some core tones.