Please help - setting Focusrite Scarlett Mixcontrol routing for Presonus Studio One2 Daw

  • I am having a terrible time trying to figure out exactly how to set the routing in my Focusrite Scarlett 8i6 mixcontrol software so I can record in my Presonus Studio One 2 daw. I can see and record a signal but I do not hear anything when I play back my recorded signal. I'm thinking the problem is in the mixcontrol software and I'm probably screwing up the routing but I just cant figure it out. I dont want to monitor with headphones. I want to hear my recorded signal and then record directly over that.

    I have my Kemper hooked into my Scarlett through S/Pidf. My monitors are into my Scarlett, scarlett into computer through USB.

    Does anyone here use a Focusrite interface with the Mixcontrol? If so can you give me some recommendations on how to set the routing? I'd really like to get this figured out so I can record.


  • Not got anything to add other than 'feeling your pain'

    I'm on my second Focusrite product, the Saffire Pro 24. Previously had another of their products.

    I love them for the sound, the hardware and the support. I wouldn't gladly go elsewhere for an interface (I foolishly bought an NI USB interface 18 months back and had nothing but issues. It taught me the value of decent tech support which Focusrite has and IMO NI does not).

    However, their software mixers just plain make my head hurt!!! I use Reaper with this interface. To get it going as I wanted took a lot of head scratching - I like to think I'm fairly good with technology but their software mixers don't sit right with my brain! As I'll be going SPDIF when I get my Kemper I expect my head to be scratched a whole lot more in the next week or two :)

    Good luck in getting yours working as you want it to.

  • Success!!!!

    Thanks all for your help everyone. I still want to watch the video you guys are referencing to better understand the mixcontrol software but all seems well now. Kempermaniac, that pic really helped me out big time. One question, I see on sync source you have it set to internal. I tried that but found setting it to S/PDIF sounded better. What does setting it to Internal do?

    One thing I I discovered was I didnt have my settings in StudioOne2 set up correct on the input and output. Once I did that I could see my audio levels but I didnt hear anything. I could hear through my Scarlett though so I knew I was on the right track but recorded audio wouldnt play back. I then discovered the culprit. I just got a Presonus faderport and the reason I didnt hear any audio was because I had the slider all the way down! I wasn't using the faderport at the time and that was why I didnt hear any recording. When I started to record I would use my mouse to slide my audio level up but then the slider on screen would always bottom out automatically. I had no idea why until I started messing with the Faderport and saw that I needed to raise the slider before recording to set my levels.

    Anyway everything is now working great! I'm so excited to finally being able to record with my Kemper!

  • One question, I see on sync source you have it set to internal. I tried that but found setting it to S/PDIF sounded better. What does setting it to Internal do?

    As the profiler isn't slaveable at the moment you absolutely MUST set this to S/PDIF when you want to record the Kemper digitally. Otherwise you will get crackles and hiccups once in a while due to a clocking mismatch.
    Internal is for when you use the audio interface without the profiler.

  • One question, I see on sync source you have it set to internal. I tried that but found setting it to S/PDIF sounded better. What does setting it to Internal do?

    I only set it to SPDIF when I'm recording. It once occured, that I heard no sound out of my PC (normal audio playback, e.g. MP3). I switched back to "Internal" and the sound was back.

    I could have farted and it would have sounded good! (Brian Johnson)

  • Quote

    It once occured, that I heard no sound out of my PC (normal audio playback, e.g. MP3). I switched back to "Internal" and the sound was back.

    That happens when you have the Profiler switched off. The Focusrite audio interfaces don't fallback to internal sync when the S/PDIF sync from the Profiler is missing.
    Focusrite internal logic:
    "Dude, you told me to sync to external S/PDIF, gimme external S/PDIF, sucker!" :D