Posts by Meteoroz

    I notice that there's a new version of RM available for download (3.0.126), but my RM (v3.0.124 (16310)) is not offering to update itself.

    If I manually tell it to check for software updates, it says 'This software is up-to-date'.

    Any idea what's going on? I thought the auto updates were working perfectly.

    MacOS Catalina 10.15.5/Kemper Stage v7.4.1.17821

    You can only edit both end values. If you want to edit the resulting morphed value, the editing would be ambiguous: do you want to adapt the lower or the higher value or maybe both? It is not decidable.

    it could display the value, but I don‘t know how useful this is.

    I'd have thought that the value displayed underneath the knob should be the current position of the knob. So if you morph to the blue dot, that's the value to display. If you go back to the red dot, display that value.

    Currently the display seems to behave as if there was no morphing set up, ie. it only displays the initial value of the parameter.

    As described in the Rig Manager Manual (Help->Manuals->Rig Manager Manual), Chapter "Rig Editor", Section "Edit Morphs":

    Edit Morphs
    To make a parameter morph, simply hold "Command" on macOS and "Ctrl" on Windows while changing its value. As you can see, this creates an increasing span between two colored dots. The orange dot represents the toe position whereas the blue one shows the heel position. To change the toe value, release the option key. To reverse the position of the dots and therefore reverse how the parameter will morph, drag in the opposite direction.

    This is immediately followed by the section listing the key commands you might find useful.

    Yes thanks timo but that wasn't my question.

    Currently when editing an effect which has morphing applied, although the dial turns when you hit the morph switch on the profiler, the displayed value stays the same - ie at its original value.

    It would be much nicer if the value changed as the dial turned, to show the new (morphed) value.

    This would also make life a lot easier when setting the morphed value in the editor.

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    Some questions about the changelog items in the latest version...

    - Fixed wrong Profiler icon - What does this mean?

    - Display of morph values improved - How? I still can't see the Morphed values displayed in my Stage (when hitting the Morph button on the Stage)

    - “T” for toggle key command on effect slots - Where can you use the "T" key? When I hit that key, I just jump out of Performances into the list of rigs

    Used the Stage live for the first time last weekend, with the latest beta OS, playing Main direct to FOH and MON to a Behringer Eurolive 212A powered wedge.

    Couldn't believe the quality of the sound. It was exactly as if I was playing in my room and everything just worked, perfectly. I even had one transpose patch, which also worked a treat.

    The only issue was that it was a big stage and some other band members couldn't hear me clearly - mixing issue or need a more powerful stage monitor?

    I notice that in RM (latest version) if you're looking at a performance and have morph settings in place, then hit the Morph button on the Kemper (Stage in my case), the dials move to the morphed position, but the values under the dials don't change. So you can't tell what the new value is.

    Am I wrong? Is there any way to tell?

    I've just tried that and it works here. On Catalina. Can you please try again and let us know what the outcome is?

    Hi @G String, I tried again last night and yes, you're right, the settings were saved. Maybe the difference is that I have to use RM to navigate away and back, rather than the footswitches, in order for changes to be saved?

    Still the problem remains that when RM first displays the list of Performances on my Kemper Stage, the currently selected one is named incorrectly with the same name as the Performance in slot #1. Changing away from it, to another performance (double-clicking on the previous performance in the list), in RM makes it then suddenly revert to the correct name.

    Just updated to new Beta versions RM 3.0.88 and OS 7.1.11

    The Stage hung after rebooting, but eventually I got it to reboot again (by holding down the power button) and this time it went ok.

    Connected with RM and noticed two things immediately.

    1) My main Performance, in RM, is now labelled 'Example: Mars Amps' (which is the first performance in the list). Panic. I rebooted Rm, clicked around a bit, changed performances on the Stage, and my actual performance reappears. Phew.

    2) Half of my other Performances were missing in RM, and now are just labelled 'New Performance'. No problem. They were all the Pink Wall performances. Restored as new performances by Drag and Drop in RM. That worked pretty well, except that first I tried to delete the 'New Performance' ones, by selecting them and choosing right-click 'Delete Performance'. Nothing. You can't delete anything, at least not 'New Performance' ones anyway.

    I moved them all past the valid performances successfully, so now all my functional performances are the first 1-13 in the list.

    Now try to edit a Performance. Open one of my own performances and make a change to a stomp parameter. The 'Store Performance in #nn' button does not become enabled. Add a new effect. Now the button becomes enabled. I push the button. It becomes disabled, indicating the change was saved. I switch slots on the Stage, by pushing a switch, then switch back - the change is gone.

    So whatever this new Beta version fixes, it ain't saving Performances! Not on MacOS Catalina, anyway. It's a Beta.

    Meteoroz do you mind to reboot your mac and your stage, then try again?

    @G String Tried that and it made no difference. The performance settings in Rig Manager are not saved to the Stage after making changes and clicking the Save button. The button becomes greyed out afterwards.

    If you then navigate to a different slot on the Stage, then back, changes are lost. If you make changes in RM, then hit the STORE button on the Stage, you can watch it save the changes and sync to RM (on the LCD monitor), but when you hit save from within RM, you can't see anything happening on the Stage LCD. I'd expect to see something happen on there.

    Also, adding a rig to an empty slot in a performance in RM doesn't change the performance on the Stage.

    Renaming a rig also doesn't work. Tried rebooting the Stage - it came back up on Performance 21, but displaying the details for the default #1 performance! Changing banks fixed the display, but previous changes (as mentioned above) were lost.

    As far as I can tell, this new release has made no improvement whatsoever - on MacOS at least. Really disappointed.

    Same here. I was trying to switch an amp on a performance in RM (latest beta on MacOS/Kemper Stage), but it wouldn't let me drag & drop. Eventually I resorted to using the browse button on the Stage, but even then, the display showed the original amp profile name (MB Deluxe). Only if you held down the Amplifier button did you get the edit screen and could see that the amp had actually changed to a Vox AC15. Once you're out of edit mode, there's no way to tell - it still says MB Deluxe.