Posts by marco97

    Fair enough Steve,

    I would recommend setting footswitch 1 to rig down, footswitch two to turn on and off your chorus, and then footswitch three rig up. Then, set rig one to be your normal clean, and rig two to be exactly the same amp just with say 3db more on your output, or rig volume, or even our booster engaged that will give you a volume boost. This would only be the three footswitches on the device itself. You could set up the two button footswitch to engage tuner and maybe something like a delay, or reverb on and off depending on what you need.

    This is all assuming you only use the one amp sound!

    I hope this is helpful!

    Hi Steven,

    I have just started using a player for gigs, You can definitely have it set up with a two-button switch to turn on and off a chorus, I'll have to double check about the volume boost later when I have mine in front of me.

    I use a Morningstar midi controller with the kemper player which gives me a lot of flexibility which I would recommend as you can control a lot of things on the player with it.

    Is Clean Compensation, not Compression. Nothing to do with sustain. You have the Compressor parameter in the Amp block and the internal Comp fx that does what you need. I run a Cali76 in front of my Kemper and it sustains for ages if set to do so (specially at gig volumes).

    How where you monitoring yourself ?

    Ah ok, clean compensation, so does that essentially bring up clean volume? I don't think the kemper player has a compressor parameter in the amp block, although I need to double check and I could be wrong. I have a compressor running in front.
    I am monitoring myself via IEM set up from the desk at the gig. For context, I am very used to monitoring via inears and previously used another direct solution.

    Also check your noise gate - if that is too aggressive it can kill sustain.

    I think my noise gate could have been part of the issue, however I'll have to check later when I get home. Partnered with the fact that I am using a new compressor and trying to get used with the settings.


    Hey guys,

    I played my first gig with the Kemper player and I loved it. It was sounding so good! šŸ¤˜šŸ¼

    One of the tweaks I need to make is around sustain. I have a compressor pedal before the player and no matter what sustain setting I feel like there was very little sustain on my single note playing. Does anyone know what the clean compression setting in amp setting does in the player? Additionally, could clean sens, or distortion sense have something to do with this? I need to check my noise gate settings too to see if it's something to do with that.

    If anyone has a similar experience please let me know, and if anyone knows more about clean compression settings on the amplifier stack.

    Thank you.

    Theoretically, you could mix the right side of the MONITOR OUT with the MAIN OUT XLR set to Output Source=Master Left.

    But you need to adjust volumes and keep an eye on seperate settings like the PAD -12dB just affecting the Main Out and Monitor Cab. Off just affecting Monitor Out,.... I would not go there. Rather us the Monitor Out or Headphone Out as stereo outputs.


    But you can use a TRS >> 2x TS adapter to use the headphones out to go stereo to FOH.

    You'll need an additional DI box though.

    Thanks for the answers people. So I currently have a stereo line isolator from pinstripe pedals called the diso+ on the board but im borrowing it from another board and would rather not have to take it on and off all the time if you know what I mean. I think it might be my best option for now as it allows true stereo at matched levels. Unless I can get another one/ something similar that I can leave on the board.

    Thanks all.

    Morningstar MC6 MKII issue with Kemper player.

    I know there have been various conversations on the Morningstar products and kemper player, but I don't see any addressing a similar issue to me

    I am trying to control the Kemper with a Morningstar MC6 MKII. I am very familiar with the MC6 MKII and cant figure out why they don't want to communicate.

    I have set up the MC6 to send a simple PC:1 on one switch, and PC:2 on another press on channel 1, the Kemper is also channel 1. I have contacted Morningstar to see if they can help, they only thing they said to try was a firmware version that didn't include a keyboard which I tried to no avail.

    Additionally I have it connected with USB B coming out of the MC6 and going into the Kemper via USB A. If anyone can help please do let me know or if you have any further queries.


    hey guys.

    Currently running a remote with my kemper for wet effects but going to introduce some midi for controlling the few things I use on the kemper as well as using the other pedals on my board.

    Basically trying to work out a routing system so I can plug midi into the side of my board and have it link up to the midi pedal I'm thinking of purchasing. I haven't found a port yet that will work.

    Does anyone know where I could get a port with two diagonal screw holes for the side of a pedalboard to keep everything tidy?


    Im selling my kemper remote and getting some pedals.

    I am going to get the 2 kemper switch thing as I do find some things useful.

    If I was to use a performance - is its function dependant on the performance.

    For example if performance 1 has it set to turn on stomp a and stomp b, in performance 2 could I have it set to rig up and rig down?


    There are two things that could be helpful with regards to Morphing.

    1. that more than ones things could be morphed on their own. for example, two expression pedals with one rig, one expression pedal being reverb mix, and one delay mix for example, but these can be controlled seperately.

    2. if I had an expression pedal controlling reverb mix (morphing) in all of my rigs on a performance, could I set it at 50% on the first rig, and then when I jump to rig two, the morph is already set to 50% and when I go back to rig one, it stays at 50%.


    The spillover feature is one that I would appreciate greatly. I find if im using a swell type rig, and then switch just after I have swelled to something that is less wet, the spillover does not work just as I want it to. It would be great if the reverb and delay of that rig, continues on in the background and fades out even when I have changed to another rig.
