Posts by Wheresthedug

    I have had my Player for almost a year with zero problems, all the sudden today with NO changes what so ever, when going to wifi mode with my phone the app opens and goes away immediately... Is there something 'm missing? was there a software change? or is my phone the problem? nothing has been changed...

    I had horrific problems connecting my phone with the Player. In the end I told my phone to Forget the Network and repaired them. Everything has worked perfectly since then. I presume the issue was at my phone's end but don't know for sure. Either way it works now so I'm happy.

    The sounds are *in* the Fractal. Zero doubt in my mind.

    It’s just much harder to get exactly what you want. It’s a teeaker’s dream. It allows for way more customization….but that takes time to both understand and pull out of the unit.

    I think that's a very good summary.

    There is absolutely no doubt that all of the main modelling/profiling platforms are now capable of producing world class pro level sounds. The differences are in workflow and personal preferences. For example I tried NDSP plugins (presumable same with Quad Cortex) which many people say sound closer to real amps than Kemper and are "totally game changing". I hated them. Way to sterile and bright for my taste. However, if I was a metal player looking for tight high gain djent tones I would probably prefer the NDSP. Horses for courses. Not that one is better or worse just that they are different.

    I have a small satellite board with 6 pedals, powered by a Cioks Sol. If I account also the cables I'm close to 2000€.

    Yes, I added up the cost of my old board, pedals, power and cables and I came to over £4k. It still wasn't as good/flexible as my PowerHead and it was a lot more hassle to set up/trace ground loop issues/troubleshoot power and cable problems. I still have it in the container but haven't used it since I got my head in 2018.

    Personally, I would take Rack/Toaster over anything but the Stage would be my choice f0r a floor based unit. Functionally its a no brainier but the form factor of the Player is very cool. I have a Powered Head and a Player. I actually use the player a lot because mostnof my rigs just need a good clean sound and a good dirty sound (basically a 2 channel amp) with maybe a boost and a delay every now and then. So the basic player is pretty close to ideal. If it had a built in power amp or I owned a powered Kabinet instead of the Passive one I have it would basically be all I need. Therefore, I don’t think it likely I would fork out the extra for the upgrade.

    I actually see the issue as the reverse of the way it’s being positioned by most people on the forums, facebook etc. Rather than looking at the price of the updates to get additional features I see it as a great advantage that we can pay a lower price and gain access the Kemper ecosystem without paying for a bunch of features you don’t need.

    Loss = no
    Stolen = no

    Those are insurance cases. That means, if there is a proof etc we probably can work something out. But that depends on the case. Be asured that we will make it as easy as possible for you. "I've replaced my unit and bought a new one. Can I have a free license for the new unit, please" might be a challenge ;)

    Damaged -> Send it in, and we will repair it (the license will stay on it or get transferred to a replacement unit)

    Seems like a pragmatic and fair approach.

    LP's are like carrying around 2 bowling balls strapped to your neck. However, the palm mutes on the fixed bridge and the tones of the shorter scale with heavier strings are to die for. A few years ago, I opted for the non-overpriced lightweight version in a Epi Custom LP with the Probuckers. It's satisfies my unaffordable Gibson wishes.

    The main advantage of the Epi version is cost. Not just the cost to purchase but the fact that they use 14 degree headstock angle instead of Gibson's stupid 17 degree so you don't have to constantly spend money have the headstock reattached to the neck :D

    agreed. apparently you can adjust input level using "clean sens" and just eyeball the single LED looking for green / orange lights. but that's not gona help anyone hone in that final %. it's a bit more rough "close enough for metal" type of ethos. don't get me wrong, i'm a kemper enthusiast, i love it. so no bashing going on here, would just be great to be able to properly see whether you're clipping or not and how far away you are from that ceiling.

    if it were possible to add an input meter via rig manager i don't see why they couldn't add an output meter. i use my audio interface input as a kemper output meter, but not everyone is gona have an audio interface with an input meter.

    CK has stated that the inputs have a ton of headroom and go into clipping gradually (soft clipping) so he doesn’t think anyone even needs to bother much about setting input levels. If I remember correctly he basically said that even in a relatively clean profile scenario any input clipping would be way less than the amp distortion and once you get to noticeable breakup the input clipping becomes inconsequential. However, if you bypass the amp and cab block you can easily check to see if you are clipping by listening to the straight guitar sound.

    I saw an interesting video on Andy Sneap’s Judas Priest rig recently too. It appears that Andy uses the Kemper for his IEM but FOH engineer wants a live amp and cab miced. So they run a hybrid system with two heads (one live and one for backup) going to FOH plus a Kemper in the rack feeding Andy for monitoring. Talk about making life difficult for yourself and introducing inconsistency into the chain for no apparent benefit 🤷🏻‍♂️

    Ok, so I was looking at the rig rundown featuring the new guitar player for Deep Purple's pedal board (Simon McBride). It had 15 pedals + a switcher. After watching and listening, I came to the conclusion that there was nothing all those pedals & rig could do that my Kemper couldn't and do and much simpler (with more options even). It baffles me that someone would want to have & maintain all that and deal with all that when they could just have a Stage or Head/controller. It has to be tube amp snobbery or just plain denial. I would love for him to play my Kemper rig and tell me what it can't do that he needs. His road crew would like it too! I just never understood those giant pedalboards even in the 90s when racks became uncool.. People would have these giant 1' x 2' pedalboards that would do less than my 1x rackmount and little midi controller.

    I’m pretty sure Simon McBride has used the Kemper in the past and doesn’t have any issues with digital. I think he has a Kemper in his studio from watching some older videos. However, the other guys in DP are so old school that they won’t allow anything other than traditional analog gear all round. Plus he has an Engl amp artist model to promote or the cheques won’t come in.

    For what it is worth - I have a toaster and the QC. The other day, I had a fly gig and bringing the toaster was not an option but the QC and a volume pedal fit in the suitcase just fine. It sounded really good on stage and through the PA, I got the patch changes done ok with a few inevitable misses due to the close switches, dark stage and wild audience.

    I really like my toaster and had it for ten years or so but rarely use it these days because it is sitting next to a lot of other gear in the studio and it rarely is the most convenient solution … first world problems I guess.

    The entire workflow of the QC gives me the impression that it was not designed by working musicians. I much prefer the Helix ecosystem in that respect and I also think the Kemper UI is fine - no idea why they get so much backlash for the UI. It is only when deep diving into menus that the Kemper becomes a bit clumsy after all the million updates. But normally that is not necessary and the infinity decoders of the Kemper are genius,

    Capturing on the QC is reasonably fast and easy. I am not loving the effects too much and I much prefer Kemper as a company over Neural DSP. If there was a similarly powerful unit by Kemper with a comparable footprint I would probably go with it over the QC. The player seems a bit too limited to fill that spot. It seems to me to need more additional gear to get a fully functional which then negates the form factor to some extent. Maybe there is some space for a middle ground? A unit with screen, size similar to the QC but full functionality in terms of signal chain and effects.

    I love my Powered Toaster but I actually find the Player is ideal for 90%of what I need. I rarely use many (if any) effects so a good basic 2 chanel amp with a boost and a delay and I can do almost anything I need. A few more footswitches wouldn’t go a miss and a built in poer amp would be cool but not a deal breaker.

    Not new, but I've had it for some time and even shared some photos of it back in 2020.

    But I got some new shots of this one today.

    That’s perfection right there 😍