Kemper Remote Connection to Player

  • The Profiler Model referred to in this thread is ...
    ☑️ Profiler Player

    Now I don't know if this is technically even possible. In light of possibly upcoming updates I was wondering if there was a way to allow the Kemper Remote being connected to the Player to access all of its functions.

    I would assume that somekind of break out box would be needed that would connect to the usb of the Player and on the other side has an ethercon connector to feed the Player. And this box probably would also need a power in to power the remote.

    For me personally this would elevate the Player from a usefull but limited unit to my jack of all trades unit.

    EDIT: And to step ahead of the "use a stage" comments. The stage is a great standalone solution. And If I want a all in one unit, then the Stage is perfect.

    BUT it is not the kind of jack of all trades I have in mind. I can have the player on my desk for practicing, recording etc and the remote on the floor for controlling. The Stage on the table is unpractical. I can put the Player in my gigbag for cases where I only need the smalest of units. The stage is fixed in size. Practical, yes, but still doesnt fit into a gigbag/ guitar case. I could put the player into a rackdrawer with other pedals/effects and still access it via remote. For the "put in rack solution" the stage also doesn't work.

    Thats why I'd like to have the Remote and Player work together. And I'd prefer the Remote over other MIDI controllers because it works great with the normal Kemper and I don't have to do any MIDI programming.

    Edited once, last by Steeldom (September 27, 2024 at 9:43 AM).

  • But the Remote doesn’t have a usb connection. Npt sure how you would convert ethernet to USB

    Ethernet can run over USB - in the same way that Audio and MIDI can - these are all just streams of digital data - but Kemper might need to build their own hardware and software stack to manage the connection rather than buy a standard part off the rack.

  • Being able to use the remote as a controller for the player would be wonderful. Almost a no-brainer: keeping control within the Kemper ecosystem, avoiding external midi switches with their occasional compatibility issues, the excellent looper interface of the remote, the tuner, multiple expression pedals, etc. Main challenges would be to power the remote and provide a proper usb/ethernet bridge as discussed. Fully support this suggestion, hope Kemper can/will make it work.

    Edited 2 times, last by Jasperidosio (September 29, 2024 at 12:38 AM).