How to properly connect an AXE FX 3 into the Kemper via 4CM

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    I have seen other posts online and outside of this forum talking about connecting an external FX device to the Kemper via 4CM. Right now I own a Kemper Toaster and an AXE FX 3. I love the amp tones in the Kemper more than I do in the AXE FX 3 as I find the Kemper has a more organic and open tone to many of the amp tones that I utilize currently.

    What I would like to do in order to get more effects available and other tonal options, I would like to connect the Fractal AXE 3 into the Kemper via the 4CM. My objective is to utilize the AXE 3 for both pre and post effects like you would normally do in a 4CM scenario. I know this is completely overkill but it is something that I would like to pull off seeing that I love the effects in both the Kemper and AXE 3 but would like more effects readily available by using this method as I also have the FC12 floorboard with the AXE 3.

    I have connected my AXE 3 to real tube heads in the past so I completely understand the physical cable routing and setting up the grid on the AXE 3 in order to do this. I have also in the past set up the Kemper in 4CM with real tube heads.

    I just need to know the actual physical cable routing to pull this off and where do I put the effects loop (I believe Stereo) button at in the effects chain? Do I just need the stereo effects loop say in the X effects position or do I also need a loop designation in the stomps area pre the amp block.

    Thank you in advance if you can help me out with the cable routing and the effects loop grid designations.


  • Got it. Did what Wheresthedug suggested and it works perfectly. Now I get a ton more pre and post effects, a way longer looper and the ability to even use the Fractals amp and cabinet sims by turning off the Kemper Amp/Cab blocks. Allows me to use my Fractal FC12 longboard and now I have 12 open slots for pre and post effects in conjunction with the effects in the Kemper.

    It is also nice for Kemper patches that I don't have the effects loop assigned in that the Fractal will still provide me with all the pre effects I want and the wahs built in the Fractal.

    Best of both worlds.