Posts by Torbiz

    I'm still disappointed and think that Kemper should find a solution for Bigger owners.....

    I understand they have to make new first-buyers hesitate between Player and Head/Stage/Rack too...

    I don't know if Kemper sellers would have interest to keep Upgrades' licences ? :/

    This is just link to Players for the moment, it means you think of buying another Player in 2/3 years ?! Imo, the buyers will search Players with upgrades too, to have a "used" price on thoses ones too.

    The point is that if this level II upgrade was free for users of the bigger units and tied to their account, there wouldn’t be a license to sell, whether or not you wanted to buy another one in a couple of years. :)

    Edit: BUT you would get the benefit of having the same effects in your backup unit. And the backup of you backup. And so on.

    In this case, when selling your Player you'd lose the value of the upgrades

    Mhhh... what would the use of keeping upgrades and selling the hw be, since those are useless w/o the hw? Reselling an updated Player would result in a net loss for the upgraded value.

    Kemper's choice makes sense to me :)

    It would offer Kemper the possibility to for example offer the level II upgrade for free to owners of the bigger units without being worried about people flipping them for profit. If the update was free or heavily discounted, you wouldn’t take a loss when selling it either. The reason for keeping the upgrade license would of course be in case you would want to purchase a new one at a later time.

    I'm not sure the price point fits exactly. The physical Player unit lacks a lot of the features of the Stage (actual display, several knobs and soft buttons, footswitches for tuner, tap tempo, looper, two effects loops for send and return, separate footswitches for pedal on/off, stereo XLR outs, etc.).

    Also....none of these paid upgrades allow you to profile amps which is what Kemper is known for in the first place. You don't get models of amps; you have to profile yours or buy profiles online (yes, I know - rig exchange. but a lot of them are not great).

    So...a "full feature" player is $1,000. A stage is $1,600. Is it only a $600 feature difference between the two? I'm not so sure.

    I agree. I’ve gigged extensively with both my Player and my Stage. The main differences are the lack of switches (necessitating the use of either extra analog switches, making you lose the option to use an expression pedal, or a MIDI pedal), the lack of visual feedback (making it hard to see which rig you’re on, which bank you’re on and which rigs are in that bank) and that stupid tuner that is hard to read and doesn’t even tell you if your string is the correct note. I don’t think I’ve seen a single picture of a Player on a pedalboard without a dedicated tuner pedal.

    For what it’s worth, I still really like that stupid little thing, as it allows me to travel with «light versions» of my normal rigs. I can make it work (and I do). But a mini Stage it is not.

    So what does happen when you want to sell and quit Kemper ? You've got a licence for level 2&3 with no Player and a potential buyer that has a restart level 1 unit, he has to pay for LVL 2&3....

    Example from the pro audio world:

    You can sell your UAD DSP cards with all of your plugin licenses or with just the basic package if you want to keep your purchased plugins. It has been done successfully for years.

    1. You press and hold the corresponding Rig button. I’m not in front of the Player right now, but you can choose which slot you want to save your rig to.
    2. If I understand the question right, you can move between banks. There is no separate performance mode per se, but it’s very similar.

    I think I’ve had my toaster for 10 years now and the communication regarding updates has differed a little back and forth in that time. They either say nothing, take ages then drop something decent. Or they show something at a show, take ages then drop something decent. If they do the first, they’re being slow and secretive. If they do the other we have folks saying ‘where is it, it’s late?’.

    Easier for me due to having seen it both ways and knowing that, whatever, the upgrades are always better than expected when they finally happen so it’s all good. I have been looking forward to a better tremolo for a loooooong time (it’s one of the first things I noticed was a step down from my strymon flint way back when). But since that time, my toaster has now got delays, reverbs, fuzz, overdrives that I am really happy with for free. Although I’d like it if they dropped tomorrow, I’m ok with it taking time as I have confidence my excited anticipation will be justified. This has been a ten year thing for me so a little longer really isn’t an issue.

    Same here. Every update has given added value to the product I’ve owned since 2016 and my Kemper is infinitely better now than it was then. I’ve had three iPhones in the same period of time.

    Guys, we don’t need every other reply to be “just buy a Stage”. I make my living playing guitar. I own a toaster, a Stage and a Player. For fly gigs, the KPP with a MIDI controller is a significantly smaller and more lightweight rig than a Stage, which is quite heavy. I’ll use whichever Kemper suits the current gig best. Sometimes getting through the airports with just a guitar case and a suitcase is important.

    Plenty of MIDI options out there that have more than 4.
    Here is one example of a 3 - 6 - 8 solution.

    Here is a how to:

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    I get wanting to have something that is simlar to the Kemper one. I'm just saying you can do it now.

    Sure you can do it. But this still has a 2x4 layout compared to the Kemper’s 5. I’m also guessing a Kemper remote could get patch names etc automatically. Midi controllers are great, but I haven’t seen many except for the Airstep that would fit right in with the Kemper layouts, and that one doesn’t have a screen. I would absolutely buy a dedicated Kemper Player remote.

    It has Bluetooth, no need for RJ45.

    That said, why not just get a MIDI controller and program it?

    Most small MIDI controllers seem to have 4 buttons. Something with a layout that matches the Kempers preset handling, possibly even with a screen that would be natively supported, is a fantastic idea to me. Especially if it still keeps a compact footprint.

    I would love to be able to reassign MIDI Out as a MIDI Thru. MIDI Out is great if you need the Stage to switch external effects, but in my scenario, the Kemper is controlled from Qlab and I also need to turn pages in Forscore on my iPad. I did this in my studio with my toaster to check that everything worked and was really surprised when I tried to connect everything live with my Stage and found there was no way to pass MIDI Thru. The direction makes sense as there is a very short cable needed from the Stage at my feet to my iPad in front of me. Pretty please with suger on top!

    the pot in the mission is actually a Dunlop wah pot but not the regular Crybaby pot. I have the part number from mine somewhere.

    the problem is most likely that you have pedal type set to 1 instead of 2 or the other way round. Although the manual says to use type 1 for most pedals my Mission was a disaster in the same way as you described until I switched to type 2.

    I’ve tried both Type 1 and Type 2. The pot is Dunlop, but not a wah pot. It’s 10k linear. I have one, but it doesn’t fit in the mini pedal.

    I know I found a similar thread somewhere, but I don’t think there was an answer in there.