Posts by slateboy

    It will be interesting to know how many of us get which upgrade. Can we do a poll?

    I guess the software is already within the player and just needs activating. Anyone know the process of how it enables all these expensive goodies?

    I think there should be some loyalty program- if you already own some kemper products a points or discount system could be implemented but then i guess there will be people who throw their money at this straight away. I suspect eventually the price will come down to get those on board who dont buy at the initial price. Better to sell some at a lower price than not at all?

    Extra FX blocks and morhphing will require additional buttons to control all this stuff in a live situation so you need to factor in a midi controller and the price of the controller+KPP+level-packs probably equates to the stage.

    I like my KPP for fly-gigs and would like additional FX blocks but for the amount of fly-gigs i do i find it hard to justify this cost.

    Anyone want to start that poll?

    Also, if anyone is interested to know what kind of power the midi-captain pedal draws, i done a little test video.

    Does anyone know how much power the Kemper Player can supply on its USB terminal?

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    slateboy (et. al.):

    great info in this thread- thanks. a while has passed since the last word on this. can you give an update on any new firmware/config advances made since then, please? also, are there any lingering issues that havent been addressed yet?

    thanks, j

    i keep an eye on the paintaudio website but haven't seen any developments for some time.

    Also worth keeping an eye on the guy's youtube channel.

    In my opinion there are a few improvements required on the Kemper firmware (on the midi pedal itself) that is currently on offer before it is optimised for live/gig use. in the meantime the super-user mode is serving me well and working nicely for live shows.

    I'm using my kemper with my Morningstar MC8 and I want to know what is the CC to control the Amp Volume Knob.

    I'd like to assign a value that can give me +3db to this knob

    You'd first need to know the current value in order to add 3dB to the value.

    You could set it to +3dB but depending on what it is saved at may result in a different amount of level change

    alternatively, you could use your amp volume to "level out" between rigs and then keep your rig-volume at a default of 0dB then command this rig volume to +3dB in order to always get a 3db change.

    check out this article for something similar i done to achieve a "3dB solo boost" for any preset-

    May 12, 2024 at 2:53 PM

    Not trying to be difficult…

    Appreciate that, and not trying to appear thick (i'm normally fine for finding these things)

    Let me rephrase the whole enquiry- Why was my player update a file such as "Profiler_OS_10_9_3_50342.bin" (that was the v10 player OS) ?

    If its as simple as "everything is now the one bundled kaos file" then that would confirm an answer for me.

    thanks for baring with me

    is this a scenario you want to do mid-gig, several times per event or at the start of the event?

    It could be dangerous to have this function easily accessible to users as most players wouldnt want to accidentally make this change mid-gig.

    Could it be determined via midi command?

    Alternatively, you could have some kind of harware device that allows you to do this, perhaps externally switching to the same physical output rather than relying on the internal settings. Its the same reason, i guess, why output recall-configurations are limited on the rack/stage so there are no unexpected/dangerous level jumps

    Thanks for the answer. Rewiring is not an option as it then wouldn’t match my Rack anymore. I guess I‘ll get another pedal then.

    You could simply make a small adapter TRS plug to TRS socket and wire it T to R, R to T, S to S (swap over T & R)

    Will mean you can keep the same pedal and save some cost.

    Worth a try first, just in case there is another problem somewhere else

    This might be a consequence of the button not just triggering TAP but also engaging the TUNER.

    If you hold down the button to engage the TUNER, this should not interfere with TAP tempo. So TAP is only triggered if you release the button after a shorter moment. Before the software cannot know, if you intend to trigger TAP or activate Tuner.

    This is a natural "downside" of all these double functions.

    Thanks for confirming that. This is what i suspected to be the case.

    Could it be requested that the LED state is inverted so it follows the down-motion of a regular "up & down" tapped tempo?

    Im aware the rack (not sure about the stage) has never had a reliable flashing indicator. I dont think this will ever be resolved.

    However, the PLAYER does flash in time but, as mentioned, inverted as if its reading the button-release movements rather than button-down.

    Does anyone else find that the player tap-tempo takes its tapped tempo on button-up rather than button down?

    Try this-
    Get a steady (90bpm) beat or metronome running for your reference BPM now tap and release quickly/immediately in time on the down-beat (beats 1 & 3) the indicator appears to flash in time.

    Now tap on the down-beat and release on the up-beat (beats 2 & 4) You see the indicator follows the button up/release movements rather than button down? Or is the LED indicator inverted?

    Obviously, the same thing happens if you tap on each pulse, as you would normally do, but this experiment explains what i mean, you get your LED an 1/8 beat later (on the "&" where you count 1&2&3&4...)

    I am sure many users find it visually reassuring if the led is flashing in time with the pulse but, based on the above, it never will. Perhaps the down-press of the button is related to other functions and that is why it uses the button-release to set the tempo.

    It can be argued that either way the bpm is attainted but it does cause a problem if your button-release is inconsistent on the assumption that your button-down taps are those that set the tapped-tempo. And wouldnt it be nice if the LED flashed on the pulse?

    Perhaps this could be addressed?

    Like the title says, I can understand a thread being closed, especially where i goes off topic or gets out of hand.
    Similarly, i see the reason for banning users for hate-speech or offensive content.
    I'm sure we are also aware that some conversations are less serious than others and are more entertaining than informative and permit freedom of speech.
    Likewise, compliments and negative comments to other manufacture's gear is tolerated to a point so we can all share our thought and options.

    However, my recent thread on "who still has the screen protector on", although light-hearted and not much user-value other than friendly chat, has been deleted by admins.

    I'm not bothered by the loss of content but would like to know the reason why this has happened or if something unacceptable has been added to the thread.