Posts by AHChris

    1) Actually I think this is an advantage of the Kemper! Many amps sound only good at a certain point of their gain knob and with the Kemper you can use this sweet spot and scale it up and down. A good example are the lead channels of some Engl amplifiers. The gain knob ranges from completely silent at zero, a very ugly chrunch at the lower settings to immediate high gain. If you profile this high gain sound you can dial it back to very usable crunch sound which would be just not possible with the actual amp channel.

    2) Good idea! I often mic the amp with more than two mics anyway and blend them in the software mixer of my RME card before I profile them. Having some influence afterwards would be awesome, but I'm worried it might not be possible with the Kemper. Loading two profiles at once is a much requested feature and it's apparently not possible with the computing power of the Kemper. Your suggestion is pretty similar in terms of computing power I think.

    I'm sure folks will buy them if they sound great.

    Talk to other commercial profilers to see what they think. There is more to being a commercial profiler than making the profiles. Business costs can be greater than sales so unless you are prepared to put your own time and money into it, could be a rough venture.

    Well I already got a business going with my studio so I won't have to start from scratch. Still unsure, but I think I'll start a profiling session with my Peavey JSX. It's a damn good amp and not as widely distributed as the Rectifier for example.

    Thank you all :)

    Would you generally buy some reasonably priced commercial profile packs done by me? I really don't know if I should get in the market. It's a lot of work for nothing, if nobody will buy them in the end. Do you guys generally buy profile packs or do you get by with freebies / your own profiles?

    Amps I own / have access to:

    Peavey 6505
    Peavey JSX
    Mesa Boogie Triple Rectifier
    Mesa Boogie Stiletto Trident
    Marshall JCM 900 (modded)
    Marshall JCM 2000
    Laboga Mr Hector
    Engl Fireball 100
    Diezel VH4


    Mesa Boogie Rectifier Oversized 4x12
    Marshall 1960 Slash Signature 4x12
    Laboga Mr Hector 3x12
    Diezel Hempcone 4x12

    Also I got all the mics which are relevant for micing a cab and a great sounding room.

    Thank you for your kind words!

    I profiled my Peavey 6505 for this. I'm actually thinking about creating some commercial profile packs since I have some cool amps standing around in my studio :) Anyways... here's the profile I used (Peavey 6505 red channel boosted with a Maxon OD808 in Mesa Oversized 4x12): 6505 Red Merge - 2014-12-10 21-20-09.kipr?dl=0

    Hey guys :)

    Here's a new "semi-live" video of my own band. The sound has been pre-recorded in my studio (Kemper on all the guitar and bass tracks). I used my own profiles for the guitars, the bass is a modified third party profile. We played the song to a click in a live set and recorded the video. You can spot some profiler in the video, because I also use it for my live sound. Check it out!

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    Greetz Chris

    I am bumping this thread because i have a related problem:

    Today i profiled my amp completely from scratch in a rehearsal studio.
    As recommeded in the manual, i initially selected a profile simlar to the sound i wanted to achieve (this was a TAF boogie rectifier profile) in order to compare my setup with this sound.
    I did then a full profiling session, went home to test the profiles and fond them to be quite nice.
    While editing the tags in Rig Manager i found that in the cabinet section there is not my name listed as author but And44 (probably because i initially selected a TAF profile?). The amp section shows correctly my name.

    How can this happen if the amp/cab author is supposed to be set depending on the device owner tag?

    Don't get me wrong, i did not use And44's cabinet but recorded the complete profile all alone. So it would be nice to have my name there...

    I have the exact same problem here!

    Any news?

    I also have the 880s and they are among the best, if not THE best mixing headphones you can get. The 250 ohms are very neutral and I can easily drive them with my MacBook and even my smartphone! Then again I don't listen at very high levels. If you really can't get the level you need you could swap them for the 32 ohms.

    like Sambrox says! I dont get why people talk so much about IRs with this function.. possibilty of using 100% pure Kemper cabs - thats the great point!

    Are you referring to my post? Just to clarify: I was only talking about monitoring the profiling process for DI profiles with an IR plugin. You can't do this with the Kemper cabs during the profiling process. You need some kind of third party cabinet simulation like in this case the IR plugin.

    I read through the pdf and I'll try the new profiling ASAP :) This is what I've been waiting for!

    I've been doing direct profiles for a while. I use the exact method described in the pdf and I monitor my profiles through an impulse response plugin to make sure it's accurate (could be any plugin, but I use the TwoNotes Torpedo WoS III). I find this much more comfortable than the described A/B comparsion approach: "A valid A/B comparison is only possible by connecting your speaker cabinet to the Profiler's power amp, once the Profile is captured"

    Be sure to give it a try. The profiling really improved, but doing it without a real A/B comparison is no good ;)

    • I can pan the three wet guitars instantly LCR, as recommended by the pros

    If I read this right you're placing one of your guitars in the center. I would strongly recommend to use only two (or multiples of two) guitars and pan them to the sides (except for seperate lead / melody guitars of course). An additional rhythm guitar in the middle will cost you a ton of width and will conflict with your Snare, Bass, Kickdrum, Vocals.... It could also screw your mono compatiblity. Keep it simple and keep room for the other instruments in the mix.

    Everything else has been said. Multiple takes it is :)

    Would the following option work for you?

    Crate one or more subfolders in the Local Library folder, and drag there the amps you want to have always at hand.
    You could create a folder per project/artist name, or per brand, or both, or whatever.

    Yeah I also sort my rigs in folders, but the tagging system is very handy and flexible. Folders are no substitute (but still very important!).


    I really would like to see a way to save tags in RM which are used often. For example: I have four tube amps in my studio and I often do profiles of them. Wouldn't it be nice if you could save the names of your amps and have a dropdown menu in the "manufacturer" and "model" field like in the "instrument" field? This way you don't have to type the name of your amps all the time and also you'll always use the exact same description. If this would work for every box, I'd be very happy :thumbup:


    No, that would drive them in parallel. You'll need a specific outlet in at least one of the cabs, specifically conceived for a serial connection.

    OTOH, the Y cable might float your boat, just consider that a parallel connection would reduce the impedance to one half (if the two cab's impedance is the same and the power amp has to be able to work at that impedance.


    Thanks for the reply! Yeah my Mesa cab has a output for serial connection. If both cabs are 8 ohms the Y-cable should also work, because the built-in Kemper power amp can handle 4 ohms connections, am I right?

    Panorama seems to be a master balance. I didn't expore it too much but in my headphones it simply panned the sound to one side or another.
    I'm not sure what this would be used for, but they must have had something in mind!

    You can do cool stuff with a pan function! Imagine being the only guitarist in a band. By panning the rhythm guitar only to one side for interludes and switch it back to the middle (=both sides simultaneously) you can give the impression of two separate guitars.