DI-Box recommendation for firmware 3.0

  • Ok, I have a THD Hotplate (16ohm) that I've used live before just to bump down the volume in clubs with my JCM 900 SLX. This unit has a line level out. Could this be used for our propose?

    Since this no dummy load, you still need to connect your cab. Hard to say if it changes the sound. Perhaps give it a try and turn the loading to zero so that the full signal is passed to the cab.

  • Quote from the Introduction of the manual of the THD Hotplate;

    "The Hot Plate is a power attenuator that sits between your amp and speaker(s). It allows you to obtain the full output distortion of a tube amplifier at lower volumes, without sacrificing tone.
    The Hot Plate can also function as a high quality direct box, allowing you to send the amp’s signal to a mixing board, a separate power amplifier or to rack mount effects without miking the

    I've always used it as an attenuator, but it can be used as a dummy load, my question was if it colors the sound as a direct box.? Doesn't say in the manual. :?:

  • Quote from the Introduction of the manual of the THD Hotplate;

    "The Hot Plate is a power attenuator that sits between your amp and speaker(s). It allows you to obtain the full output distortion of a tube amplifier at lower volumes, without sacrificing tone.
    The Hot Plate can also function as a high quality direct box, allowing you to send the amp’s signal to a mixing board, a separate power amplifier or to rack mount effects without miking the

    I've always used it as an attenuator, but it can be used as a dummy load, my question was if it colors the sound as a direct box.? Doesn't say in the manual. :?:

    Most attenuators change the sound. Maybe simply get a GI-100.

  • I will go with the Peavey SDI. It has two knobs for treble and volume
    The reason is, that I might change treble response (if needed) and also reduce volume (if needed) to feed the KPA's feedback.

    To get a most accurate profile, you can set both knobs to maximum (unaltered signal)

    Looking forward to next profiling session (after OS 3.0 release) :P

  • What`s about the DIY Direct Injection Box for Recording & PA Systems schematic DamianGreda found at http://sound.westhost.com/project35.htm

    Someone build it, test it yet? I think this DI project will work very well for our kemper!!!

    The sound.westhost.com is a very informative site for audio DIY and audio information too :)

    There is also a little project to insert the 48 V DC for mic into my kemper...very simple and you can realise it with some 9 V batteries, no hum etc. !

    Waiting for v 3.0 .....
    don`t forget to oil your kemper!

  • 2 things.
    A do it yourself DI might degrade your sound compared to the Countryman 85 that I mentioned earlier (this is on par with the Kemper quality that you paid for) And don't forget You MUST keep the head plugged into a speaker so that the ohm load is right. NEVER plug into a DI without a speaker plugged in unless you want to damage the guitar amp head. Happy Profiling!

    Powered Rack / Windows 10

  • I am guessing that every kind of attenuator will affect the sound in some way. If you are removing energy from amp to cab, both will behave differently.
    The countryman 85 seems like a solid one, and is well regarded. Not exactly cheap, but not too bad either.

    One unit I am curious about is the Weber Mass 150 III --150 = 150 watt-- for 100 watt amps and under. It is in a similar price range as the countryman 85,
    so I would expect it to be comprable in qualities.


    It has some neat ideas that could prove useful. Balanced TRS out, so should work as a decent DI box. I don't think it needs a powersupply to do this either. Also 4, 8 and 16 ohm in one unit.

    Interestingly, it uses an internal speaker, and I think a rheostat to attenuate, if needed, different from the typical resistor based models out there.

    Adjutable, defeatable features:

    Rackmount option for those who want it.

    Bass, Mid, and Treble.
    It has a tone stack, which may or may not be a good thing. This is post power amp, so it could provide some interesting results, or it just might
    be more knobs to fiddle with. Hard to tell this early. (I remember someone mentioning fizz on a high gain profile, the treble or line volume on this could be an easy, and good sounding fix for exxample). Much more tone shaping comes to mind also. Get your accurate profile, then tweak others to taste, in a way that might not be possible with other controls, and even complement them.
    At least this is what I am wondering about.

    Line out volume and tone. Simple enough, and could have their uses also.

    A bypass switch on the front, and a small footswitch to do this also, handy in some cases. This will turn the attenuation on/off I am guessing.

    Two speaker outs, which is interesting, possibly for mic'ing and blending 2 different cabs. The tone stack will work to tweak, I wonder if it could be thought of as a tone stack for cabs, or just post power amp--sort of the same thing. Not sure how it affects the line out however.

    Works as a dedicated loadbox as well, so no need for cabs. Be interesting to see how this sounds with profiles, compared to ones with cabs, in 3.0, and old method. Would revel a lot on how/if it colors the tone by doing a mic'd, a di w cab, and di with loadbox profile of the same amp, on same settings etc.

    This seems like it could be a good tool for a skilled profiler, which I am not (hopefully might change with 3.0, roll up sleeves, and dig into DI and the trad methods).

    I can't really recommend it, since I dont know what 3.0 will be like, and have not had a chance to fiddle with this unit either. This may have been before the KPA, and not designed for it, especially not 3.0 and DI use, but that has no real bearing on if it can produce some nice results.

    They are through the website only, and built to order, so not easy to find one to fiddle with.

    Saw a lot of good options here, and was reminded of this, not sure if anyone mentioned it before, so thought I would.
    If anyone has used this, or knows anything about it, good, or bad, please chime in. Also have not dealt with the company, but they seem ok.

    There are quite a few other products on the site, and the info they give on this and other things seems pretty straightforward and honest.

    I particularily liked the warning that if the attenuator starts smelling like smoke (or fire iirc) that this is perfectly normal, and would go away after a couple of days :)

  • Only thing I would worry about is that it's for amps a 100 watts and under, so that could put you in a difficult spot with higher wattage amps.

    Also, I'm not in favour of a tone stack on the DI. Granted, something like that could be used to further shape the tone of your amp, but I believe that such a feature would detract from the objective of making a profile sound exactly like the real thing. Sure, it could work well if you apply it the right way. But I'd be wary of subtle colour being added to the tone even when you don't want it to.

  • Only thing I would worry about is that it's for amps a 100 watts and under, so that could put you in a difficult spot with higher wattage amps.

    Also, I'm not in favour of a tone stack on the DI. Granted, something like that could be used to further shape the tone of your amp, but I believe that such a feature would detract from the objective of making a profile sound exactly like the real thing. Sure, it could work well if you apply it the right way. But I'd be wary of subtle colour being added to the tone even when you don't want it to.

    I agree. It would also be pretty hit and miss, using the EQ to make a Direct profile, as you wouldn't actually hear the effect until you'd made the Studio profile and then merged the two.


  • If you are unsure how a DI profile will possibly sound in combination with your favourite cab profiles, there is a nice trick to preview the sound before profiling.

    Just connect the DI output of the DI box to the KPA return as if you would prepare a profiling session. Then load your favourite studio profile with the cab you plan to use. Deactivate the Amp and EQ section. Then activate the fx loop return in the last stomp slot before the stack section. You can now listen to your own DI signal in combination with the cab profile before profiling it. This procedure can also be used for using the KPA as a cabinet simulator.

  • If you are unsure how a DI profile will possibly sound in combination with your favourite cab profiles, there is a nice trick to preview the sound before profiling.

    Just connect the DI output of the DI box to the KPA return as if you would prepare a profiling session. Then load your favourite studio profile with the cab you plan to use. Deactivate the Amp and EQ section. Then activate the fx loop return in the last stomp slot before the stack section. You can now listen to your own DI signal in combination with the cab profile before profiling it. This procedure can also be used for using the KPA as a cabinet simulator.

    Never though of that, nice trick!


  • Here is a simple DI schematic for DIY'ers with line/spkr and without spkr simulation. I can make some PCB project if someone will be interesred. The cost of build one will be about 30$

    [Blocked Image: http://www.leo.ne.kr/data//1012/189…+direct+box.gif]

    DamianGreda are you building one of these for your own use with your Kemper for FW 3.0? I'm interested in building one of these. Anyone else?

    And, would the PCB be designed to fit/mount in a specific BUD type box? Fit something like this? http://www.mouser.com/ProductDetail/…BSbIFzz5hMtU%3d

    Edited once, last by vkaxeman (February 16, 2015 at 2:00 AM).

  • +1 for the Behringer Ultra-G GI100.
    Road tested for over ten years by many pros.
    Sturdy design, great price, great reviews and speaker emulation bypass.
    Amazon (free shipping) and several other stores sell them for $39.99, maybe there are even better deals out there.

    Another vote for the Behringer Ultra-G GI100.
    I've heard from a few players that it's just as good as much more expensive brand boxes they have compared it with.