Posts by blund69

    This is an interesting thread, with lots of recording information (some I agree with, some, not so much) - but the wrong forum I think for lessons on recording. Lots of great training tutorials on line and via DVD at your local music store.

    All that said, The one thing I would add, in general is quit mixing in headphones - not sure why someone else didn't mention it. Do not mix in headphones as you will never achieve the sonic balance and equilibrium as heard on any good recording. By a good NO better - spend a lot of money and buy a really great pair of "studio" monitors, tweak your room to reduce reflections and bass build up and use those from now on. Un-mastered material ALWAYS sounds better in headphones - but rarely translates well to the world outside your cans.

    If you say professional studio monitors a too expensive and I cannot afford "a pair of Genlecs or Focals" - consider this - you just plopped down $2000 USA to buy a Kemper 8)

    -cheers B!

    I did try that - the funny thing is - when I run into my Soundcraft Sapphyr board using Kemper TRS outputs, I get really solid meters. But when I go into apogee ensemble barely nothing. I know, I know you're saying " well B! Have you setup the input on the ensemble correctly?". I say - I think so - for line in on the ensemble there are no level adjustments; not within Maestro. It relys upon the output level & volume of source. Question to Kemper Engineering - are the TRS AND XLR outputs on kemper both + 4 or do I need to setup something? Am I overlooking something

    Kind regards

    So another first for me and my Kemper. I had a band that wanted to remix some sessions they did back in 1996!! This is a Blues/Reggie Project (the combo of tones actually works). At the time (96) I had the Guitar Player runnig direct from my Marshall JMP-1 set to Patch 52 - kind of a Plexi with medium gain. I pulled the reel up and transfered into Logic Pro 9 - I noticed that on some of the songs - the tone was a little to brittle for the song. So, I calculated the latency, took a line out of my Apogee, into the Kemper, Stereo out of the Kemper and into stereo channels on Apogee. I dailed up the Fender Twin Reverb Clean 1 patch, hit record then just tucked it under the Marshall - it did the trick just the right amount of natural sounding color without having to reach for the EQ! I recommedn this to anyone - is soooooooooo nice sounding :thumbup:

    Question to Christoph (or Kemper engineers) - I noticed on the way back into my Apogee from the Kemper - the meters (level) were only going 1/4 of the way up with volumes on Kemper set to Maximum without distorting (digital distortion = not good). I tried everything to get a hotter level into my Apogee Ensemble - but fell short - as I said - I turned up the Master Volume to 10 and channel vol to +- 7-8 - anything hotter clipped - I was seeing Amber on both the Input and Output - level of Ensemble Channels set to +4 - do you have a recommendation how I can get a hotter level back into Logic? ?(

    Kindest Regards,


    Playing the backline guitar for Mariel Ramos was an awesome experience. She is so talented and a great singer. Was also the first time I took my new Kemper Amp out live. Armed with only the Kemper + my Epiphone ES335 copy - the tone combo was amazing - I used Uwe's 1960's era Vox AC30 clean amp profile, turned the gain down just a bit, put a bit of tape delay and air chorus on the patch and - yummm - no speakers on stage - just the monitor. I may invest in a "Hot Spot" monitor going forward - but thumbs up to Christop Kemper!!! (and Uwe - I love that tone Uwe - thanks for sharing).
    cheers :love:

    edited: I also want to add that when I walked into the venue - the sound man asked "Where's your amp" and I said "right here (pointing to Kemper)" - "what the heck is that thing (laughs...) and where do I mic it". I said - "no mic - I am here to make your life easier" Soundman "yea...right do you hear need a speaker!!!" Me "feed it thru my's like those other guy's who come in here with Line 6 - BUT this will sound much better, less work for you at the board-but it is an experimental solution". Soundman "I think you should get your amp - we'll turn it around so it doesn't project off stage" Me -"No give me two feeds to the board, I have an amp as backup in case the Kemper goes belly up" soundman" this is NOT A TIME TO EXPERIMENT!!!!" Me "gotta do it some time Frank!" soundman laughing at my Kemper "so ...errr you got your dinner in there?" - Me :"Yep!!! and lots of really sweet deserts"

    After the show the soundman came up to me (along with a few other people and the Pastor) "WoW Great tone - love the colors you brought to the performance...." I rest my case

    Please fix any problems that have been posted on this site regarding Dead Kempers and freezing becasue I really want to use this forever!!!! :thumbup: 8o

    Sorry - I am sure it is here somewhere and/or I am not using the correct search phrase. I do not see any reset procedures in either manual. Can someone please post the reboot and reinit and any other re-#### procedures - here or maybe as addenda ?

    Thank you in advance 8o

    Booster not the same as channel overdrive - completely different tone characteristics. If I put my Ibaneze Tube Screamer in front of my Marshall, which is set for clean. It will sound like my clean Marshall with an effect pedal. This is not the same tone as my Marshall Channel 1 set for clean, then switching to channel 2, which is set up with Higher gain, tubes are hotter and more over drive. I agree, in principle, it looks like the same thing but in practice is sounds totally different - try it.

    What I would like to see Kemper provide the ability to model (emulate) my clean tone AND my crunch tone AND my Over drive from Hell tone and switch between with out having to do a CC# to call up another rig. Hope that makes sense


    I have a G-System but only thought it was for effects - can someone share with me how you would connect and use your G-System Pedal board with
    Kemper. I just bought a FCB1010 - so if I can do it with my G-System, and it works, I can send this back to dealer (the Berhinger not Kemper ;( )

    Kindest Regards,

    Here are my 3

    1. Channel switching on same rig - just like on a real amp, it would be great if I could just switch to drive from clean with out switching rigs OR switching to same rig but different patch.

    2. E D I T O R!!! as I age I am going blind 8|

    3. Ability to number my rigs so I don't have to hunt in browse mode every time - I guess this is what performance mode is suppose to do - so then
    3a. Performance mode!!! :thumbup:

    I have to agree with Techn0god - I am running SPDIF into my Apogee Ensemble - and I too feel it sounds mmm. somewhat sterile - so I am going to try an experiment and just come out of main outputs into my Apogee. When I played this in the store the tone was rich and creamy - and just awesome - using the stock patches, when I got home and connected via SPDIF I was un impressed - almiost to the point where I wanted to return it!!!! X( - can anyone from Kemper tell me if you loose the Cabinet Modeling algorithms when going thru SPDIF? - cause that is what it sounds like.

    I have multiple guitars, each has a sightly different output - would be nice to have a setting where I could store - 56 Paul, Blackie Strat Active PU, SRV Strat, Tele - then just select it and/or assign it to a profile - I know you can copy profiles and adjust sensitivity - but please correct me if I am wrong - isn't input sensitivity a global setting? Thanks for reading :P