Channel switching on same rig

  • Booster not the same as channel overdrive - completely different tone characteristics. If I put my Ibaneze Tube Screamer in front of my Marshall, which is set for clean. It will sound like my clean Marshall with an effect pedal. This is not the same tone as my Marshall Channel 1 set for clean, then switching to channel 2, which is set up with Higher gain, tubes are hotter and more over drive. I agree, in principle, it looks like the same thing but in practice is sounds totally different - try it.

    What I would like to see Kemper provide the ability to model (emulate) my clean tone AND my crunch tone AND my Over drive from Hell tone and switch between with out having to do a CC# to call up another rig. Hope that makes sense


  • Booster not the same as channel overdrive - completely different tone characteristics. If I put my Ibaneze Tube Screamer in front of my Marshall, which is set for clean. It will sound like my clean Marshall with an effect pedal. This is not the same tone as my Marshall Channel 1 set for clean, then switching to channel 2, which is set up with Higher gain, tubes are hotter and more over drive. I agree, in principle, it looks like the same thing but in practice is sounds totally different - try it.

    What I would like to see Kemper provide the ability to model (emulate) my clean tone AND my crunch tone AND my Over drive from Hell tone and switch between with out having to do a CC# to call up another rig. Hope that makes sense


    Right but i think that guitarnet70 was talking about a different thing.
    Think that the pure booster in the stomp menu works exactly as the gain knob in the KPA. Pure gain and compression, no fx on the overall tone (besides distortion and volume, obviously). So it doesn't work like a TS or an overdrive, but more like turning the gain knob up.
    In this sense you can set two levels of gain in the same rig.

    In the other side you were suggesting something different: it makes sense but you have something like that only in the Axe Fx II, and you might do it with the X/Y function and/or with a dual amp preset in order to recall completely different sounds.

    I think it would be cool to implement an A/B rig function in Perform mode, but the very first layout of the KPA foot controller doesn't seem to have a switch to control a function like that.

  • I agree with the OP...different channels are...different. Not the same as altering the input with a stomp either clean boosted or otherwise.

    So, with that in mind, I treat each RIG like an amp channel. Changing rigs is probably the best way to change channels. I just get a profile of each sound and switch between them. The switch time seems about the same as on my real amps so I don't really have a downside to doing it that way.

    When "Performance Mode" finally arrives, that will be how its done based on what I understand.


  • I think it depends what you are use to - I've heard some amps where the channels sound a little disconnected where most do feel like more of a gain and eq change going on.

    Nonetheless, whenever the foot controller comes out we'll all be sitting on 1000+ channel amps! LOL

    I do get what you are saying but seriously you could really make you own tweaks to each rig and save them as their own rigs and turn a single 2 channel amp into a 5 channel (or whatever #) amp if you can look at handling this sort of chore this way.

    "Tone is in the fingers" is not a necessary response to anything that I might type on any internet forum threads. Thank you.

    Edited once, last by BuckeyeBrown (April 29, 2012 at 8:30 PM).

  • Well, I completely understand the need for Performance organization that makes a mix between the "old school" method (with Channel and A/B Rig Selectors), and the "new school" method with tons of Bank/Presets.... mainly because we don't want to be scared to use something "too new" and want to keep some familiar usage, but introduce some "new features" to progress...

    I will use the little draft I did for the Foot Controller to illustrate my words (but it could probably be true to any other foot controller).

    [Blocked Image:]

    My idea behind the layout is based on a classic Rig with your channel selector (most of the time 2 or 3, but since I don't like odd numbers I used 4).
    On any channel you can use the "Boost" (you can adjust for the song, +5db, +10db, etc...)
    Each "Channel" (Memory) can have different settings, as well different pedals turned on/off... but with the same Amp, EQ and Cab.

    So you can get a B Rig with the A/B Rig selector, where you can have the same, or a different Amp, EQ, Cab, with 4 new memories and a boost.
    And that would be saved as a "Bank/Song". So you could typically have up to 8 Presets per Bank/Song.

    To keep the Midi CC compatible and easy, we can bet on a 127 Banks/Songs (well enough for a concert)... that makes up to 1024 Presets/Channels, but with an "old school" approach with a selector, a boost and an A/B switch.... and a "new school" approach with the Bank Up/Down (combined with the Preset Selectors).

    I have no doubt, some of us might just use only 1 Bank/Song for the entire concert, and use the Stomps and Effects On/Off Switches, as well the 8 channels... It might sound very "dinosaur way", but it might be the best solution for an easy and smooth transition from the "old school" to the "new school" :)

    My 2 cents,

  • Well, I believe that in order for a profile to be "channel-switched", it should contain the information for actually two different profiles (I can't see what other way the KPA would have to know how a switch influences the profiled channel). So the questions come down to two:

    • is there "real time" memory enough in the KPA to allow a double-sized profile to be loaded and used?
    • Are Kemper willing/interested in implementing a "profile with switch"? Ultimately, this would imply introducing in the UI a function to tell the machine that a certain profile has to be considered the switched version of another profile.

    Unless I misunderstood the OP, all this doesn't seem easier to me than switching between two different profiles.

  • Agree with Gianfranco, profile all the channels you want and switch between them. Midi assignments have never been easier than on the KPA

    "Music is enough for a lifetime, but a lifetime is not enough for music" Serghei Rachmaninoff