The Kemper Foot Controller: A Proposal

  • Not for me. Would like to have them at the right side. Usually standing on my left foot while switching with the right, everything left and further up is harder to reach for me. CK: Have you ever thought about implementing control wheels (something like the e.w.s. subtle volume control)? Love them for little volumechanges.

    ?( Well that's also my point. Here I am, standing on my left foot while my right foot is changing preset and using Wha and volume pedal. I am more frequently changing presets than banks so I thought it would make sense to have banks button on the left side or on top.
    [Blocked Image:]

  • You will use bank up/down more often than the effect switches?

    Me yes. Banks at five are a bit small and then I need a switch for the next five. I usually have the distorted preset twice, one louder and one lower since you can not influence the outputvolume from the guitar. But if there are doublefunctions on the presetbuttons, then the bank switches are less important and then it's less important wheter they are left or right.

  • This might be a valid point.
    Everybody: swap the 4 effects buttons and the two bank buttons?

    This seems like a good idea to me.

    Also the foot controller should be reasonably sturdy - the previously mentioned Neutrik RJ45 ethercon connector would definitely be great. It would be nice if the controller was also somewhat "spilled beer proof".

  • Hi,
    I like my Voodoo Lab Ground Control very much - it doesn´t work well with my Kemper yet -
    It has 4 rigs, and the 8 other buttons can switch on or off the slots... would be perfect!!!
    Bank up and down, a mute-switch (tuner) a big display only for the name of the rig AND the tuner,
    enough space for two pedals - this would be great!

    Vielen Dank Christoph, das wird schön, das Teil!

  • I'm a left foot stand / right foot press guitarist as well. Bank up/dwn on the right is better.

    +1 on a "foot operated wheel"....great for adjusting depth on delays, etc.

    Flat and Compact is better. If it fit in the space of a 19 x 1.75 inch rack for storage, even better.

    Screen readability is important and small fonts are useless to me. Make it so a person with 20/40 vision can read it. (1.2+ cm tall fonts)


    Edited once, last by musicman65 (April 29, 2012 at 8:48 AM).

  • I like CK's original design. Bank up/Down to the left or to the right doesn't matter to me.

    +1 here. I like the tap button on the bottom row. I couldn't keep my SoftStep because I couldn't reliably step on the top row without hitting the bottom.

  • Personally I would rather see at least 1 or preferably 2 exp pedals included a la FC-300 stylee, simply because I don't want to carry 37 million pieces of separate gear and cables to every gig, for those that absolutely hate that idea, maybe some kind of extra bolt on solution to satisfy both camps?

  • Personally I would rather see at least 1 or preferably 2 exp pedals included a la FC-300 stylee, simply because I don't want to carry 37 million pieces of separate gear and cables to every gig, for those that absolutely hate that idea, maybe some kind of extra bolt on solution to satisfy both camps?

    that is what I think, too.
    one exp pedal would be perfect and I guess everybody uses at least one. Even if it is a bit more expensive. I hate to carry around a lot of seperate pieces. So pleeeeeeeas one exp pedal.
    If you don`t waste the space on top row of the original layout ant put the bank switch there, it will be enough space for a exp pedal without making it so much bigger.
    And thanks CK for asking on our opinion ...

  • that is what I think, too.
    one exp pedal would be perfect and I guess everybody uses at least one. Even if it is a bit more expensive. I hate to carry around a lot of seperate pieces. So pleeeeeeeas one exp pedal.
    If you don`t waste the space on top row of the original layout ant put the bank switch there, it will be enough space for a exp pedal without making it so much bigger.
    And thanks CK for asking on our opinion ...


  • Stupid question: where is the issue in mounting the exp. pedals on a pedalboard together with the FC? Exp pedals tend to wear off and break, lot better not to have to change the all FC. Then somebody wants larger pedals like the Dunlop ones, sombody elses wants switch activated ones, somebody wants springloaded ones, sombody is happy with cheap ones...... Lot better, IMHO, to leave the choice to the users....

    "Music is enough for a lifetime, but a lifetime is not enough for music" Serghei Rachmaninoff

  • Stupid question: where is the issue in mounting the exp. pedals on a pedalboard together with the FC? Exp pedals tend to wear off and break, lot better not to have to change the all FC. Then somebody wants larger pedals like the Dunlop ones, sombody elses wants switch activated ones, somebody wants springloaded ones, sombody is happy with cheap ones...... Lot better, IMHO, to leave the choice to the users....


  • guys, why make it bulky, if it doesn't need to be? button spacing would be the same...

    [Blocked Image:]

    please CK, maybe it can be two different sizes for different folks?

    I dont agree with 2 different size options. But I really like Kili's layout. Ultimately for me to pay money for it, it has to be very compact. Im using the Midi Raider now, and its great, but not quite as compact as I'd like it to be. This looks like a nice layout. I'm thrilled you guys are making advancement on this, but at the risk of sounding like a broken record, where are you guys at as far as a software solution to organize, rename, and delete profiles?

    Thanks CK for inviting the current users to comment on floor board plan. Thats pretty cool of you. :thumbup:

  • Quote

    Stupid question: where is the issue in mounting the exp. pedals on a pedalboard together with the FC? Exp pedals tend to wear off and break, lot better not to have to change the all FC. Then somebody wants larger pedals like the Dunlop ones, sombody elses wants switch activated ones, somebody wants springloaded ones, sombody is happy with cheap ones...... Lot better, IMHO, to leave the choice to the users....

    Hence a bolt on, did you not understand the reason for my post? You by pedal sans pedals as stated and you're happy, I spend a bit more and buy either larger pedal with exp pedals on board or a bolt on tray section slot together and I'm happy, sheesh.

  • I like the smaller size and like many (I suspect) already own expression pedals in my case a Roland and a mission so would prefer not to have it come with a built in expression would be nice to have a switch that could be a dedicated or assignable boost for solos but understand I can assign that myself...thanks for all of your work on this Mr K!