Posts by Toneman

    Can't believe I'm playing a virtual representation of my amp+cab and it actually sounds closer to itself than I could have believed. There are certain nuances I like about this amp that are there in the Kemper Profile of it. I've been pretty sceptical of the Kemper so am pretty shocked. At first the profile didn't sound like the amp the way I know it so I had to use the Studio EQ and tweak a few other things here and there to get it to sound like itself.

    It actually sounds better here in the room through my monitors than the Ox Box output of the live amp running pretty hard through the same monitors. I have an A-B switch on the input to go back and forth and prefered the Kemper version.

    Oh, actually the are there it just took a while for them to show up. I feel like a proud parent.

    Check my Rigs out! My Author name is TONEFEST. There are three, each one has more presence, for varying brightness guitars. These are medium gain Marshall sounds for Rock or Hard Rock.

    Thanks ST!

    So export isn't upload to Rig Manager, it's export to your local folder. I saw those links before but couldn't figure it out. The first link, under "Upload your own Rigs," requires the use of a flash stick, so didn't seem the right way.

    I've exported rigs from Rig Manager to a local folder on the laptop, then dragged them to that "Drop files here to upload box" but they don't appear in Rig Exchange. They appeared in a numbered list above the box, but not in Rig Manager.

    So also tried to drag them from Rig Manager to the "Drop files here to upload" box per your second link but that crashes the browser, tried twice in a row, both time crashes the browser, am on a Mac.

    Just made my first profile. I have a 1980 50 Watt Marshall JMP and an old 4x12 cab with early 70s 25 Watt Celestions, a good sounding rig, and the cab is really great. Just profiled it with the master on only 2 1/2 just because I didn't want to blow any speakers on the first go. Holy crap it was loud. I was in the room, wearing hearing protection, but was scared it was going to blow a speaker.

    Anyway, after tweaking the profile am happy with the results - it's a good sounding profile and after messing with speaker tuning and some EQ it sounds a lot like my Marshall.

    Have some questions though:

    - In the beginning of doing the profile it asked me to set the level based on a reference amp - have read this in the manual but it wasn't clear. Ignored this and left it at default -16 dB but that seems like it might have been wrong.

    - After the profile was over it asked if I wanted to refine and I said yes, and it seemed like it was trying to profile the amp more, but by then I'd already hit standby, so no sound, so I hit end. Did this cause any problems to the profile I just made?

    - When I saved the profile it oddly used the default name of the last profile I had been using earlier, so I added one character and hit save, then changed the name and hit resave. Seems there should be a better way to name the profile you just made.

    - In Rig Manager my new profile has an Amp Name and Cabinet Name that are the same as those of the purchased rig I'd been using earlier. I don't wnat these in my profile as they are from someone else. Why are they there and how do I get rid of them?

    - Isn't the cab from the profile I just made? Why does the Cab Name have any name at all?

    - Making the profile with the master on only 2 1/2 it was so loud I feel I can't go up to 5 or 8 where I want to really be making these profiles. But I guess two EL34s can't blow four parallel 25W speakers. But still... damn that was loud.

    Thanks if anyone can answer any of those!

    Are you using a Focusrite? Try invoking Scarlett Mix Control. That should fix the problem. If you don't invoke Scarlett mix control you will still get sound, but it will be tinny.

    Any of us Warren fans know the short list of gear he's associated with - what I'm looking for is specific profiles.

    I downloaded the Laney AOR profiles referenced above and to my ear they are nowhere near to my ear - a bit shrill. Thanks for the pointer though, I do appreciate it. I have some Laney profiles by Burt Meulendijk that I think are better Laney profiles. Also checked out the BHP free sample pack, which has a Soldano Ratt profile - not a bad sounding profile - will check out BHP - am a subscriber of Michael Nielson's youtube channel.

    (I personally believe Warren used Marshall (not a plexi) on the EP and first album, and a Super Champ. The producer of OOTC says the Marshall head used was a JCM800 and both guitarists tracked with the same Marshall. But, Warren sounds like Warren regardless of gear used.)

    This is a bug in Rig Manager.

    You can work around it by quitting out of Rig Manager and re-invoking Rig Manager every so often. Then you will see all the ratings changes you made, and favourites you chose, will show up after you re-invoke Rig Manager (they didn't really get lost).

    I'm also getting around the bug by advancing only in one direction per session so I know all the new rigs I encounter didn't already get rated.

    Hope they fix it on the next release.

    Thanks ST. I made the setting change and also read it in the manual.

    From playing around with it after making the change it looks like if using the Rig Manager to rate rigs I'd have to sort the rig pool on the Profiler the same way I sort the rigs in the Rig Manager. Otherwise the footswitch will not advance to the next rig shown in the Rig Manager. Do you agree with that?

    How do I browse through the Rigs one at a time using the Remote? Right now I just want to advance to the next rig since I have a lot of rigs to check out. Assumed the Up and Down buttons on the top left would do this, but they don't. They do cause jumping to one or two rigs, but that's it.

    If I create a browse pool such as "All Rigs" on the Profiler the Up Down buttons jump five rigs at a time, then I have to use the 1 through 5 buttons within the group of five.

    How do i get it to advance one rig at a time?

    I did a test by moving 20 DI profiles from MyProfiler to Local Library under a "DI" subfolder. They appear in the new subfolder but are still there in the MyProfiler directory as well. So then I had to delete them from MyProfiler. Isn't there a way to move profiles without copying and then deleting?

    Anyway, I moved all the DI profiles out of the Profiler this way. Now am trying to move out the merged profiles. These have suffix M. But there are so many of them, and they are in groups of one. Is there a way to select or filter all the merged profiles at once? Otherwise it will take forever, since htere are still more than 800 profiles in this Kemper.


    Hi, I think I have not understood how to manage profiles between the laptop download folder, USB stick, Profiler and Rig Manager.

    When I bought profile packs I put the complete downloaded profile sets onto a flash stick, and inserted it into the Profiler. As a result my Profiler took in all the profiles of that pack, so that means I have a large amount of Merged and Direct profiles mixed in with the Studio profiles I actually use. So there must be at least 500 profiles in there that just clutter everything up.

    What's the right way to manage it so I can delete the Merged and Direct profiles all at once from the Profiler. I still have the download packages on my laptop - it that where to keep the unused profiles as backup? Or should the unused profiles be in the Rig Manager somewhere?