Managing Studio, Merged and Direct Profiles to avoid clutter

  • Hi, I think I have not understood how to manage profiles between the laptop download folder, USB stick, Profiler and Rig Manager.

    When I bought profile packs I put the complete downloaded profile sets onto a flash stick, and inserted it into the Profiler. As a result my Profiler took in all the profiles of that pack, so that means I have a large amount of Merged and Direct profiles mixed in with the Studio profiles I actually use. So there must be at least 500 profiles in there that just clutter everything up.

    What's the right way to manage it so I can delete the Merged and Direct profiles all at once from the Profiler. I still have the download packages on my laptop - it that where to keep the unused profiles as backup? Or should the unused profiles be in the Rig Manager somewhere?

  • I did a test by moving 20 DI profiles from MyProfiler to Local Library under a "DI" subfolder. They appear in the new subfolder but are still there in the MyProfiler directory as well. So then I had to delete them from MyProfiler. Isn't there a way to move profiles without copying and then deleting?

    Anyway, I moved all the DI profiles out of the Profiler this way. Now am trying to move out the merged profiles. These have suffix M. But there are so many of them, and they are in groups of one. Is there a way to select or filter all the merged profiles at once? Otherwise it will take forever, since htere are still more than 800 profiles in this Kemper.


  • I would delete everything from the Profiler and start again.

    Using Rig Manager local library, create sub folders for Studio and Direct (if you want to keep Merged separate too then create a folder for those also). Now move all profiles into the appropriate folder. You can find them easily using the sort and order functions in RM. for example to fund all Direct Profiles sort by Cabinet to find all profiles with N/A as the cabinet. All the N/A cabs will be next to each other making it easy to select them all and move them to the sub folder. Merged profiles will be a little more difficult unfortunately but still much easier in RM than on KPA itself. One option would be to manually select non adjacent profiles I think it is CMD Click on my Mac but I can’t remember the exact modifier command (it could be Shift, or Alt but trial and error will find it quickly enough).

    If importing new packs check at outset whether they are already grouped. Many profilers now sell their packs with sub folder for the different profile types. Simply import them into RM directly to an appropriate sub folder.

    Do everything via RM. There is no need to use a USB. It is really quick and easy to simply drag and drop the required profiles from Local Library to My Profiler.

  • Thanks Alan. Like your idea of sorting by cab. Unfortunately for me I already did all the moves the hard way, but thanks for the idea.

    I still did not solve the problem of there seeming to be no move command - instead I have to drag and drop intot he new folder, and then still delete the rig from the previous location. So move actually acts like copy.