Vanishing rating - is this a bug or feature?

  • I'm using RM 3.0.145 and stepping through the rigs in "My Profiler", double-clicking to load and preview. All well and good.

    However, if you rate your current selection, then double-click on another rig, the rating vanishes.

    I think the same thing was happening to favourites, but in that case I was marking them in RM and stepping using the browse button on the Stage.

    This will now be the 3rd time I start again to preview all the installed rigs... <sigh>

  • This is a bug in Rig Manager.

    You can work around it by quitting out of Rig Manager and re-invoking Rig Manager every so often. Then you will see all the ratings changes you made, and favourites you chose, will show up after you re-invoke Rig Manager (they didn't really get lost).

    I'm also getting around the bug by advancing only in one direction per session so I know all the new rigs I encounter didn't already get rated.

    Hope they fix it on the next release.