anybody using in ear monitor for live performance?

  • We toss a spare SM58 over a truss in the ceiling about 4 feet out from the frontline at stage center and 8-10 feet high and run it to a MUTED (important!) channel on the mixer. The room ambiance can then be mixed to taste for each IEM aux mix. No more room isolation. No more problems hearing the crowd, requests, etc. Adjust the ambiance to taste. I highly recommend trying it.


  • We use a fully isolated IEM mix, direct gtrs/bass, mics split, everything goes into a MOTU 828mk3, 5 separate stereo mixes, sennheiser wireless, all controllable from an iphone/ipad. We use custom IEMs, mine are 4 drivers. Best low end I have ever heard. The MOTU has internal DSP (EQ, comp, verb) but will be upgrading to the behringer x32 rack when that finally comes out. Kemper, axefx, and a gsp1101. Everything changes via MIDI

    We made the choice after this terrible sound guy almost fucked our hearing. A little louder does not mean 10db. With no amps, cabs, etc to move and setup, setup time is comparably the same. All gtr/bass stuff sits in one 12u that is super light, then drummer has a rack with all the computer stuff.

    We are going to snake everything together with DB25 connections so setup will be lightning fast. Run power, two cables... uh... make sure guitar is tuned? That quick.

    It takes time to 'learn' to love the dry sound. It's awkward at first but in the mix it isn't so bad. For those who have that mushy problem, if you can control eq, everything has too much low mids, sub lows, etc.

    May i ask which IEM brand u are using? Do u have a problem with the high end?
    I also use a quad driver and the low end is great but as i was explaining in a few posts above mine are a bit accentuated in the high end which bothers me because it makes my guitar sound harsh. So i was wondering about ur experience since u are using quads as well..

  • May i ask which IEM brand u are using? Do u have a problem with the high end?
    I also use a quad driver and the low end is great but as i was explaining in a few posts above mine are a bit accentuated in the high end which bothers me because it makes my guitar sound harsh. So i was wondering about ur experience since u are using quads as well..

    Company out of Orlando Florida, In-earz. We got an endorsement about 2 months ago. Super cool people, if I asked for more 60hz thump, they'd swap drivers or add more. My next pair will be a 6 driver with a seperate mid low driver.

    But as far as highs, i would use the terms 'tubey' or 'warm' to describe mine. Not harsh highs, and smooth!

  • I use IEM for about 2-3 years now and I love it.
    KPA --> directly to PA --> Monitor back with mix like I want it ...
    I use Audio Technica M3 and I'm very pleased with it. I don't use plastics so I can hear some noise from environment.

  • We toss a spare SM58 over a truss in the ceiling about 4 feet out from the frontline at stage center and 8-10 feet high and run it to a MUTED (important!) channel on the mixer. The room ambiance can then be mixed to taste for each IEM aux mix. No more room isolation. No more problems hearing the crowd, requests, etc. Adjust the ambiance to taste. I highly recommend trying it.


    Bd I like your idea with the MIc on a muted channel. Very cool definitly will give it a try :thumbup:

  • I will occasionally bring along a spare mic (omni works best) and plug it into my mixer to mix in some room sound but, that often just muddies up the sound a great deal. The majority of the time I can still hear the mains even with my IEMs in so, not usually needed in my case.

    Last night I had the opportunity to control my monitor mix from a Presonus StudioLive mixer via my iPad. Between that and the IEMs I was in pure heaven! I can't see ever going back to the loud floor wedges again.


  • Last night I had the opportunity to control my monitor mix from a Presonus StudioLive mixer via my iPad. Between that and the IEMs I was in pure heaven! I can't see ever going back to the loud floor wedges again.


    I must try this soon, owning a StudioLive 16.4.2 and UE IEM's
    It's only that the KPA sounds so good through a Yamaha DXR.