Performance Mode woes

  • Sure, but I'd have to remove all CC numbers, not only those, and then I wouldn't be able to control any parameter on the KPA; I could only switch between slots.
    My plan was using 4 CC numbers to switch between the first four slots of each performance (and switching between performances with the buttons on the KPA) and using 4 CC numbers to control the tap tempo, delay on/off and two stomps on/off.

  • Sure, but I'd have to remove all CC numbers, not only those, and then I wouldn't be able to control any parameter on the KPA; I could only switch between slots.
    My plan was using 4 CC numbers to switch between the first four slots of each performance (and switching between performances with the buttons on the KPA) and using 4 CC numbers to control the tap tempo, delay on/off and two stomps on/off.

    Why do you have to remove all CC#'s? I thought only #48-54 was the problem?

  • I've just spent hours sorting out the PM mode problem of it switching back to browse mode on the latest firmware. I'm using a Rocktron Midi Raider in the 5 bank 10 CC button mode, I also have an FCB1010. The problem only occurs for me when I have one of the CC buttons set to engage the tuner mode, as soon as I removed CN #31 from the Raider it worked perfectly in PM mode, hope this helps. Also both the FCB and the MR worked perfectly in PM mode until I started programming the CN's.

    Hope this helps.

    Oh also CN#7 on button 7 clashes on the MR as its also set to CN#7 on PED2 or PED1 which also puts the tuner on.

  • I just want to bump this. Because it must be a bug here.

    I hade the same experience right now. If I send another CC in my case a CC#31 value 0 (tuner off), right before the bank select CC it jumps back to browse mode.

    So the lesson is: Don't send another CC before the the bank select CC.

    I also find that CC#0, does not work for bank select. You have to use CC#32.

  • Please refer to page 84 of the Reference Manual outlining use of Bank Select in Performance Mode.

    Ahh.. Sorry. I actually looked in manuals, but I'm was obviously not looking good enough.... (rtfm to my self....)

    But when I'm now look in the manual I find it inconsistent.

    It says on page 83
    "The bank select MSB #0 must always be sent after the bank select LSB with value 0."

    I understand this sentence like this: Calling performance 52 slot 1 --> CC#32 value 1 - CC#0 value 0 - PC#127

    But on page 84 it says
    "While program changes are required to initiate the rig load, bank select MSB and LSB are redundant. You don’t need to send bank select MSB because PERFORMANCE MODE always assumes value ‘0’. Bank select LSB is not required as long as you navigate within the same MIDI bank."

    Do I need to send the CC#0 message after the CC#32 message or not?

    Tested using MIDI-OX and cannot reproduce such behaviour under current firmware 2.2.1 Release. If you should have such an issue under current firmware please open a support ticket, and describe exact conditions.

    I get this issue when calling tuner off (when it is not in tuner mode) before selecting a performance. But it could be in coherence with the bank select CC#32 and CC#0...