Eight Months And Counting. So, Where's The Rig Manager?

  • It's going on 8 months since C Kemper said they were working on a Rig Manager. Has anyone heard anything from C Kemper since then?

    I owned and sold a KPA Lunchbox to buy the KPA Rack. A good friend was reviving an old blues band and I thought the Rack unit would be easier to gig with. I had some medical issues pop up and had to drop out before I ordered the Rack unit. As much as I love the KPA, I find it very irritating that there's not some sort of librarian. Especially for a higher quality/price unit like the KPA. Enough so that I'm seriously considering just going back to an Eleven Rack. No, It's not a Kemper, but it sounds darn good to me. Especially for clean and blues crunch that I play.

    At the least, C Kemper should keep us better informed on "all" aspects he's working on. If he has put the Rig Manager on the back burner, just say so.

  • oh so very right, resonator. there is not much i can add here. if it is no longer in the pipeline, guys,
    please tell us so. but i have good, very good news for you.
    we have a new user, his name is kerman, and he has built a renamer tool which is all i needed and is working on
    another editor. just check "kerman" as a member and his posts, they are very good indeed.

    My occupation: showing teenagers the many hidden secrets of the A-minor chord on the guitar.

  • its been said several times its in the pipeline. if they give dates though and dont deliver on them, again people get disappointed. once performance mode is released they may get round to it, no PM has been the biggest gripe aimed at the kpa so i expect that is priority

  • its been said several times its in the pipeline. if they give dates though and dont deliver on them, again people get disappointed. once performance mode is released they may get round to it, no PM has been the biggest gripe aimed at the kpa so i expect that is priority

    Rig Manager and Performance Mode are two totally separate issues. They can't work on both at the same time? Is there one person sitting in his office working on all the updates? Absolutely not! Sorry to sound like I'm picking on your post, but working on the PM is no excuse.

  • Rig Manager and Performance Mode are two totally separate issues.

    Not necessarily true. It depends on how they plan the librarian software and what features it would have. If they plan some Performance configuration with the Librarian software through USB connection (or 2-way MIDI), then it depends a lot on the Performance Mode implementation on the KPA. ;)

    But don't get me wrong: I would rather have the librarian yesterday than tomorrow.

  • Rig Manager and Performance Mode are two totally separate issues. They can't work on both at the same time? Is there one person sitting in his office working on all the updates? Absolutely not! Sorry to sound like I'm picking on your post, but working on the PM is no excuse.

    people have paid for a unit that says performance mode on it and it is not active, technically false advertising. Rig management would be amazing but is not obligatory from kemper. Performance mode kind of is

  • Not necessarily true. It depends on how they plan the librarian software and what features it would have. If they plan some Performance configuration with the Librarian software through USB connection (or 2-way MIDI), then it depends a lot on the Performance Mode implementation on the KPA. ;)

    But don't get me wrong: I would rather have the librarian yesterday than tomorrow.

    Hopefully, updates and add on's will be on going. Like the Performance Mode. I would think updates to Rig Management would take care of changes like PM. Come on guys, be the squeaky wheel instead of a best friend. If Fender can come up with an interface for an inexpensive practice amp like G-Dec, well, you know.

  • I really wish they had more dev staff.
    But hey, what should they do all day long, as soon as everything's done and perfect?
    Eventually they would have to develop a miniKPA or other impressing products based on CK's invention and patent.
    And they would still have to deal with user requests for an antibinoxic convolution revolver effect and other technologies never seen before, right? :D

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    Martin ;)

  • It's taken fractal audio almost a year without having a functioning editor for the axe fx 2, and they have passed many deadlines even when more staff is hired. Many users are frustrated and I'm not enjoying editing it via the front panel when I sometimes use the axe fx 2 for some crazy effects. Creating something like this is much more complicated than many think, especially for more complicated gear that is updated with new features all the time. The number of staff working on projects like this will greatly reduce the time for sure. Thankfully editing on the front panel is a lot easier on the kemper so it's not that important for me.

  • people have paid for a unit that says performance mode on it and it is not active, technically false advertising. Rig management would be amazing but is not obligatory from kemper. Performance mode kind of is

    We are aware that a number of users urgently want the Performance Mode to have a complete product. By whatever reason the word librarian is not printed on the panel, This could be one reason why you will see the Performance Mode earlier than a Librarian, even if I consider a librarian to be much more important.

    The librarian will still take a while. We are planning an app for PC and Mac. It's a pain jn the as to create apps that have a certain standard. Todays operating systems make it very difficult to support easy drag and drop actions etc. There are little synergies between Mac and PC. We do not have three or five guys working on this project, as we do not address a 100.000 user base and do not charge a fee for the software. See how long competiting projects take. The suffer from identical problems.

    It's a special business. Be patient.

  • Hi! What's about the performance mode? I don't readed to much about it because it's not working so why then? I don't understand the diference between the performance and having 127 midi presets...
    About the librarian, again... I'm afraid on investing time with this, because it seems that they are working on it, and also forcing users to another site to upload their profiles, even if the site is great and functional..

    I'm now working on the KPA EDITOR, and hey! great news folks! I decided to give the first version for free (no VST, midi learn and DAW automation) , but you will be able to control all the parameters that kemper allows now.

    Edited, thanks for your reply ckemper. So the app standalone you are developing will have connection toyour server's database and fileserver with all the profiles?

    My recommendation, forget O.S. apps, and focus on the cloud.. webapps/mobile apps are much better for this IMHO (and the future), you just need a expert coder (PHP/ASP whatever), and the app will run on ALL OPERATING SYSTEMS.

  • to see this kind of clarification is always appreciated. thanks CK!
    so performance mode is on top of the list and will come soon?
    for my purposes kerman's work is sufficient and this sounds like this app will take a long time to realise?
    anyway thanks CK for letting us know. what about posting those kind of announcements in the


    My occupation: showing teenagers the many hidden secrets of the A-minor chord on the guitar.

  • Yep but telling your customers that you are working in "something" and just that, it's worst IMO! with all my love eh?
    There must be a way to keep your customers happy knowing that there is a progress and also an estimation of release, yes I know, then you'll have delays, problems, etc.. but I think that if you do the things right and clear, only trolls will be posting such stuff..