What profiles are you using live?

  • I'm curious what profiles everyone is using when playing live with the KPA, using a FRFR monitor and going direct to the mains. My personal interest is in "edge of breakup" clean, crunch and medium gain tones. So far I have only used my own profiles, I'm sure there are plenty of profiles out there that are better than mine but I think because I'm comfortable with my own amps and speaker cabs I tend to prefer my own profiles. But, I'm looking to try some other profiles and instead of auditioning every profile out there I thought I'd ask what everyone else is using for live applications.

    Along the same lines, does anyone use different profiles for recording vs. playing live? Is there a difference? I tend to think that there is but I'm new at this profiling stuff.

  • Im sure youll get quite a varied response. For me I was using the Morgan AC profile for most of my stuff for a very long time. I recently switched to using Andy's Vox AC 30 Boost. Im really digging it for edgy clean to mid gain. Surprisingly to this day, being an owner since the Kemper was released in the US I am still using a profile called PITTBULL for heavier stuff. Its one of my faves. Every once in awhile when Im playing a Les Paul, Ill use Andys JCM 800, which is just everything an amp and guitar should sound like to me.

  • LP-JCM800 AC- slightly tweaked or the free JCM800 from the TAF pack. I can't imagine having a better sound. I use this with gain at about 3.5 and have an EQ in front for solo boost. + Volume poti for clean.

    MJT Strats / PRS Guitars / Many DIY Guitars -- Kemper Profiler Rack / Kemper Remote / InEar

  • A tweaked version of Keith Merrows 5150. Cuts through the mix incredibly well (as the 5150/6505 is known for). To be honest, I can't understand why people use rectifiers, with their muffled, saggy sound :rolleyes:

  • The two profiles that are the staple of my Kemper, are:

    1. Morgan AC20 for clean > light dirt and the
    2. T.A.F Evil Robot for light dirt and up.

    All the other profiles assigned to my foot controller are replaceable, but not those 2.

    Pretty much any profiles from The Amp Factory are worth consideration in my book.

  • Just now I'm using Fluff's 5150 III for rhythm, just changed the cab and added a studio compressor and it sounds amazing! Also using r.u.sirius profile of a Herbert with eq/delay/reverb for lead, an the Fender Champ 1967 for cleans; planning to try out a few of the amp factory's amp pack 5 profiles though, a mark V and an Ironheart are calling my name..