TheAmpFactory Pack5 Out NOW!

  • Hey Andy,

    Tried installing Chrome and that is not opening the audio samples either.

    What is strange is Firefox version 20 opened the top half of the samples, but not the bottom half. When I upgraded to version 21 they all stopped playing. So, I did have audio at one point for some of the samples.

    Not sure what to try now.

    FYI: Pro Tools is on this machine and using Avid CoreAudio manager.

    Edited once, last by TheGhost (May 16, 2013 at 8:45 PM).

  • Hi Andy,

    I think what may be happening is that:

    1. You've supplied the samples in MP3 format
    2. Firefox doesn't support MP3 files through the HTML5 API on Mac OS X
    3. Firefox falls back to using Flash
    4. Flash crashes

    So one way to improve the situation for Firefox on Mac OS X users would be to supply ogg versions of all your samples because Firefox does support those through the HTML5 API. Extra work for you though obviously!

    NB: Firefox on Windows uses the underlying OS support for MP3 to avoid directly supporting MP3 in the browser itself. They don't appear to do that on Mac OS X:…d_media_formats


  • Hi Andy,

    congrats to your new website. :)
    Imho, it's going in the right direction, but I have a few remarks or requests.

    The text color in the navigation is to dark when you browse the site on a tablet or notebook in daylight.
    Info for your webdesigner: The CSS color tag in '.af_nav a' should be #ccc instead of #666 in line 33 of…y_2.0/style.css

    It's certainly nice to have the single profiles by packs (popdown menu when hovering Singles). But I suggest that you also maintain a complete list of all single amps sorted alphabetically. If I'm looking for an amp, most of the time I know what I'm looking for and I don't like to browse 5 different pages where some aren't even sorted alphabetically. Keep th popdown menu but add a complete alphabetical list when I click on "Singles" instead of one of the 5 submenu items.

    On the starting page, the images "Mixing Service" and "Art & Design" should be 476px wide instead of 480px, the main image above (hero_banner.jpg) should be 956px wide ... all this applies only if you plan to keep the (not so nice) border around these images. Currently in IE10 there is an image overflow and a line break caused by the inconsistency with the page width of 960px.

    Hope this helps. :)


  • wow thanks for the info.. although a lot of this again means nothing too me.
    So I'll pass this on to the web team..

    Thanks very much You and Nick have helped me today.
    Talking to the web guy now about OGG files!

    Wish me luck! lol

  • Just picked this amp pack up...immediately drawn to the hair rock... :)
    Haven't made it home to check 'em out yet, but $60 is too cheap not to at least give it a whirl..
    Thanks Andy!

    [EDIT] y'know, I'm a bit of a knob...I picked up the studioROCK (AFR) pack...not amp pack 5...sorry for any confusion

  • Hi. I just got a handful of the Amp pack 5 profiles. Unfortunately I'm not digging them too much. They seem to not have alot of punch or volume like some of the previous packs. I have alot of the AF profiles and they all sound great. Maybe its because these are raw? Do I need to add some effects to bring out the volume and power on these? Usually the profiles sound great as is with minor tweaking needed.

    I absolutely love the Hi gain metal pack released awhile back and I was hoping to get some more great hi-gain profiles from this pack, especially the Laney Ironheart but it among some others dont really have the intense hi-gain metal power I was hoping for. I'll keep messing with the EQ and seee what happens.

  • VICTOR, these are all RAW indeed. - My previous profiles had a volume boost added on the X slot, - You can also add that on its still there just turn it on and lock it..Some love that to be on.. others didn't. and some were complaining about clipping so I left it off.. so yeah. this is always the problem.. I aim to please, and fall short (sorry about that) but then ive had many people tell me thats this is the best so far... so not sure who to listen too anymore lol. - People seem to enjoy them more when I just made profiles with all the post tweeks in place. - I guess I need to go back to that method then.....

    Robman, all clips are Kemper profiles, no post edits, just Raw tones from the unit to daw to disk, to you!

  • T

    VICTOR, these are all RAW indeed. - My previous profiles had a volume boost added on the X slot, - You can also add that on its still there just turn it on and lock it..Some love that to be on.. others didn't. and some were complaining about clipping so I left it off.. so yeah. this is always the problem.. I aim to please, and fall short (sorry about that) but then ive had many people tell me thats this is the best so far... so not sure who to listen too anymore lol. - People seem to enjoy them more when I just made profiles with all the post tweeks in place. - I guess I need to go back to that method then.....

    Robman, all clips are Kemper profiles, no post edits, just Raw tones from the unit to daw to disk, to you!

    Thanks for the info and tips Andy. I really appreciate it. Thats cool they are Raw and I can see how that definitely appeals to many. I have to say I am a big fan of your post tweaks profiles as well. I always thought they were great and they are some of my favs to this day. Maybe you could offer Raw profiles and some with your awesome tweaks added for those that like them. That way you please everyone. :) I really appreciate all of your hard work and they are still amazing! I have bunches of your profiles and I plan to get more. I was just wondering why these sounded different than some of your earlier profiles, now I know why. Good to know about the boost on the X slot. I'll mess with some effects and see what I can come up with.

    Thanks again and keep up the great work!

  • Hey Andy,

    Tried installing Chrome and that is not opening the audio samples either.

    What is strange is Firefox version 20 opened the top half of the samples, but not the bottom half. When I upgraded to version 21 they all stopped playing. So, I did have audio at one point for some of the samples.

    Not sure what to try now.

    FYI: Pro Tools is on this machine and using Avid CoreAudio manager.

    Yup same here using the most current version of Chrome. The audio will only play on half of the page. I get down to like the 16th sample and nothing plays.

  • yeah no worries, all is good. (im actually playing them now) I always like a bit of verb. so I just dial in the verb to my taste, then lock it, and turn the X slot on for more output..but this is my tastes, and believe me everyone is different.. I cant, and wont keep everyone happy. I supply amps not miracles :) - with the kemper sometimes there is a fine line that makes something good, to great! and that can be a small turn of the verb wheel! or delay or whatever it is your into.. now you can experiment with that!. or maybe because im not a metal player Im outta my depth and should stop doing metal stuff all together and leave that to people that know more maybe. I dunno. I hope you find happiness at least, bear with it and you will , I hope so!

    And Yes in the future there will be both sets. its more work but that way I can keep the grass green still. good idea!

  • Hi Andy,

    Thanks for your comments. I have been tweaking some of the profiles with reverb some eq, boost etc and the possibilities are endless but I have been very happy with what I am hearing. I absolutely love the Carvin Legacy. Im a Carvin player going on 20 years but have never played a real Carvin amp. This will be about as close as I probably get. :) The Kemper has introduced me to a world of limitless possibilities and I now have so many great amp profiles to choose from. Its so incredible!

    Dont sell yourself short on profiling Metal amps. Your Metal pack has some of my favorite goto profiles and you did a fantastic job on those! I'd love to see a volume 2 Metal pack with a whole new set of amps! Instant buy here. :)

    You've got a customer for life here and thats great you like my idea of raw and tweaked amps. You could always try that out and see how it works. It will just add to the already outstanding profiles you offer and give players more options to enjoy.


  • I couldnt stretch for the whole pack but bought the Carvin Legacy, Rivera Knucklehead, Cornford Hellcat and Mesa Lonestar individuality yesterday.

    After playing for a few hours tonight I found myself constantly returning to the Cornford Hellcat (RHY patch) when using humbuckers. After bumping up the presence a hair it sat very nicely with my various backing/jam tracks with just some basic amp eq and gain adjustments. REALLY like its responce to the gits volume knobs. My kinda rock tone all round. My obvious favorite of the 4.

    I was a bit underwhelmed with Mesa Lonestar. Sounded country authentic with my Tele for that mild breakup twang but not my cup of tea with humbuckers. Just not my style.

    Rivera Knucklehead: Actually dialed in quite a few OD tones that I liked alot, but the amp kinda lacked.. err.. "personality" or something.. I dunno - possibly just not a great match for me with the two guitars I was using (Tele and PRS). Will give this one another going over during the weekend.

    Carvin Legacy: Got lost in the gainey lead tones for much longer than I'd like to admit. Fun stuff. Made me want to throw out sweeps at every opportunity which is great - except that I royally suck at sweep picking - but I was still having a great time :thumbup: Didnt spend long on the clean profiles. They sounded fine but yeah, IMO the lead tones are where this amps fun resides.

    OK, this somehow turned into a mini review. Sorry about that. All I really wanted to say is:

    I'm digging the Hellcat :thumbup:

  • The Hellcat surprised me too actually. - I enjoyed that!, but (still I enjoyed the Riveara better, to me that was just an everyday rock tone, greta stuff) - but this is whats so great, we all like different things :) - the tone is in our heads!

    Oh and the Lonestar.. yes, play it with SC's. (ive the amp sitting next to me) and I cant play my LP through it at all. sounds too farty if I do..I just figured it was my p90's but glad you get the same response too!

  • This pack-5 is different than any other Andy's pack or profile up to date .
    I bought 5 or 6 , and I am happy only with Carvin-straight out of box .

    Using my moded Ibanez SV vwh Jem- even Steve Vai will be happy and probably fooled is that about real thing or what ???
    Lots of air and 'wood" in the sound , amazing profile !!!

    For all the rest ones (Rivera, Ironheart, MesaV, Fender Machete ..) , I will need tweaking in a manner to remove blanket and darkness , but without getting in fuzzy territory .

    I am not saying pack-5 is not good, I am saying it is just different than rest of Andy work , I simply can feel that natural amp tone is in profiles, but I need much more skills to take it out !

    Any ideas from Andy how to do that ?
    On the end I think we get spoiled with previous "ready to go" Andy's profiles, btw.
    I am sure this RAW profile style can give me even more results, once I learn how to tweak it properly .
    My old tricks with EQ's, pure and treble booster , amp clarity, adding highs in the cab, etc- do not work so far.....


    1988 Branko Radulovic Hand Made Strat in Macedonia (SFRJ)

    2006 Steve Vai vwh moded with SS frets and Sustainac 2006 (Japan)

    2008 Fender YJM , moded (USA)

    2010 Tom Andersons Drop Top 2010 (made in California)

    2017 Charvel GG sig Caramelised Ash (USA)

    2022 Gibson ES 335 2011 Custom Shop Cherry of course ( Memphis)