TheAmpFactory Pack5 Out NOW!

  • Yeah, that's the first thing I do with any profile: Turn off any EQs and Effects and even set the tone stack to neutral position and go from there. I always use EQ and reverb only at mixing stage and the plugins in my DAW. As good as the Kempers EQs are, the Neve, Pultec und SSL EQs of my UAD-2 are better and I like to use these if needed.

    Most of the time the raw profile sound is much nearer to what I want from a certain amp than the tweaked version.

    +1 Agree 100% with both of you.

    In my opinion the tweaked versions are great for jamming by yourself when you just want to have fun but, for either recording or live performance I have to start with a raw profile or the EQ is just never right in the mix. The raw profiles are recorded well enough that it's like starting with a real amp and working from there. I still do very little tweaking since, if the raw amp doesn't sound right or needs a lot of tweaking then it isn't the right choice for that song to begin with (in most cases)! Otherwise I just find another profile that is what I'm looking for. All of my live and studio presets have zero EQ stomps and only the occasional dirt or (pre-)boost stomp. To each is own.

    Looking forward to trying these new profiles though. Plan to buy a few this weekend hopefully. :thumbup:


  • i do not have the knowledge to tweak a profile. so i am very grateful that andi offers a lot of tweaks.
    i for instance bought the carol-ann profiles and could have NEVER ever imagined how versatile this one
    single amp could sound let alone tweak it in all of those directions. so, thumbs up for the tweaking.
    here is my advice, andi: go on with tweaking. and before you start, save a couple of raw setting for the pros and
    offer a raw bundle and a tweaked one or both. so evrybody is a happy kemperian. :)
    am i wrong, stupid or have i found another chrome bug? i cannot play the amp pack 5 sound files???

    My occupation: showing teenagers the many hidden secrets of the A-minor chord on the guitar.

  • Correct me if I'm wrong, but Andy haven't yet published any sound files for Pack 5.
    What You see on the website is an 'empty' player, ready to do it's job when the sound files are done.
    (You CAN play the other sound examples?)

  • Correct me if I'm wrong, but Andy haven't yet published any sound files for Pack 5.
    What You see on the website is an 'empty' player, ready to do it's job when the sound files are done.
    (You CAN play the other sound examples?)

    This is my understanding as well.

  • Just so that even I do understand:
    Andy will do a tweaked, ready to go, out of the box, pret a porter...version of bundle 5 amps! ;)
    Which is great, as I was also a bit disappointed, that they were not so easily usable (for me). - so thanks a lot for the effort Andy.

    I just like to know: How do we get to know that these tweaked rigs are ready?
    Will customers like myself (bought everything from AF up until now) get an email, or do we have to watch this forum?
    Both would be ok, but I´d appreciate the mail.

    Thanks again!

    The secret of life is honesty and fair dealing. If you can fake that, you´ve got it made!
    Groucho Marx

  • Im happy with the raw amp settings, but yes I will still do a tweeked version (like I did for pack1) and when its done all you have to do is re-download it from the purchase history to obtain them.
    will be soon, but not immediate, as Im on the go currently with a thousand other things. but its on my todo list and will get done soon as it can :)

  • Ghost, I did try and send you a PM but you need to enable it..

    Well me and the webguy got together and read your posts/problems.
    we tried to troubeshoot it here but with no luck.

    We tried all macs we have with no erros, on various browsers. and OSX's

    And even on an old mac (thats 7 years old) that barly works anymore. and we didn't run into any problems with audio clips and site navigation.

    So we can problem solve, can you email me the problems you mention so we can look into it a bit more depth. - its far easier that way. as it may (or may not be) a local problem that we can also fix and troubeshoot. - hard for us to diagnose a site error when we are not getting it here ourselves, so Im relying on you for some info! :) - and I know your not alone, as others have sent me a email on macs too. we just need to get to the bottom of it...

    if you can help that will be great. and thanks for your time.

  • Andy, when do You think the rest of the Pack 5 demos are up?

    I was thinking to buy a couple of single rigs and before the 22:e rebate runs out, and I'd really would like to here some of the other Pack5 members...

  • The site definitely needs work. I'm running vanilla Win 7 and IE 9. First few bundles pages don't show the play button ... just text. If the 5 samples are up yet I get nothing when I hit the play button on those.

  • I've been able to get it up fine with Chrome and Explore, latest versions.

    The sound samples are on the LAST amps, not the first 5 amps, btw. Scroll down and see if you can play them. Allow for load time. I notices there takes some time to load them. Like a minute.

    If you see an empty rectangle after the black play triangle, it's got a sample to play.

  • Andy, what alterations to earlier Bundles did you make, if any?

    I started getting your profiles in January, did you go back and alter them after that (the earlier ones?)

    Like I think you re-tweaked Bundle 4 at some point. I think I have the first download, but didn't get any updates if you altered them.

    I may have to re-download some if you did. Maybe include a text file of changes and dates when you did?