Handwired 1959 Plexi from Soundside.de: best Marshall-profile I heard and used so far !!!

  • Awesome, I like your previous rigs with that mic, any plans on doing some dual mics profiles for the future?

    Yes, I do all kinds of miking.

    In the last time I found that I like the Rode most on my closed back cabinets and the R121 on combos.

    (All trademarks are trademarks of their respective owners, which are in no way associated or affiliated with soundside.de)

    Great Profiles --> soundside.de

  • The problem for me is, there are two sets of Profiles of this amp, 67 Profiles in total.
    The cost of both sets is $40.00, at the current exchange rate in my country, that's R400,00. ;(

    Now I know I only need maybe 6 Profiles from each set, if that, instead of 67.

    Is there no way of making smaller packs at a reduced price for us foreigners living in countries with a horrendous currency exchange rate?

  • Yeah +!

    Im slightly put of trying because of the price and the fact that there are so many profiles per pack. I understand why there is a high price because of this but ideally i only want 6 or 7 really good ones. Im never going to audition through 67 profiles and make a subjective decision! lol

  • Would you buy a guitar amp with only one selector labeled 'clean', 'crunch' and 'lead' instead of all the knobs found on real great tube amps?

    Would it sound right for all guitars (Strat and active HighGain guitars)?

    The profile Guenter uses and which sounds great with his guitar may sound dull or to bright with yours - may have to much or to little gain ...

    Each guitar is different - and that is the reason I profile each amp at A LOT OF available settings.

    Nobody needs to keep 40+ profiles of the same amp in the KPA.
    Just connect your guitar and select a great clean, crunch and lead profile and delete the rest.
    (If you own more than one guitar - repeat - before you delete)

    Yes, I could create a special pack with only 3 profiles of each amp (clean, crunch, lead) - but it would not work the same.
    To adjust gain and tone we would need to use the KPA controls - and that sounds totally different then profiling the amp at the right settings in the first place.

    This is one of the biggest differences between my profiles and other offerings - and a lot of happy customers like it this way.

    It takes only a few minutes to find the ones which work for you and then - all is fine ;)

    (All trademarks are trademarks of their respective owners, which are in no way associated or affiliated with soundside.de)

    Great Profiles --> soundside.de

  • Armin, I think you know that I really like your profiles a lot and I have already bought a lot.

    But ... :)

    I understand some of the remarks others wrote here. No, I'm not talking about your pricing structure. What I want to point out are 2 issues I have with your profiles.

    1. The sheer amount of profiles can easily frighten to death if you upload them to your KPA and then scroll through the almost endless list of profiles with more or less cryptic names. It's a matter of usability and a matter of how your client feels the very first moments he's looking at / listening to your profiles. There's never a second chance for a first impression. :) Maybe you can make it easier for your customers if you just select a few profiles, make them nice rigs and then provide them in a separate folder. This way we can upload your "selection" first and see what we actually like best .... and then go into more detail (if necessary) and pick from the folder with all the detailled profile variations.

    2. I don't know about your business, but maybe you're more or less a one man show and you already struggle with lots of work to be done. So you chose ShareIt as your sales channel ... which requires you to provide fixed profile packs or bundles. So currently it's not possible to provide some sort of customization of the rig packs/bundles to individual needs.
    For example: If I would like to get all your Fender Amp packs, this would mean to select 8 different packs spread across 4 of your bundle offers. So you either pay 160 Euro for these 8 individual packs, or you buy 4 bundles for 280 Euro.
    Imho, it would be way more attractive if there was some sort of "Buy 5 packs of your choice for 70 Euro, buy 10 packs of your choice for 120 Euro"?
    Again, it's not so much about your pricing structure, you've put a lot of work in your profile packs. It's more about how your potential clients can get their choice of amps for a still reasonable price. Hope you understand what I mean by this. :)

    As a final word, I think the first bullet point is the most important one because it helps A LOT to "smoothen" the first contact with your extensive profile collections.


  • 1) I don't use any of the Kemper presets, actually I deleted the most.

    2) 99% of the user-profiles don't work for me.

    3) I mainly use Armin's profiles and my own.

    If you have a great variety of different profiles you always will find the right ones for you. Thats why I like Armin's detailed profile-collection and why they don't "frighten me to death".

    I prefer Vintage and custom-shop guitars, I don't like active pick-ups and I hate EMGs. I always will prefer an old Plexi, Fender or Vox to a boutique-amp with a 1000 knobs or a high-gain amp. I prefer the "pure" amp-tone, I don't use a lot of effects and I like high-quality cables like Spectraflex. That's my taste and that's why a lot of the profiles on the market won't work for me. It's very ease to find a "death-metal"-profile, but until know I didn't hear any Marshall-profile with the quality and variety of this 1959-Plexi.

    To the price-discussion: if you want the best quality (I'm a professional guitarist and I'm earning money with my Kemper), you maybe have to spend a little bit more and you don't get it for free, too. I'm also tired of installing hundreds of crap profiles, Armin's profiles are so detailed and well done, they are worth every cent.

    P.S.: I'm not one of Armin's relatives and I found soundside.de on Google. ;)

    first name: Guenter / family name: Haas / http://guenterhaas.weebly.com/

  • I also must say, that I don't like having spend a "fortune" on Armin's profiles, but I do not regret it. Even after having deleted most of them, the ones I have kept fit to my guitar/playing perfect, better then the free ones I have found. That's because Armin profiles the Amp with "all" relevant settings. For most free profiles you need to have a suitable guitar at hand. Armin's profiles gives you the variety, you normally don't get. What I like is, that you get the pure amp without a lot of tuning an reconfigurations, you can dial in the effects as you would do with your own amp, really great, pure sounds.

    I even found myself using amps I would have not picked up because I just went with the bundles (his first bundle contained too many amps I was looking for, so the bundle was cheaper), but I kept on buying the bundles, when they were ready.

    Only problem I have is that I needed to create a new account anytime I bought a new bundle, because the purchase side didn't recognize my cookies.

    I recommend the greenback Plexi set, if you only go for one set. The JVM set (with Elmwood speakers) is also great.

  • Well i must agree with lightbox. I understand the reasoning for so many variations but its too daunting - for me at least. I dont want to spend hours tweaking, im after a tone that makes me want to play for hours with minimal tweaks. After trying a few profiles i worry that id have forgotten about what the first one sounded like. It would take a long time to gradually shortlist - something which may not bother everyone - but i can see the appeal of a 'selection'.

    Obviously the prices are 3 times that of TAF but for me the website and demo's have prevented me from taking a punt on Armins profiles. I dont mind paying a little more if i know for sure i'm getting quality and in this case I must say that i thought Guenther's demo was fantastic especially considering post eq etc was kept to a minimum. Great groove too! Anyhow, I think ill probably take the punt on that same profile pack or possibly the greenbacks at least knowing that if i cant get them to sound good its probably down to me :)

  • To each his own
    - some like a few profiles from each amp (even when the gain level or tone settings don't fit to the used guitar - and then tweak via the KPA knobs)
    - others love to have access to ALL channels, modes, switches and settings of each profiled amp (and select the profiles which works best for their guitar, style and taste).

    Use what works best for you - and enjoy the KPA!

    As for the prices - let's compare:

    Ampfactory Vintage bundle = 59,99
    Soundside Vintage bundle = 69,99

    Yes, it looks as if our prices are higher - but are they?

    Ampfactory is in Brithish Pounds so converted to US Dollars it's: 91,47 USD

    So let's check:

    AmpFactory: 91,47 USD / 67 Profiles = 1,37 USD per profile

    Soundside: 19,99USD / 174 Profiles = 0,12 USD per profile

    Single simple amp

    Ampfactory single Amp (e.g. Fender Tweed Deluxe 1953) = 4.99
    Soundside single Amp (e.g. Fender Tweed Deluxe 1952) = 19.99

    Yes, it looks as if our prices are higher - but are they?

    Ampfactory is in Brithish Pounds so converted to US Dollars it's: 7,61 USD

    So let's check:

    AmpFactory: 7,61USD / 7 Profiles = 1,08 USD per profile

    Soundside: 19,99USD / 27 Profiles = 0,74 USD per profile

    Single Multi channel amp

    Ampfactory single Amp (e.g. Diezel VH4) = 4.99
    Soundside single Amp (e.g. Diezel VH4) = 19.99

    Yes, it looks as if our prices are higher - but are they?

    Ampfactory is in Brithish Pounds so converted to US Dollars it's: 7,61 USD

    So let's check:

    AmpFactory: 7,61USD / 10 Profiles = 0,76 USD per profile

    Soundside: 19,99USD / 121 Profiles = 0,17 USD per profile

    (All trademarks are trademarks of their respective owners, which are in no way associated or affiliated with soundside.de)

    Great Profiles --> soundside.de

  • You've done so many profiles from e.g. the Marshall JMP 1959 HW.
    I'm pretty sure you can easily pick 3-4 profiles you liked best, prepare some stomp slots, reverb, delay (even if you keep them switched off) and just add them in a separate folder to the product download. It's just a service for those who want to have some instant "ear candy". If they like it, they can always dig deeper in the extensive profile collection from the other folder.

    It's not about "sell less profiles", it's about "make the very first impression more attractive and easy".

    But of course it's up to you, how you handle this. But if you would like to buy 5 of my photos with 10 different exposures and color corrections each, I wouldn't just send you the pile of photos. I would certainly pick my favourite ones and put them on top of the pile.


  • You've done so many profiles from e.g. the Marshall JMP 1959 HW.
    I'm pretty sure you can easily pick 3-4 profiles you liked best, prepare some stomp slots, reverb, delay (even if you keep them switched off) and just add them in a separate folder to the product download. It's just a service for those who want to have some instant "ear candy". If they like it, they can always dig deeper in the extensive profile collection from the other folder.

    It's not about "sell less profiles", it's about "make the very first impression more attractive and easy".

    But of course it's up to you, how you handle this. But if you would like to buy 5 of my photos with 10 different exposures and color corrections each, I wouldn't just send you the pile of photos. I would certainly pick my favourite ones and put them on top of the pile.


    It's exactly what Armin does!!!
    At least for the previous bundles, don't own the last one yet...
    He always makes a "ready to go" folder of about 10 rigs.

  • Yes, each pack - from the first Pack01 up to the latest Pack37 - contains both:
    - a folder called 'Raw Profiles'
    -a folder called 'Mods' - here are ready to use profiles with effects and all

    Bundles contains all rigs (form all included packs) in one folder called 'rigs'
    The mods can be found by name (Mxx) e.g.:
    Plexi M01 LP Dream
    Plexi M02 Strat Neck

    (All trademarks are trademarks of their respective owners, which are in no way associated or affiliated with soundside.de)

    Great Profiles --> soundside.de

    Edited once, last by Armin (April 18, 2013 at 2:25 PM).

  • Ok, I checked my Soundside Profile Bundles I - IV and as Armin already pointed out, there's no separate folder. The customer (me included) would have to search for the rigs with Mod or M in their filenames. That's probably why I just uploaded ALL profiles of a bundle to my KPA and was just completely drowned in an ocean of profiles. :D

  • I dont mind paying a little more if i know for sure i'm getting quality and in this case I must say that i thought Guenther's demo was fantastic especially considering post eq etc was kept to a minimum.

    The eq actually is flat, you just hear the Kemper going straight into my audio-interface (RME Fireface) without adding plugins from my software (Cubase 7). Normally I use Waves plugins for compression, eq ect., but NOT on the Kemper demos, there's no eq and no compressor. I try to keep the guitar-sound as pure and authentic as possible, I sometimes just add a little reverb or delay (mainly for the lead-guitar), that's it.

    I'm just finishing another demo with Armin's "Damage Control Womanizer"-profile from Bundle I, with a -good- strat you'll get THE Rory Gallagher-sound ;)

    Taste is very individual, I recently downloaded the Amp-Factory profiles from the Kemper-side and I didn't like one profile, but with the 1959 Plexi-profile alone (in different settings from clean to hi-gain) I easily could play a whole show.

    first name: Guenter / family name: Haas / http://guenterhaas.weebly.com/

    Edited 2 times, last by guenterhaas (April 18, 2013 at 6:06 PM).