Harmonic Pitch - Improvement/Suggestion

  • Playing with the Harmonic Pitch smart shifter a bit tonight. I think I'm correct in assuming that the pitch shifting is performed before the amp, right? How about putting the pitch Shifter effect AFTER the amp instead, while keeping the pitch Detector BEFORE the amp. This should yield more pleasant results when the harmonized signal is going through a dirty amp. You could keep the effect as it is, but add two new options: "Sidechain Send" and "Sidechain Receive". Put the Harmonic Pitch plug in any of the A-D slots (ideally, "A") and the turn on its "Send" option. Meanwhile, put another Harmonic Pitch effect in the X or Mod slots and turn on its "Receive" option.


  • As it should be. It usually doesn't do the pitch-tracker any favors running off a dirty signal, though - hence the idea. The same principle holds true for noise gate pedals, i.e. it's best to put the detector as early in the chain as possible.
