Will MIMIC= Profiling? AXE II FW 10

  • and here:

    "The ultimate amplifier simulation is one that behaves just like the amplifier being simulated over all possible settings of the various controls. A simulation that only represents the amp at one particular set of control positions is a poor simulation since the ideal settings for one user aren’t usually the same for other users."

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  • I'd agree with that assessment if we're all sitting around theorizing about possible simulation techniques.

    But like all things, there is then the test of reality. Users are showing that the KPA can successfully and accurately profile their own amps and sound and play like them, albeit on several snapshots to realize their full tone spectrum, and all the bother of tweaking if you refined with one type of pickup versus another, etc. Call it inferior, temporary solution, or genius, it's undeniably works.

    And while modeling may in theory be superior, a modeller cannot know beforehand what an amp electronically is to component match that it hasn't already been programmed for. So it has to cut a corner somewhere. The KPA's genius was in opening up to that idea. (and lets not forget the KPA is a modeller too, parameters which are set by the profiling process, a less concrete and more organic modeling)

    And now Fractal is realizing that reality too. It's modeling is simply not enough in all cases, it too requires additional snapshot methods to approach amp realism. Which is good, as the company isn't afraid of evolving even if it is against it's original principals.

    What I find humorous is the very serious defense of the name of the process called "MIMIC" as a technology that literally helps to mimic your amp tone, but that's somehow just a very fancy how-dare-you-suggest-it-you-troglodite irony!

    Personally I don't care if you bought Izotope's Ozone and incorporated it. In the end if it sounds awesome, do it.

    Very soon these arguments are going to be moot.

    In 10 years, there will be 5+ companies that can deliver digital amps that fool everyone and be for less than $400 bucks. People will only collect amps like some think it's cool to collect vinyl records. But I can carry 1000 albums with me digitally on a number of devices for about the same prices as a good record player.

  • My current plan is to still be using my lunchbox 10 years from now. Of course, I'll be 71 years old ...

    And, ten years from now, people will be SO tired of digital amps that sound just like every tube amp ever made. The price of vintage Roland JC-120 amps will go through the roof, because everyone will want the sincere, genuine, no compromise, authentic sound of the distortion channel ;)

  • And, ten years from now, people will be SO tired of digital amps that sound just like every tube amp ever made. The price of vintage Roland JC-120 amps will go through the roof, because everyone will want the sincere, genuine, no compromise, authentic sound of the distortion channel ;)

    Actually, my old vintage lunchbox will be worth double by then. The new digital stuff just doesn't have the same feel ... :D

    Go for it now. The future is promised to no one. - Wayne Dyer

  • The Axe Fx sound has changed around once again and will continue to do so and I dig some of the new changed amps in Axe fx 2 fw 10, but like others I really prefer some of the older fw amps in the Axe. Some amps were a lot better before this update.
    Not really responding and sounding like the real world counterpart amps that I've compared to even though Cliff's marketing now says it's 100% real. I heard that marketing from him years ago so I though it should be at least 175 % realer by now.

    For some the old classic Behringer V-Amp sounds great too in the way it mimics amps, and the player makes all the difference.
    Shred on a Malmsteen Stratocaster, V-Amp.

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    Tornado of souls solo cover - Megadeth , V-Amp

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  • no any mimic cannot help'im

    1988 Branko Radulovic Hand Made Strat in Macedonia (SFRJ)

    2006 Steve Vai vwh moded with SS frets and Sustainac 2006 (Japan)

    2008 Fender YJM , moded (USA)

    2010 Tom Andersons Drop Top 2010 (made in California)

    2017 Charvel GG sig Caramelised Ash (USA)

    2022 Gibson ES 335 2011 Custom Shop Cherry of course ( Memphis)

    Edited 3 times, last by Rescator (April 13, 2013 at 11:26 PM).

  • The Axe Fx sound has changed around once again and will continue to do so and I dig some of the new changed amps in Axe fx 2 fw 10, but like others I really prefer some of the older fw amps in the Axe. Some amps were a lot better before this update.

    Just profile the best amps from each firmware ;)

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