• This may be the best "classic marshall" sound I have ever heard, profiled, real amp, modeller WHATEVER. Holy COW this profile is good. I am a metal guy, but I could NOT stop playing this profile, it just flat out absolutely ROCKS. Really, this is such a great profile, how you captured such a huge sound, I have no idea, but this is a WIN all the way around.

    Everytime a profile like this pops up, its like buying a new amp. The Kemper continuously blows my mind each and every day, since the day I bought it over a year ago....Just totally blown away by this product.

  • That's exactly what I do, add the Tube Screamer, no additional gain needed after that.

    For some reason this is the most accurate Marshall Profile in so far as increasing the Mid knob on the Kemper...the Kemper mid knob acts exactly like a real Marshall mid knob.
    Instead of just adding low mids like most Profiles, when you increase the mids on this Profile you get that genuine cutting mid boost...love it.

    Maybe the E906 is the 'magic' Profiling mic. :)

    Sorry, mistake when typing.

    What I meant was, I just switch on the Treble Booster, which is part of the Profile/Rig...not the Tube Screamer.

  • One thing I would like to know, about your thoughts of this profile:

    Do you think it´s a good profile for you as it´s been mainly a good amp/cabinet combination that has been profiled?

    Do you think the profiling process´s been done good, so the profile is a good one due to that, and not mainly due to amp/cabinet?

    Do you think it´s a combination of good amp/cab and good mic/profiling session?

    I´m just interested to know what you think/feel about that, cause I´m thinking about that too.

  • Do you think it´s a combination of good amp/cab and good mic/profiling session?


    I don't know how you did it, but you captured the magic in such a way that every time I play this profile I think and feel I'm in front of that stack.

  • Main thing been the headphones work, so I had my DT990 on my ears, and then started leveling the mic (first I been working without the Kemper, just with my mixing desk to find the position), and left the amp the way I been playing it before, did not change anything, not even the volume. Then I started playing with the mic checking all possible positions (E906 middle position of the switch) and wanted to get the feel of sitting before the real amp, that´s all I wanted to get. Then I took the cable to the Kemper, levelled it and pressed the button.

  • One thing I would like to know, about your thoughts of this profile:

    Do you think it´s a good profile for you as it´s been mainly a good amp/cabinet combination that has been profiled?

    Do you think the profiling process´s been done good, so the profile is a good one due to that, and not mainly due to amp/cabinet?

    Do you think it´s a combination of good amp/cab and good mic/profiling session?

    I´m just interested to know what you think/feel about that, cause I´m thinking about that too.

    I'm just guessing here, but............it just MAY have something to do with your ears! :thumbup:

  • Don't forget the luck... Sometimes all planets are just in the right position, your dog is howling to the moon and your wife is hot..... 8o;)

    "Music is enough for a lifetime, but a lifetime is not enough for music" Serghei Rachmaninoff

  • ACY!!!!! Wow Great marshall profile !! the best i played in kemper ! it was a magic moment from you ! i hope you make some more profiles! i would like a Marshall clean sound! One Gritted voiced vor chordal stuff , solo blues and lead gainy solo ! At your favorite settings!
    Besides you having a great marshall, good ears, i think your taste for the sound tonally wise makes a big difference!

    In a talk with garrincha few days ago ( hes really helpfull), he spoke about you selling Haussel pickups, i am interested on them , could you send me in private message price list for 59 humbuckers pickups ?

    p.s. Thanks for sharing your loving marshall profile!!

  • I don't get it! Please explain to me what I am missing? Ok I plugged this profile in expecting to hear some screaming JVM, AFD, or YJM tones. What I hear is a flat smooth profile that sounds somewhat midrange(kind of like putting a cup over the speaker.) So I turned on the boost and distortion on and sounds a lot better. So my question is what is the rave about? Is it the fact that it is a pure old Marshall sound that you need to add tube screamers etc to get to rock? Anyways, not putting the profile down. I just want to make sure I understand the concept of the profile. Is the intention to tweak it to taste?

  • I don't get it! Please explain to me what I am missing? Ok I plugged this profile in expecting to hear some screaming JVM, AFD, or YJM tones. What I hear is a flat smooth profile that sounds somewhat midrange(kind of like putting a cup over the speaker.) So I turned on the boost and distortion on and sounds a lot better. So my question is what is the rave about? Is it the fact that it is a pure old Marshall sound that you need to add tube screamers etc to get to rock? Anyways, not putting the profile down. I just want to make sure I understand the concept of the profile. Is the intention to tweak it to taste?

    For me when i plug in my gibson les paul custom or even my variax in fender mode, sound is really great with some minor personal tweaks . For instance people rave much about the ac morgan profile, and i dont fancy it so much . On these things personal tastes, guitars, guitar playing style . .make a lot of difference! good thing is that we have 3200 profiles to choose from !

    I love this marshall profile, yes !

  • This profile is ridiculously good. Throw on the Treble Booster...wow. Just awesome dynamics. Pick light and it's completely clean. Dig in and it's rock. Thanks for sharing it!

    This is why I love the KPA. It's pure GAS satisfaction with every profile download.

    That's the key, the Treble Booster...it must be on.

    The Pure Boost and Treble Boost are the two most important stomps on the Kemper for me.