• looking since ages for a Marshall SL profile like the guy with the " not too shabby guitar" :D .

    ACY's Some Marshall is a great one - feels real organic.

    but still waiting for THE SL ;(


    Frankly, I always wondered why nobody has done that sound yet. It's not that hard to set up on a plexy or even an 70s metal panel Marshall and then you only need a good cab with 25 Watt greenbacks and a single SM57 pointing to the edge of the speaker. If I'd still have the '68 plexi I used to own, I would do it myself. But that thing is long gone unfortunately.

    Since Joe Bonamassa made this sound popular again recently, I really would have thought some people would try and do a profile in that style.

    I remember that one forum mate here was trying to get KPA-owner Mitch Malloy connected with a friend who has a beautiful Marshall collection and gets a tone very similar tone in his vintage amp demos. I was hoping that would lead to a nice profiling session but obviously it never happend (it was more than half a year ago).

  • Frankly, I always wondered why nobody has done that sound yet. It's not that hard to set up on a plexy or even an 70s metal panel Marshall and then you only need a good cab with 25 Watt greenbacks and a single SM57 pointing to the edge of the speaker. If I'd still have the '68 plexi I used to own, I would do it myself. But that thing is long gone unfortunately.

    Since Joe Bonamassa made this sound popular again recently, I really would have thought some people would try and do a profile in that style.

    I remember that one forum mate here was trying to get KPA-owner Mitch Malloy connected with a friend who has a beautiful Marshall collection and gets a tone very similar tone in his vintage amp demos. I was hoping that would lead to a nice profiling session but obviously it never happend (it was more than half a year ago).

    Edited once, last by 1fastdog (April 2, 2013 at 11:43 PM).

  • Well, a "slightly breaking up 68 Plexi" profile would be the kicker for the KPA. A friend of mine has a reissue but unfortunately the wrong cab ;( . I can't dial in that sound and don't have enough experience to profile...

    BTW the "not too shabby" guitar was played by JBonamassa at two gigs in Europe (Stuttgart and London), if you like it - hurry up!!! ;)


  • Gimme some or may just one concret link to the sound you would like to get. I got most of JBs albums here, so tell me a song, or a youtube link, and I will see what´s possible.There´s many different kinds of Marshalls coming to my place, when I´m working on them, may be there´s another nice one arround, that could bring that sound!

  • Well, a "slightly breaking up 68 Plexi" profile would be the kicker for the KPA. A friend of mine has a reissue but unfortunately the wrong cab ;( . I can't dial in that sound and don't have enough experience to profile...

    BTW the "not too shabby" guitar was played by JBonamassa at two gigs in Europe (Stuttgart and London), if you like it - hurry up!!! ;)


    The guitar was also Ronny Montrose's axe in the mid 70s. And it was Peter Weihe's Burst for quite a long time. Two years ago I had a nice chat with Peter over at the LPF about this guitar and his work with Rio Reiser. It's also the guitar that did all the guitar parts on "Abenteuerland" from Pur. No Ibanez, not even their guitarist, it's Peter with this burst. I think it's save to say this guitar is pretty versatile ;) So yes, if I had the dough, I would buy it in a hearbeat.

    As far as I'm concerned, that video with Ali Neander would be a good example of that tone.

    For a similar sound, here is JB playing Mr. Big on one of Kossoffs Les Pauls:

    Here he is doing that darker, mellower Les Paul tone as well. Part of it is of course the guitar, that Kossoff burst is reported to be more on the mellow side so it's not only the amp. According to some experts this is the very same guitar Kossoff played on the original version of that song. And you can hear the voice of the guitar coming through regardless of the amp. As mellow as it is, there is not much bass in that sound. It's more the old skool way of setting up a Marshall: Turn the bass way down. I know an old guitarist who sets his Marshalls with the bass on zero and swears he learned that in England in the 60s.

    And one very important part is the cab. When I had my plexi I didn't have a matching cab at the beginning. I used an 80s 1960a cab with what I believe were V30s. I could never get the sound right with this combination. When I finally got a 70s cab with 25 watt greenbacks, it was THAT sound right away. I also played a 70s cab with 30 watt greenbacks belonging to a friend of mine and those work well either but I remember it was a very different sound to me at first. I also remember that I had to dial in the amp differently to get that midrange thing going with the 30 watters.

    Edited once, last by Garrincha (April 3, 2013 at 1:16 PM).

  • Regarding the Ali Neander video:

    I just found out that was discussed at the LPF as well. And the owner of the amp commented on it and also on the setup of the Marshall:



    Presence on 10, Bass on 2, Middle on 10, Treble on 6, Volume 1 on 10, Volume 2 on 6

    Interesting to read they kept bass very low on "2" as well and they have the midrange cranked. That's pretty much how I use to dial in my old Marshall either. Well, I even use dto dial in my tiny Class 5 the very same way ;)

    The cab has 30 Watt pre-rola speakers (G12H30) and that was a surprise to me. Considering the midrange honk he gets in the video I would hvae thought he was using 25 watters. But there you go, you can make everything work if you know how. JB doesn't use Celestions at all but he also gets that sound going.

  • After the Musikmesse I´ll go into that, and ......... think it should be no problem getting such a sound. Same as JBs sounds, if you work on the right points, and put all together, you´ll get the basics of his sounds ........ only thing missing:

    Joe Bonamassas fingers!

    But, :D Joe Bonamassa is only having his own fingers, not mine, not Joe Blobs, not Garrinchas, ................ he he he he ....... and I do not want to exchange!

  • Well it's not that specific JB sound as he uses so many components mixed to his sig sound - AND his hands. I've seen him on tour actually playin SLs with Marshall (Celestion??) Cabs.

    I guess it's more like Garrincha's post:


    Or Bernie Marsden with his incredible Beast:


    I don't know which amp he's playin on that video - but that kind of sound is like molten gold (< ooops Koss around 8o ).



  • Well it's not that specific JB sound as he uses so many components mixed to his sig sound - AND his hands. I've seen him on tour actually playin SLs with Marshall (Celestion??) Cabs.

    JB uses EV12L speakers in his Marshall cabs. I was suprised to find that out since he certainly got that vintage thing going that usually is associated with Celestions.

  • ....... hmm, but there´s plenty of the guitars tones in these sounds. Oh, well ........ I´ll be working on one of my demo guitars (Tokai) after the Messe, going in that direction, then I´ll see what´s possible.

  • That´s a thing I do not like on many profiles. Too many effects, and things changed, plus noise gate .......

    This one is an almost raw one (very slightly tweaked after profiling), also a very good base for tweaking. Try the green screamer and add some mids in amp section. 8)

  • That´s a thing I do not like on many profiles. Too many effects, and things changed, plus noise gate .......

    This one is an almost raw one (very slightly tweaked after profiling), also a very good base for tweaking. Try the green screamer and add some mids in amp section. 8)

    That's exactly what I do, add the Tube Screamer, no additional gain needed after that.

    For some reason this is the most accurate Marshall Profile in so far as increasing the Mid knob on the Kemper...the Kemper mid knob acts exactly like a real Marshall mid knob.
    Instead of just adding low mids like most Profiles, when you increase the mids on this Profile you get that genuine cutting mid boost...love it.

    Maybe the E906 is the 'magic' Profiling mic. :)