I think the beta just erased most of my best saved rigs

  • I made a backup to the usb drive yesterday and installed the beta today.
    Of the 500+ rigs that were on the KPA I had about 50 rigs, all of the ones I care about, sorted into three main groups. They were duplicates in a sense with the fine tuning to sound best with the type of amplification I was using them for.

    .1 tube power amp with guitar cabs
    .2 FRFR
    .3 Headphones

    they were renamed accordingly with a prefix of a decimal point and either the number 1,2 or 3.
    So, for example, there could have been 3 rigs named "JTM-1" but the full name would have been: " .1 JTM-1" or ".2 JTM-1" or ".3 JTM-1"

    Now, after the update to the beta OS there are no .1 or .2 or .3 rigs. And they don't exist in my back up either!!

    Am I screwed by virtue of the decimal point/numeral prefix?

  • Check the view settings. Have you tried restoring the backup?

    Edit: are you sorting by Favourites?

    Are the View settings the button where you sort by author, my rigs, last imported, etc? (Sorry, not at KPA right now)
    If so then yes I've tried that.
    I have almost every rig as a favorite right now since there is no editor my method is to delete all non favorites every couple of weeks or so to keep the total down.

    I never bothered to try to examine the contents of my backups before. I did open my last backup in File Commander after installing the backup to the KPA failed to bring back the missing rigs. They aren't there, or at least not visible.

    So far I have updated to 1.7 beta, discovered rigs missing, checked all folders, 'favorites, my rigs, last imported', etc, then installed yesterday's back up, then opened yesterday's back up in FileCommander to see if the missing rigs were there.
    When I installed yesterday's backup the same message about 'Enjoy your new firmware' message showed again....not sure that means it updated firmware a second time or not..

    My spirit is crushed right now. I don't have the desire right now to start over.
    I'm afraid the computer, and apparently the new firmware, doesn't like the decimal point at the beginning of the file name. The KPA let me name them that way but I guess it refuses to see them as a part of a back up or as part of the updating process.

  • Please log a ticket with support. Do you have an older backup?

    I do have at least one older one but it wouldn't have the files that I need on it.
    I'll do the ticket in a little while.

    I'm wondering if the files might be on the USB but not visible. But if they were there it would have been the KPA that put them there in the first place so unless the new firmware is the reason they disappeared, AND File Commander ALSO wont see them....then they never were included in the creation of the backup to begin with.
    I think the system sees anything after a decimal point as a file name suffix and that means the files had no name before a too long suffix.....
    You would think the KPA wouldn't let me name them with a name it can't handle but who knows.

    If they are there then maybe simply installing1.6 would allow them to reappear.....rename and update again..viola! But not likely.

    • You've made a backup.
    • Make a copy of the backup file.
    • Rename the backup file to mybackup.tar (The file suffix tar is the important part).
    • If you have a corresponding file compression tool like WinRAR, you can now umcompress the backup file to a new folder.
    • If you now open the new folder with the uncompressed backup, you should see lots of folders with one of them being "Rigs".
    • Inside "Rigs" you will find all the rigs that have been saved with the backup.
    • On Windows you should always see ALL rig files, even those with a leading decimal point. On other systems like Linux or Unix based OSX, files with a leading decimal point can be hidden. In case of leading decimal points in file names it's not a matter of what's behind the point but only a matter of "there's nothing in front of the decimal point".

    Kemper decided (for good reason) to keep the rig filename convention to "name - date time.kipr". If they had it "date time - name.kipr" the decimal point issue couldn't arise. But it would be way more difficult to have your rigs sorted by actual name of course.

    • You've made a backup.
    • Make a copy of the backup file.
    • Rename the backup file to mybackup.tar (The file suffix tar is the important part).
    • If you have a corresponding file compression tool like WinRAR, you can now umcompress the backup file to a new folder.
    • If you now open the new folder with the uncompressed backup, you should see lots of folders with one of them being "Rigs".
    • Inside "Rigs" you will find all the rigs that have been saved with the backup.
    • On Windows you should always see ALL rig files, even those with a leading decimal point. On other systems like Linux or Unix based OSX, files with a leading decimal point can be hidden. In case of leading decimal points in file names it's not a matter of what's behind the point but only a matter of "there's nothing in front of the decimal point".

    Kemper decided (for good reason) to keep the rig filename convention to "name - date time.kipr". If they had it "date time - name.kipr" the decimal point issue couldn't arise. But it would be way more difficult to have your rigs sorted by actual name of course.

    No luck. I tried two different compression utilities. In the Rigs folder, from inside Windows 8/compression utility, I still see 470 rigs and there should be around 520.

    I had the name of the compression utility wrong that I had tried initially, it is Total Commander. This time I went ahead and actually extracted them after renaming the file as you suggested but the same result. I also used 7-Zip with the same results, no files with the decimal point at the beginning of the name. None of the 50+ files that I'm missing seem to be in the backup file. Note this back up was created using 1.6.1 OS.

    Any other ideas? And thanks for helping!

  • Ok, I just tried to reconfirm your issue. I saved an existing rig as .onamassa - Dust Bowl, then I made a backup and looked into it on my PC. The rig is there, but its filename has been changed to -onamassa - DustBowl. So the KPA OS converted the decimal point into a dash. I'm on OS version 1.7.0, not sure if this behaviour is new to this OS version though.

    One more interesting effect is, that in the list of rigs in Windows Explorer, sorted by file name, the above rig appears not at the beginning or end of the list but between letter O and P. So this is an indicator that the dash is simply ignored by Windows' sorting
