In Search of the Holy Grail, Part IV (Vai, For the Love of God)

  • In Search of the Holy Grail Tone of Stevie Vai "For the Love of God"

    In times so long ago i can only faintly remember i once owned a Zoom G2.
    It was surprisingly easy to get the sound of the song i most adore of Vai's work, the aforementionend
    "For the Love of God"
    As i am a lazy bone and not really into the tweaking part of the KPA, my simple question is:
    Has anyone stumbled upon a decent steve vai tone and would be so nice to share it?

    Thank you very much indeed

    My occupation: showing teenagers the many hidden secrets of the A-minor chord on the guitar.

    Edited once, last by Geraldo7 (May 8, 2013 at 9:15 PM).

  • I know that it may sound quite obvious...but have you tried with the Carvin Legacy profiles from Erik Stam? You just need to tweak a bit the delay and tune the boost depending on your PU's. Here works quite well with my Pro-Track/Fast-Track equipped strat

    "Music is enough for a lifetime, but a lifetime is not enough for music" Serghei Rachmaninoff

  • it is not as obvious as it may seem ... because in 1989 when recording this extraordinary track there
    was no carvin legacy available afaik 8)
    please watch this asian kid here , absolutely amazing, absolutely amazing, usually those youtubevids are just
    as ridiculous as can get. this is an exception.

    My occupation: showing teenagers the many hidden secrets of the A-minor chord on the guitar.

  • Afaik the amps used on Passion an Warfare are a Carvin X100b and heavily modded Marshall JCM 900's, this coming from the PaW manuscript:


    a. Seve Marshall 100 watt heads were used throughout the recordings, all moded by Jose Arrendondo. They were run differently at different times for desired effect. Somtimes it was just directly out of my head into the cabs. On the Tune "Liberty", a specially made direct box was constructed for me by Steve Firlotte. It utilizes an old transformer I had laying around. It's extremely clean and useful.

    b. Carvin Pre amp

    c. Rockman stereo rackmount pre amp

    d. ADA pre amp

    e. Direct into Massenburg pre's

    f. Direct into API pre amp

    g. Direct into Neve AD80 pre amp

    h. Marshall power amp 9000

    i. Mesa boogie power amp, Strat 400

    j. Fender Deluxe Reverb amp

    k. Roland jazz chorus

    l. Marshall pre amp

    "One of my legs is shorter than the other and both my feet's too long" FZ

  • Thank you Eric for your interesting information!
    Someone else?! Really no-one?
    it was easy with the zoom, should be a child's game with someone in the know
    (this is why i am out of discussion) :D

    My occupation: showing teenagers the many hidden secrets of the A-minor chord on the guitar.

    Edited 3 times, last by Geraldo7 (May 8, 2013 at 9:14 PM).

  • I would suggest checking out some profiles by They are on the rig exchnage - there are a couple of Bogners and a Carvin X100B modded profile that will get you into that territory.
    I just downloaded them myself yesterday and they are really nice.

  • The kid definitely has chops. It's amazing what I hear out of the asian countries, then can really play some good covers.

    You ain't seen nothing yet. Wait until these kids grow up and get a Kemper.


  • Vai is well known for using a Keeley Modded DS-1 so its not surprising you can hit a ballpark tone with it here.

    Unfortunately i think these Asian countries treat rock music in mucg the same way as classical and hence you just get alot of well done covers but rarely anything original thats any good.

  • that is true, alex. al least concerning classical music. :thumbup:
    my wife is a concerto pianist and played me a bunch of uninspired records by artist from the east.
    but what is a modded Ds-1? ?(

    My occupation: showing teenagers the many hidden secrets of the A-minor chord on the guitar.


    I used to have one, i actually didn't like it but essentially its a 'boutique' version of a standard DS-1. All the poor components are replaced with higher end stuff and sometimes new features are added. Im pretty sure these are what Steve Vai uses on his board although im going from memory here. I still have my Keeley Modded TS-9 flexi and its a fantastic pedal, i was just never a fan of the DS-1 sound.

  • thanks for the infos
    i think it is more a question of effects and eqs rather than amp or pedals here
    i once had this sound on my zoom G2 but it went "kaputt" (out of order) and all of my settings were lost :huh:

    My occupation: showing teenagers the many hidden secrets of the A-minor chord on the guitar.

  • i have good news. "christoph kemper" (is it a joke or what?)
    has uploaded a rig, which has got 5 stars and is good. its name is VAI.GOD
    i have used it to record the first 2 choruses of the song here
    at least this is a beginning. there are some frequencies that disturb me nevertheless with my pickup.
    maybe because i dont have a neck pickup? any ideas how to improve this one for my guitar?

    My occupation: showing teenagers the many hidden secrets of the A-minor chord on the guitar.

    Edited once, last by Geraldo7 (May 8, 2013 at 7:07 PM).