Has anyone noticed that several higher gain profiles have a parameter popping issues?

  • I have noticed that on quite a few profiles with gain that the profile seams to pop into the next parameter and the levels between are not smooth. Am I the only one hearing this issue? For example Yano-5150-2 playing E on the G string I can here a popping (only way to describe it) as if a gate or compressor limiter is reacting to the decay of the note. Has anyone else noticed this issue? I have found it on quite a few gain driven profiles ( user submitted and Kemper supplied). I would like to know if my unit is defective or if the Kemper team knows of this issue and working to resolve it.


  • If it is the "E" on the "G" string, but not the same note on the "B" or "E" string, it sounds like either you have a fret issue up there, or, if you are using a strat, your neck pickup may be too close to the strings (the higher you play on the neck, the closer it gets).

    This may have been too subtle to notice with your previous rig, especially if it did not have the high gain capability of the Kemper.

    What are you running the Kemper into? Which output are you using on the Kemper, and what is the Kempers output level?