Compressed bass frequencies?

  • edit:
    did you reamp these two exsamples?


    sounds like it could use more refinement to me.

    the difference I hear in this exsample is in the 50Hz-120Hz region and can be addressed with a little eq:

    • 79Hz
    • 3,5Q
    • +3dB

    the refining feature is quite powerful and can be used repeatedly, not just once.
    If you choose to re-refine, all the information you already put in isn't lost - it is being accumulated. This allows you to really zero in on the details.

  • We assume of course that the signal chain was identical, no mic movements?

    New talent management advice to Laura Cox -

    “Laura want to break the internet? let’s shoot another video of you covering the Nightrain solo in the blue singlet, but this time we’ll crank up the air conditioning”.

  • No reamping. Same mic position, amp settings, etc.

    I refined for about a minute, but like most of you, I have no idea what to play or how to play it to get a better refinement.

  • I tried refining longer. I noticed that if I play harder on the bass during refinement, the profile responds harder as well. If I profile softer, the profile ends up with a softer attack too.

    Still haven't been able to get the low end quite right. Still a little compressed to my ears.

    Do anyone else's profiles do this, or is it just me?