• Recording a dry guitar track before and after then re-amping would be a way to compare. If there is no measurable and audible difference, its snake oil....kinda like oxygen free cables.


    The only thing even close would be to take several pairs of guitars for which someone couldn't tell the difference between in a blind comparison. Then divide the guitars into 3 groups: 1 group in which both guitars were treated, 1 group in which 1 of the pair was treated, and 1 group in which neither was treated. Then present the guitars again in a blind comparison and note any differences from the first test and whether or not the subject was able to pick out (and prefer) the treated guitars. Otherwise, a subjects belief in something having an effect in conjunction with the lack of persistence of memory would cloud their ability to be impartial. I wouldn't personally waste any time with such experiments, but we all enjoy the guitar in different ways...

  • A few years ago a friend of mine who worked in a music store made a blind audition with several strats and several guitar tone freaks. The task
    was to say which strat sounds the best. There were strats from 70 € to 3000 €. The result was that nearly the half of the experts say that
    the cheapo sounds the best. Within a second test were everybody could play the guitar with blind eyes everybody has identified the cheap ones and disliked them because of feel and attack.

  • To agree, definitively, with the OP's statement "I Am Crazy", I say: YES, you are.

    But by the second definition, not the first.

    While you are not "insane", you are "Possessed by enthusiasm or excitement:" as in "The crowd then heard his solo and went crazy"