Can Kemper at least confirm or deny an editor is in the works?

  • ?

    I can't tell you in which thread exactly you can read about it, but I am sure that it's official that they are not planning on an editor - the only thing that is considered to be done is a profile manager. I for one am not missing an editor because it's so simple to tweak the parameters.

  • I can't tell you in which thread exactly you can read about it, but I am sure that it's official that they are not planning on an editor - the only thing that is considered to be done is a profile manager. I for one am not missing an editor because it's so simple to tweak the parameters.

    crap that sux...I wonder if they have considered letting someone outsource an editor?....This box just SCREAMS for an editor on my 26" monitor...with icon thumbnails of all 300 or so presets I currently have, instantly clickable and every single FX parameter laid out visually ala the excellent Line 6 POD editor......

  • I think Christoph confirmed last year that they are already working on a librarian feature.
    A full editor is not important for me but it would be good for some users and they have a great editor integration with their Access Virus synth so I would guess that might come in the future. Creating a full featured flawless editor is much harder and time consuming than a librarian option though. Just look at how big problems other companies have with their editors.

  • Any form of direct connection between computer and kemper would be good. Honestly, you don't need a dedicated librarian software if you can just treat the Kemper as an external disk (though you might want to modify the info panel for the files to show their metadata). But it would be very nice to have an editor, a-la Pod HD edit or Axe Edit.

  • So if it,s still missing the editor and the librarian, and we have a built in power amp in the new version, it seems that the Kemper team it,s focused on live using......, but in this case I don,t understeand why is still lack the Performance mode, the foot controller is missing, and in the last case why it,s not fully programmable, assignable, configurable on pedal/effects and other functions C.C. assigning, and why do not have full two way midi communication????......
    Maybe because even this perfect sounding instrument can not be perfect???? :):(:wacko:

  • yea, an editor also functions as a great cool would it be to have every single one of your profiles as small thumbnail icons...maybe even assign a pic to designate what they are ...then BAM,BAM,BAM...jump from this to that to that to that....all with within the grand master thumbnail icon view....SOOOOOO much incredibly faster than scrolling or even scrolling thru favorites....1000% better and more logical ...clicking on any given profile not only takes you to that sound, but could also open up a visual representation of every single parameter and that includes ALL settings for cabinet choice and tweaks, in/out levels etc, and every single FX parameter in the box for instant tweaking. YES!

    Edited 3 times, last by guitz (January 31, 2013 at 12:46 PM).

  • The problem with an editor for a product like this is every change to the unit is a change to the editor. Much more effort to try and build an editor for a product who's feature-set is constantly changing.

    Depends how the interface is constructed, hard coded or via resource files, the latter would mean it would automatically keep up to date as you updated via the shared reference, the former would be a big issue though.

  • So we can count on a Librarian/rig manager first, but no one knows if an editor is in the works, right?

    They said it's planned, but gave no timeframe, so I wouldn't count on anything with regards this. Unfortunately even for third parties I doubt that they'll release 2-way midi communication info until some time after they've released their own footpedal in order to give them a healthy sales headstart, even though I'm unlikely to get he footpedal this is actually the reason I'm itching for them to get on and release it already.