Hm, don't like the sound from FW 1.6 (Edit Fixed now)

  • Don't be so pessimistic. This is a public beta. You have to understand that betas are released just for testing purposes.

  • I can say with absolute certainty that the profiling process does not create a perfect copy of an amp at firmware 1.52 and previously (not tested 1.6 yet). Its certainly very, very close, but with that said how many of the users are profiling their own gear versus downloading other's profiles? A great many including myself rave over The Amp Factory stuff, but look at those profiles, they are highly tweaked. I believe they are going though a Neve preamp as well. That's not what I'd call an exact copy of the amp. The Black Goop sessions got some major praise and what's been profiled is completely secret. The Morgan AC20 which got some big praise as well had some pretty big tweaks out of the box as well. I realize its the nature of the product, but in a great many cases the player of a profile has zero idea what the original amp sounded like. Shoot in a great many cases, we may not have ever even seen the amp at hand expect in perhaps a YouTube video. Unless you created the profile, I would suggest viewing these all as a starting point not an untouchable picture of perfection. Perhaps the tonal shift will result in an even more accurate profiling process, has anyone tested it yet?

    profiling process and signal chain has nothing to do with this thread? People had profiles/rigs they were familiar with and now something has diminished in them enough for people to discuss it, quite evident in the clips The pride of the kpa is the amp sound, so we would love to maintain that standard :thumbup:

  • Where is the sense of community the internet is supposed to have made possible? There's a public beta FW: Anyone who is interested in testing it, is invited to do so and post his findings. That's what we've done. Now, the people behind the product will do their work to improve the beta FW until they come up with the real thing. If the official 1.6 FW still shows a change in sound, it can be understood that there might be some "disappointed" users. As of now, however, it's a bit early to really complain.
    I'd rather have the chance to try out some of the new features of a beta FW than to have to wait for the official versions to be published. If users don't like it, I'd recommend they don't upgrade to beta versions.

  • As for 1.5.2 - this was the version I used before I updated to 1.6

    I just tested 1.5.4 and this sounds fine too - so I'll stay on 1.5.4 which has some bugs fixed.

    I would never use a public beta for an important gig or recording - public betas are for testing only.

    (All trademarks are trademarks of their respective owners, which are in no way associated or affiliated with

    Great Profiles -->

  • Its becoming painfully obvious that my personality doesn't quite fit in with this forum. I'm very sorry for disrupting your party fellas. No hard feelings. I'll keep my posting to a minimum.

    Will - don't stress about the rough and tumble. Just a wild shot here but are you from outside Europe? If so do take into account that we're quite a forthright bunch who like to lock our best buddies in wardrobes for weeks. Keep posting and argue things out - that's what forums are for. And to admit criminal misdemeanors regarding kidnapped mates. Bear in mind that if you met any of the folks on here somewhere we'd probably all gravitate towards eachother as self confessed gear heads. Unless that person was donbarzini of course... and there was a wardrobe lying around.

    By the way - I'm sure the Devs or CK will chime in soon - this thread has moved so fast... I went out for some milk, got back and now I should be chucking my KPA out apparently. :whistling:

    Suhr Classic Pro, Fender deluxe Strat & Baja Tele, Gibson ES335, Ibanez S Prestige 2170FW, Eastman AR371CE, Variax JTV > KPA > Patch bay inc. Strymons (Mobius, Timeline, Blue Sky), H9 Max, TC Triple Delay, & POD HD500 > Adam A7Xs

  • Will, I'm not saying don't post here, but don't try to stifle others from posting here either.

    The "it's your own damn fault" line of thinking is another way of saying don't upset the powers that be, don't rock the boat, it also kinda puts little faith in the Kemper team's abilities if we're all going 'Don't mention it as otherwise they might "fix" it, and then where would we be?'. I really hope we're not at that level of maturity/congealment for this product and it's userbase yet, especially given that as you point out no it isn't perfect yet.

    What makes this community great (at it's best) to me is the fact that it's not totally sycophantic, but in highly critical and deliberate in it's approach. I'm sorry that to me there's no room for putting the fear into people who are suggesting that something could be wrong, that's way too FA/TGP for my liking, but I think that there's plenty of room for the cut and thrust of debate though, for people to say "no you guys are totally wrong, clearly it's like this and here's why", or even "you must be hearing things, are you sure you've set it up right?". So I'm just saying lets keep it to that rather than trying to shush dissent. IMO the most productive response (as a community) to someone saying something is wrong is to say "prove it".

  • "Better" is a matter of taste.

    I don't care about a "better" sounding box - there is a competitor who has a box which gets better from firmware to firmware.

    Most Kemper owners care about authentic sounds - I spend month of my life to profile a lot of tube amps as close as possible - and would like this and future firmware versions to sound the consistent.

    Yesterday I was shocked - I even thought my ears have some problems - I cleaned them :D - but it did not help.

    Then I switched on my tube amps - and yes - my ears are fine - I played back some of my Kemper clips - all fine.

    Now I know it's only a bug in the latest beta - the Kemper and my ears are ok.

    (All trademarks are trademarks of their respective owners, which are in no way associated or affiliated with

    Great Profiles -->

  • I´ve noticed a strange thing. The new rigs sounded much better, clearer than before 1.6.
    Please try Duck lead love and Ducked S Mehl remove the effects and post if you hear differences in the pure amp sounds

    If they upped the sampling-rate (to get rid of aliasing) this is what's supposed to happen. Anybody running Native Instruments Guitar Rig can test that: Just switch the HQ-mode on and off. In HQ Guitar Rig has the double internal sampling rate, less aliasing and a more transparent sound with more treble (because the filter is in much higher frequency regions).

    So I would have expected the Kemper to sound *better* after the anti-aliasing.

    I haven't tested the new rigs you mentioned, but if your observations are correct, than new rigs would benefit and old rigs would suffer. To me that clearly sounds like a bug and also sounds like there is something else going on than just the anti-aliasing action.

  • If I were CK, I'd say you asked for it, live with it, and move on. You guys are pretending like a minor EQ change has shifted the complete ability of the unit to sound good. Like it went from filet minion to McDonald's. This is not my experience, and not what I'm hearing in those clips (though the first clip is rather pronounced versus the others). To be quite honest, I think a great many profiles out there are on too bright anyway (Armin's stuff largely being the exception). On almost every profile I use, the vast majority of the time I have to turn down the presence and crank up the speaker character to smooth out the high end to where I like it. I've even used the studio EQ to cut highs before I started narrowing down profiles to those I really like. Perhaps my monitoring scenario leans to the bright side and others lean darker. All I know is I got to play much more this weekend than I have in a long time and I played the hell out of 1.6 and loved every freaking minute of it.

    Will Nobody asked for an eq change '' I'd say you asked for it, live with it, and move on'' Saying this is well out of order. Ive noticed for a while ( not just on this thread) that almost Every post you make seems to have a self righteous vibe to it and you come across as talking down to people all the time. Please remember other peoples opinions are no less no more but just as valid as your own. We have a nice community here please don't ruin it