Midi numbering to rigs & saving layouts for multiple floorboard layouts

  • There needs to be an editor that could rearrange midi assignment numbers to rigs as at the moment it is to slow to rearange your rigs to suit a new layout for your midi floor board, me it's the behringer FCB1010. Also to be able to save the 128 midi number layout so that different layouts could be saved and restored so that you can change your pedal board layout by the click of a couple of buttons on the kemper. Then you can have different concert or gig layouts, recording layouts , song layouts etc.

  • Can you already make multiple Behringer configurations in the Behringer's graphic editor? That would the instant solution.

    Are you sure you want to have many different pedalboard configurations? Wouldn't that be confusing? Isn't it simpler to always know program 11 is your Spinal Tap sound, 65 is always a deluxe reverb, program 72 is always a master volume marshall, etc?

    If you were doing a live radio show, forgot you still had your recording layout loaded, and your expected gentle clean sound at the button for program Six turned out to be the Swedish Death Metal sound usually at program Nine, I think the other guys in the band might mind....

  • Since the FCB1010 doesn't display a patch name, the likelyhood of getting out of sync with the set list is high. I have my patch numbers stored in the Songlist with the song so it prints out. Near the end of each tune I'll look at the next song and bank up/down so one press has me ready at the next tune. If you deliver the same show over and over, perhaps your needs are different.


  • Finally, if you want to use an extra device. Ipad connection works fine and lets you access all 128 program positions with one tap. It supports wifi access using the right interface.

    Geht nicht, gibt´s nicht. "Doesn't work" is no option. :!: