What feature would you most like to see in the Kemper?

  • What feature would you most like to see in the Kemper? 52

    1. Intelligent harmonizer (15) 29%
    2. Polyphonic Pitch Shift/Bend (ex EHX POG, Digitech Whammy V) (13) 25%
    3. Ability to profile dirtboxes (5) 10%
    4. Looping Option (ex Boomerang, Digitech Jamman) (5) 10%
    5. SPDIF Slaving (5) 10%
    6. More delay options (ex Filter Delay, delay stomp box, pitch shifted delay, ducking delay, etc) (4) 8%
    7. More reverb options (ex plate, spring, etc) (3) 6%
    8. Ability to load impulse responses in place of the cabinets (2) 4%

    Well, since CK and crew haven't posted one, I will. Perhaps it will provide them with some insight. I tried to include the topics which seem to pop up over and over again. Choose wisely, you can only vote for 1. Polls close 12/31 2012 1/15/2013. Hope I set this up correctly!

    Edited 2 times, last by Will_Chen (January 2, 2013 at 6:28 PM).

  • My proposals for future improvements would be: 16

    1. Freely assignable Quick access knobs (5) 31%
    2. Master control for all display lights (2) 13%
    3. Calibration of the tuner (5) 31%
    4. Phase Align option in the Monitor and Main Outputs (6) 38%
    5. A third EFX jack for more realtime control whithout MIDI (1) 6%
    6. higher rubber feet, so that it can stand safely on top of a combo amp (above the handles) (2) 13%
    7. SPDIF volume (7) 44%

    None of the effects mentioned in the OP poll are really important to me. I am really happy that the Kemper focusses most of it's CPU power on capturing the pure sound of tube amps instead of putting all possible effects all into one box. This makes the KPA unique in the market. But as there is always room for improvements I have listed my whishlist for Santa in another poll here. (I have included Metalhead's SPDIF volume.)

    And in my wildest dreams I am hoping that some day digital amps will be able to "morph" one sound into the other instead of switching them just A to B. No matter how fast and "inaudible" the switching is, it would be cool to be able to assign a "morphing time" to the transitions.

    I have been away for quite a while. A few years ago I sold my KPA and since then played my own small tube amp with a Bad Cat Unleash. Now I am back because the DI-profile that I made from my amp sounds very much convincing to me.

    Edited 6 times, last by fretboardminer (December 19, 2012 at 10:06 AM).

  • None of the effects mentioned in the OP poll are really important to me. I am really happy that the Kemper focusses most of it's CPU power on capturing the pure sound of tube amps instead of putting all possible effects all into one box. This makes the KPA unique in the market. But as there is always room for improvements I have listed my whishlist for Santa in another poll here. (I have included Metalhead's SPDIF volume.)

    And in my wildest dreams I am hoping that some day digital amps will be able to "morph" one sound into the other instead of switching them just A to B. No matter how fast and "inaudible" the switching is, it would be cool to be able to assign a "morphing time" to the transitions.

    Few of those are hardware changes which aren't going to happen unless they release a new unit. And the Digitech GNX line actually offered morphing 2 amps into a unique new amp and the boss gt10/100, POD HD500, and AxeFX all offer dual amps at once which can be faded from one to the other by expression pedal.

  • Interesting pool Will .
    I voted for harmonizer , but indeed I can live without any of those effects .

    Maybe is better to use remaining power for getting even closer to the natural amp sounds , instead of chasing for effects .

    On the end , that is the main Kemper purpose and market advantage ,which makes it so superb comparing to other digital devices , threatening to blow off these artificial toys out from the sight . :whistling:

    1988 Branko Radulovic Hand Made Strat in Macedonia (SFRJ)

    2006 Steve Vai vwh moded with SS frets and Sustainac 2006 (Japan)

    2008 Fender YJM , moded (USA)

    2010 Tom Andersons Drop Top 2010 (made in California)

    2017 Charvel GG sig Caramelised Ash (USA)

    2022 Gibson ES 335 2011 Custom Shop Cherry of course ( Memphis)

    Edited once, last by Rescator (December 19, 2012 at 2:58 PM).

  • I really hope we stay away from things like impulse responses etc etc... I would prefer the KPA to stay well away from anything like that

    I actually think we don't need another thing, and if we do keep on adding this and that we'll end up with a bloody complicated thing
    like some other equipment out there... really there is nothing more we need...

    Leg em down and yackem smackem

  • Interesting pool Will .
    I voted for harmonizer , but indeed I can live without any of those effects .

    Maybe is better to use remaining power for getting even closer to the natural amp sounds , instead of chasing for effects .

    On the end , that is the main Kemper purpose and market advantage ,which makes it so superb comparing to other digital devices , threatening to blow off these artificial toys out from the sight . :whistling:

    Technically, we could all live without the Kemper...but what fun would that be? The idea that devoting more processor power would provide any benefit to raw amp tone is a false choice. At this point, I think fine tuning the profiling process is the only thing which would change that.

    I really hope we stay away from things like impulse responses etc etc... I would prefer the KPA to stay well away from anything like that

    I actually think we don't need another thing, and if we do keep on adding this and that we'll end up with a bloody complicated thing
    like some other equipment out there... really there is nothing more we need...

    Personally, I'm not interested in IRs either. I voted for Polyphonic Pitch Shift/Bend. All the things I listed would be implemented within the unit's existing architecture either though the effects options or system settings. If your goal is to simply load rigs ready for performance, they'll be out there and you won't have to touch a knob. However, let's also keep the unit flexible enough for those of us with more unique tonal demands. Many of use have been using multi-fx for a long, long time and don't have any issue navigated menus.

  • 1- get the best of the profile mode.(the most important and main functionnality of the kemper)
    2- msec in delay settings and why not more delays, it should not need more processing

    The reverb is amazing, reverb + delay is enough to make music

    3- preamp/head profiling (without cab), a lot of head have a DI output and it's more easy to capture them then using a microphone
    4- cab profiling, allow to send a sine wave or a white noise in order to capture cabs for combination with preamps/head profiles
    5- pitch

    then harmoniser etc...if there is enough space.

    I don't need the perform mode, all good footcontrollers have a song mode.
    Actually i'm using the headphone output of my computer into the loop return to jam over a backingtrack.(and i check the tabs)

    2,3,4 should not required probably more power than actually.

  • 3- preamp/head profiling (without cab), a lot of head have a DI output and it's more easy to capture them then using a microphone
    4- cab profiling, allow to send a sine wave or a white noise in order to capture cabs for combination with preamps/head profiles

    I like these two a lot! :thumbup:

  • Funny I don't see any of these:

    0. Ability to connect a keyboard via USB to WRITE information and not have to resort to HTML uploading through a thumbdrive.
    01. Logarithmic Scrolling through rigs on the Browse Button, not the current geometric (read: slow) scroll.
    02. More Sub-Views to categorize rigs (this should be EASY to program)
    03. External software to control rigs, naming, settings, etc, and see a snapshot of everything at once, or in a few pages.
    04. A cost effective amp. There is no reason an amplifier should cost more than 300 Euro.
    05. Stay on Quick menu when chosen instead of going back to the Rig page.
    06. DOUBLE Delay ability, so I can route one into the other.
    07. Side arm to hold my headphones when I'm not wearing them.
    08. Kemper's own MIDI rig
    09. More room for naming, and scrolling of names when longer than space allows to view them.
    10. Kemper T-Shirt, Coffee Mug, Guitar Picks, etc...

  • I was searching up and down the Setup menue and couldn't find the ashtray parameter.
    Where is it?!?

    But, yes, logarithmic scrolling or submenues might be a good step forward into a more handy way to manage large ammounts of rigs.

    I have been away for quite a while. A few years ago I sold my KPA and since then played my own small tube amp with a Bad Cat Unleash. Now I am back because the DI-profile that I made from my amp sounds very much convincing to me.